Training in Progress (Part 2)

Erin took Commander Sable's advice to heart and focused on improving herself from the ground up.

It was true that ever since she had accidentally resonated her water and wind abilities together to obtain her ice powers, she had become a bit too confident and reliant on them. She used her ice abilities any chance she got and completely disregarded her other two abilities.

Even though Ice was much stronger than Wind and Water, it required more energy to use too, and given that she had an average energy pool, this combination was just not sustainable as she was the first one to tire out and lose all her energy during the training match.

She focused on practicing several different close combat fighting techniques and upgrading her base attributes such as strength and speed. She also dedicated some time to mastering the art of ice manipulation, creating complex ice structures, and learning to maintain them for extended periods without exerting too much energy.