Leon's Nightmare (Part 1)

Paul looked at his wife and son, crying and desperately trying to get away from the assailants who were holding them hostage but it was no use. No matter how much they struggled, they couldn't do anything against decently strong ability users.

Elina was unable to break free from the man's grip which felt like iron chains. It was not that Elina wasn't strong. She had a level 5 water ability but with no water in the vicinity, she was completely powerless.

Young Leon had the same fate as his mother as he couldn't break free either. At this point, Leon only had a level 2 speed ability which his father had gifted him a few months back when he turned 14 years old.


Paul was very strict with Leon having an ability. Unlike many rich parents who allowed their children to have the highest legal ability as soon as they were of the minimum age which is 5 years old, Paul had taken a completely different approach.