Final Battle (Part 5)

Mako quickly selected "YES" and felt a moment of weakness as the energy was sapped out of him and then a cool and refreshing feeling which was the instant recovery of his body to its peak state.

His fractured bones instantly healed, his internal bleeding stopped, and his broken bones were quickly put back together.

The cooling sensation was refreshing for Mako, but now he had to think fast as pulling this kind of feat would be utterly impossible for a cadet, and he would be subjected to interrogation and could be blamed for fraud and cheating if he removed himself from the boulder, in a completely healed state with no explanation.

Mako knew that this was a critical injury and that patrolling officer would rush to eliminate him any second, so he didn't have time to come up with an elaborate plan.

So instead, he just resorted to doing something which couldn't be explained and use that as a disguise for his miraculous healing.

As for what kind of unexplainable move he would do...