Picking Fights

Erin could already guess what Mako's answer would be, but still hearing those words come out of Mako's mouth made her heart sink even more. Her worst fears had come true. From the moment that they were separated, Erin continuously prayed that Andrew and the rest of the group remain safe.

All five of them had weaknesses of their own, but when they were together, they would cover for each other and be quite strong to take on, but since she and Iris had been separated from them, they lost their healer as well as their means of getting water as only she and Iris had the water ability.

"What are we going to do now?" Erin asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

Mako looked at her with a serious expression. "We need to continue with the original plan. We are going to travel to one of the central locations which would be ideal for a shelter and begin planning our next moves from there."