CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: learning the secret and the truth (4) [BACKSTORY]

(???) P.O.V

"Ophis" William called me

"Yes Master William, you called" I answered

"Do your thing" William inquired

"Yes master William" I replied

She looked athletic with her slim but busty figure, her hair was purple with a touch of silver color giving her anything but a stern look (like seriously the way this author describes me is very fitting I like it) as I walked closer to Alisson and I touched her forehead and then a type of black smoke emitted from my hand and covered Alisson and before she (Alisson) knew it she was teleported to a chair with red and blue wires strapped to its sides then automatically some futuristic type cuffs held her to the chair and a helmet was placed on her head with the similar red and blue wires connecting to it and all the wires were connected to a single point, a button, wait a button? Then I double clicked on it and a 45inch television popped up…wait television? Nah that isn't it, it's more like a holograph because the other part was non-existent and looked like you could put your hand through it.

After I tapped on some buttons the machine came to life and a whirring noise came from within.

"I'm ready boss" I said

"Okay then do it" William answered


"Aarrghhhhh" Allison screamed as a surge of electricity was shot into her head from the helmet she was wearing.

"I watched as Alisson was slowly being tortured and I felt pain just by looking at her, Laura will probably hate me even more if she found out that I took part in all of this... oh Gosh I'm so ashamed of myself for all the pain I caused her, first it was Damian now Alisson"

"H-help m-me please" Alisson said to me but I was so ashamed to even look at her so I just turned my face to the side and frowned

"Ophis increase the speed of the machine by 40 percent!" young master William said with a twisted smile on his face and I had no choice but to listen to him and step-by-step I walked towards the machine and slowly cranked up the speed and sensitivity of the memory machine and another surge of electricity shot into Alisson's head and she yelled even more

"Aarrghhhhh" and like that her torture slowly continued

"This is your fault for being so beautiful and yet so strong at the same time, I felt possessed just by looking at you and it annoyed me that you always hung out with that mistake of a brother you had and yet you still claimed that you loved him and that he was better than me just because I had slaves, and because I bullied the weak but it seems like you don't understand the concept of this new world, we all powers so it is right for the strong to bully weak and also because of the reason that the only laws in work is the law of the strong: kill or be killed, bully or be bullied so you literally had to choose where to belong to and the weak ones chose to stay weak and you expect them no to bullied, it is in human rationalism because we believe that we are stronger and better than other races and even each other it is how it is and you cannot change it…" William said to Alisson.

"All this is your fault if you had just accepted to be mine, right now this won't be happening and because of that days humiliation my father now hates me for the shame which I have brought to the family, now I will make you pay for making my father hate me" William ranted.

"I-i seethe you…with…every fiber…of my being" alisson growled in pain as she said.

From what I've heard It seems like William has harbored a great hatred towards both Damian and Allison and after taking his anger out on Damian and now it was Alisson's turn I wonder what Laura is going to do to me, I probably won't make it out alive if she gets to me, I wonder how much stronger she has gotten since I saw her…

"Ops...Ophis…Ophis are you listening to me, what are you thinking about?" Williams's voice shut off my train of thought as he asked.

"S-sorry I was lost in thought for a second there" shit I almost slipped up, I don't wanna get caught by this annoyingly retarded brat.


"…Apollo" Ivana muttered as tears started to fill her eyes

"Daaadddd you can't go and leave me alone, momma and I and Laura still need you, we still want to watch TV with you and we still want to go on holidays with you, don't leave us dad…" Alisson wailed and started to say all the things that she wanted to do with her father, all the places she wanted to go with him and lots more.

I felt really sad listening to all this, even though i know that it's just an illusion or something like that it feels like it is happening to me and i am mad at myself for yelling at Laura.

Laura didn't seem to shed a single tear as she walked up the stairs to her room and slammed the door shut, when she was sure that she was safe in her room, she fell face flat into her bed as she yelled into her pillow and cried all heart out.

"'I'm so sorry Laura, sorry you had to go through all this" I said to Laura as the space around us warped again and I was in another scene.

I don't know why I said sorry but I felt like I needed to tell her that, I know it sounds weird but I felt like it was my fault even though I couldn't have done anything to help at this point but I have a feeling that I shouldn't let what happened to Laura and Alisson must not happen to someone else, so for this reason now that I have this power I will grow stronger so that I can help the people I care about, I am not going to be a hero who dies uselessly trying to save some stranger, no I will not, instead I will be a person who protects those I care about and the people close to me and if anyone tries to come between that I will kill such a person.