Chapter 2: Reincarnated but as who

When Jason opened his eyes he found himself in a white room that just seemed to never end, at first he thought that he was still dreaming but the memories of Jane, Reed and Jack and how he got hit by a truck came flooding in, along with the flood of memories a realization dawned upon him.

"Darn it I died" Jason said as he unconsciously placed his hand on his chest and felt nothing, after doing so the memories of his life flashed before his eyes Jason saw bad memories, good ones, memories he didn't want to see again and memories of Jack, Jane, Reed and his family, all this gave him a massive headache then he turned his face to the side and saw an old man in a long white robe sitting on a throne- like chair staring at him and smiling at him calmly.

"Who are you?" Jason asked the old man

"I'm just some god who likes you and wants to give you a second chance at life and a better one and I have a feeling you like it" the old man said

"A new life? A better one?" Jason said.

"Why do you want to do this? Jason asked

"Let's just say I have a special interest in you and I want to change your fate" the old man replied

"Something isn't right here" Jason said

"As I said before I have a special interest in you so why don't you go out there and find out yourself" the old man said and snapped his fingers and everything around Jason became dark except a gate and Jason's instinct made him walk through the gate


"He is okay… you can wake him up now"

Jason opened his eyes to find himself in a strange place, where he had never been before he was sitting in a small bed with white paintings on the wall

"Oh thank god Damian you are awake I thought…. I thought you were gone but I didn't give up hope that you would wake up "said a girl older than him by a year or two who ran to hug him.

The girl had emerald green eyes and long blue hair. The girl kept saying how relieved she was that Jason finally awoke, but Jason felt his throat drying up while his body went numb.

Jason was so confused but he didn't voice his confusion as he knew that he would have to play this smart as his mind assessed the current situation as usual, with calmness and logic.

The first thing to do was gather the facts of the situation, and the first fact he knew was his name and that his history was still the same.

He then recalled the previous events, trying to find something that might help him understand his current situation and why he woke up in a place he has never been before.

The last thing he remembered was the old man snapping his fingers and now he was here

He sat still in his place, frozen for a moment without knowing what to think. All the facts pointed straight towards one thing:

'I died and I have been reincarnated, but as who?' The question swirled in Jason's mind.

"Doctor Amanda can you check his health, please? I know I have asked you many things lately. However, I'm very grateful for saving my brother."

"Laura I understand you care for him but will you let me do my job?" the said doctor Amanda spoke

Suddenly, Jason's body froze as a ruthless flood of memories appeared in his mind. Memories that didn't belong to him became fixated into his mind.

The memories of a young boy who lived in a time where earth was overrun by some alien creatures called the 'Daikon' it all happened twenty years ago when the human race received a visit from the so-called race called Daikon they had the physique of humans except for the presence of scales on their skin and similar to dragons they had tails and wings.

With no real clue for what happened or why they had appeared they suddenly demanded that humans and over their resources and become servants to them. But of course the humans tried to fight back, but they soon realized that their weapons were no match for the Daikon. Guns wouldn't work on them, tanks could not do any damage, and well daikon had spaceships.

Everyone whether male or female were told to fight for their planet and his parents included, the war went on for years and he had no-one.

When earth was on the brink of defeat a group of selected people were chosen these people had special abilities, how it was discovered was a mystery but as long as it helped in winning the war no one really cared. Those people began sharing their knowledge on how they obtained such powers in hopes of turning the tides of the war, and it worked even after that the Daikon still came out strong and they had the upper hand, and an endless stalemate lead to the peace treaty signing years later.

After his parents death Damian was later adopted by two sisters Laura and Allisson who took care of him since then.

Jason knew that Damian already died, and his soul transmigrated by unknown powers caused Jason to be trapped in this body now. Unfortunately, Jason's new identity would be Damian and he knew that there could be nothing done to change the situation.