First Mission Begins (Part 2)

The team gathered around the aircraft. The sleek, state-of-the-art aircraft was equipped with advanced technology and designed for rapid deployment.

It had great defense mechanisms and even cloaking capabilities, but it was still a far less impressive transport than the humungous space centers and fleets that were equipped with mind bending technologies and defense mechanisms.

As they boarded the aircraft, they were greeted by Angela, the Alpha-ranked officer assigned to accompany them on their mission.

Her dark hair cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders with a distinctive blue tint threaded through the strands, almost as if the very essence of her aura had imbued her hair.

Mako knew this was now possible after encountering Lorelei who had red hair because of her ability. He was curious as to which abilities did an Alpha tier officer have, but of course, his Analyze skill failed on her as she was bounds ahead of them.