Beast Encounter

"Am I reading this correctly?" Bill asked as he had an awe-stricken expression on his face. He couldn't believe that he just pulled one of the rarest drops that these loot crates could give on the first shot.

Mako was even more surprised than Bill, so much so that it rendered him speechless. With this, the possibilities were endless. They could set up a trap for a person who was too dangerous to deal with, they could always have a backup in case they got lost and wanted to meet up with one another, or they could call someone who may wrong them and settle the score.

Billing was still shaking like a little girl going to the amusement park for the very first time. He opened the container and saw a small holoscreen the size of his finger inside. The screen had no function other than to turn on and display a set of characters which was the pin code that they could enter into the tablet to set up the duel.