Commander Sable Throne

Sable finally pulled his arms back, feeling no resistance at all even though Mako was gripping his arm with his full strength, leaving Mako completely stunned that he could still feeling the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He took a step back, trying to regain his composure while keeping a cautious eye on the seasoned soldier.

Commander Anderson stepped forward, addressing Mako and Iris. "Cadets, this is ELITE power ranked Commander Sable...."

"Retired!" Commander Sable said interrupting Main Commander Anderson in order to correct him.

"Yes... Retired ELITE power ranked Commander Sable Thorne, an elite operative and one of our most skilled combat specialists. He will be overseeing your training as your combat instructor in the special task force." Main Commander Anderson stated with a defeated expression after witnessing Commander Sable's behaviour.