Recruitment Test Begins


Massive streams of air collided with Mako as he was ejected from his seat. It was hitting him so hard that it was making it hard for him to breathe and open his eyes.

Adrenaline was pumping all over his body making his heart race and his body tremble. He started to feel a rush of excitement as he experienced the sensation of freefall.

Mako didn't know what he was doing, he felt disoriented and confused about what he should be doing while falling. He was unsure about their body position and what to do with his arms and legs.

He still had his eyes closed as he could bring himself to see how high up he was. Suddenly, he felt a grab on his arm and for a brief moment, Mako felt at ease. He opened his eyes to see Bill holding on to him and both of them were falling down together.

"What are we doing? Shouldn't we use the glider?!" Mako shouted so that Bill could hear what he was saying.