Contents Of The Tablet

As soon as the tablet was powered on, Mako was presented with a main interface that featured multiple options to select from. Additionally, the same blinking red light located in the corner of the screen caught Mako's attention. This light was caused by a small button that displayed a bell symbol, indicating that this was a notifications tab.

Mako's first action was to access the notification tab on the tablet in order to remove the blinking red light that was causing him some distress due to his OCD tendencies. Additionally, he also wanted to check the total number of notifications that had accumulated over the past five days.

Upon clicking the bell icon, Mako was immediately bombarded with hundreds of notifications, each accompanied by a small beep. The sheer volume of notifications that appeared on the screen was overwhelming, but Mako knew they had to sift through them if they hoped to acquire precise information about the island's happenings.


