Insane Loot Crates

lodged between the gap of two boulders, Mako could see a purple reflection of a shiny loot crate. It was hidden so well that the rest of the group was shocked to see that Mako was able to notice it even as they were running so fast past it.

Of course, Mako would have never noticed the purple loot crate if he wasn't constantly using Analyze on everything as he ran past, but he couldn't reveal this secret to anyone yet and just acted like he got lucky.

Leon quickly moved the boulders apart using his Earth ability and the bare purple loot crate came into view. Wasting no time at all, Mako opened the crate so that he could see just how overpowered were these high-level loot crates and quickly get a move on as they were still on a time crunch.

He pressed the button on the top of the crate and pulled on the lever next to it to open the lid.