Chapter 7EVEN: the rescue pt. 1.

Chapter 7EVEN: the rescue pt. 1.

-New emergency quest issued

-Beginners package [tap to open]

[Save your sis

ter…tap for more info]

'What the hell?' Damian thought

Alisson's P.O.V

In an abandoned warehouse

'It hurts, it really hurts' Alisson thought as she laid down on the cold floor filled with her blood 'after my abduction I had been subjected to pain and torture … I was raped not just by my abductor but by other unknown men but that wasn't the end of it.

'They experimented on my body, I'm pretty sure that there was something like a thousand previous tests well I lost count, But would you believe that the scientists or whatever they called themselves didn't give me any anesthetics to begin with, it felt like I died over a million times over and over but the pain never ceased to stop and even when I passed out they still carried on the tests, I felt like dying but my wish didn't come through all I could wish for was Damian finding me before I finally died, but sadly it was only a wish, then at that moment different thoughts began to take form in my head thoughts like

"What if Damian to be abducted and he is dead that's why it's taking so long for him to come back?"

"What if Damian doesn't know that I was kidnapped, since I go out in rage often he might take it as a normal thing and not come find me?"

"What if I've been taken somewhere so far that he can't find me?"

Different what-ifs of uncertainty but one thing that I was certain of is that I was in pain.

In the hospital

"Laura I'm going for a walk I'll be back soon I promise"

"Damien I'm going out I wanna go get something"

Both of them said in unison.

"Uh Laura what do you mean, where are you going at this time."

"Damian, are you alright do you know what the time is? Plus you can't lie to me I know that you are going to do something rash, and It's almost 9:00 pm, if you are going anywhere I'm going with you, you hear me now that Alisson is gone I can't have you running off like she did okay?"

"Laura please I need fresh air to clear my thoughts and I want to get a drink, I'll be back in a few minutes"

"D-damian are you crying?"

"No I'm not-"

"If you aren't then why are tears falling down from your cheek."

"N-no its, I'm not crying" Damian said as he touched his face and noticed it was wet "oh it's like I got something in my eyes"

"Damian its okay, you can cry" Laura said as she hugged him and said "its okay, I'm going to get Alisson back don't worry I promise"

"I'm not worrying because I'm going to get her back myself"

"What?!!!" Laura said as drew away from him as she had a look on her face that said 'you are kidding me right.'

"But how are you going to do it you don't have an ability except a few fighting skills that are at your disposal, you can't use that to fight William and his gang or wait a second do you-"

"Yes I have an ability, I know what you are thinking when did I awaken? I found out when I woke up this morning…" Damian lied as he trailed off as he saw a disbelieving look on Laura's face "you don't believe that that I have an ability do you?"

"Damian this isn't the time for jokes we're still trying to figure out how to get Alisson back and you are claiming you have an ability, how funny" Laura said sarcastically but as she saw the look on damian's face she instantly believed him "How the hell can you have- wait show me the ability"

"Okay" Damian said casually

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Um, hello readers so I made a mistake while writing chapter 3 during Damian's transformation so let's put it like this, when he wanted to transform he thought of a white wolf that was why he morphed into a wolf, originally the transformation ability allows him to morph into any beast he thinks of. E.g.: bats, wolves basically any beast he has seen until the skill evolves]

"Transformation activate" Damian said. 'Maybe I could morph into the same white wolf I transformed into before' Damian thought


A few seconds later Damian began to grow hair on every part of his body as his hands began to form into claws and his legs bent at the side of his knee and he grew a snout and his face was hairy then his ears elongated...after the whole transformation he morphed into a white wolf.