The Military Display: Getting Upgrades

The dual-wielded short swords beamed with wind aura as Alexi approached and held them in his hands. The power difference between these and his regular short swords was almost night and day.

It felt like Alexi was previously fighting with swords made of stone and had now finally gotten his hands on proper blades.

The vendor gave Alexi a detailed description of the short swords, and he gave them a couple of practice swings.

The short swords were called Sypher Wing Twin Blades and were forged from the crystals of a powerful advanced-tier beast. It greatly boosted the strength and agility of the user by almost 35%, and it was shockingly light despite its appearance.

The blades had no active skill which was disappointing but it made up for that with an insane passive skill. 

The passive skill was called "Active Wind" and it literally allowed the user to use the wind ability constantly while using these blades with no added requirement or drawback.