Learning the secret and the truth(5)Dark Memories

In An Underwater Laboratory Base Far Out The Coast Of North Dakota....*BANG*"Who the fuck is the animal that doesn't know how to knock" A muscular man said as a figure burst into his office door."Sir, sir we are getting signal of an unidentified mecha coming this way" Nicholas, a researcher at the laboratory, who was also in charge of dealing with reports of unidentified vehicles and an expert in his field rushed to tell his Boss ,Mr Rogers the breach, but his train of thought was cut off as the comm in his right ear sent a message that caused his eyes to widen.

"I don't like that look on your face, what is it this time" Mr Rogers asked. "Um- um, Sir the defense team reported that unit A has been breached and unit B is not going to hold much longer-" Have you found out who is behind it" Mr. Rogers inquired "Y-yes Sir it's the 'Olympus' team" Nicholas stuttered "Oh really..... It seems like we were leaked, I knew I should have killed those people and just taken the children but nevermind that" "What do we do Sir?" "Release batch 69" "B-but sir they are still not ready and letting them out now may cause severe damage to their body-"

Nicholas was stopped mid- sentence as Mr Rogers grabbed a hold of his neck and almost strangled him. "What did you say... Are you questioning me uh, who is the boss here you or I..do what I say or you die, you hear me!?" Mr. Rogers said as he released Nicholas and an oppressive aura surrounded him that caused Nicholas to shrink and back away. "Y-yes Sir" Nicholas said and went on his way in a hurry.

*In Another Part Of The Facility*

In a room some children between the ages of 5-7 were in Pods while others were in coloured tubes and at the center there was a bigger Pod with a child in it who had distinct red hair that flowed in the liquid he was immersed in.A few minutes later Nicholas walked in and began to pull the plugs behind all the Pods which caused the liquid in it to lessen and leak into a glass tank below the Pods. In the bigger Pod the child in it snapped his eyes open and looked around, from inside the pod he waved at Nicholas who was deep in thought about something as his mind was in disarray...."Should I let these children out to fight or just release them all and escape with them??..... no, no if Mr Rogers finds out he'll chase me to the ends of the earth, but if I don't these children will probably die... oh God, what do I do... "*TINK, TINK, TINK, TINK* A sound of glass tapping resounded in the room as it stopped Nicholas' train of thought as he turned to look at where the sound was coming from then it turned out to be the boy who waved at him but he didn't see it, so he ran over to the boy's pod and pressed a button by the side which opened the pod that let out steam as the boy in it looked at Nicholas and touched his forehead smiled and said "Nico what happened you look sad?" 

"It's nothing P27 I'm just tired and hungry, other than that I'm fine" Nicholas said as he forced a smile onto his face

"Oh ohk is something wrong, you came for us today ... Are we going out to play?" The boy whose name was P27 asked as he tilted his head to the side

"Yes we are, you guys are going to play a game called 'Protect The Castle', okay?" Nicholas said 'I shouldn't be making them do this it's wrong' Nicholas thought inwardly.

"Roger,... But aren't we gonna let everyone out?" With his head tilted to the left P27 questioned.

"Oh silly me" Nicholas replied as he slapped his forehead "I almost forgot about them. Thank you P27" Nicholas said as he rubbed P27's head, then went to open the other seven pods as all the children got out they all echoed Nicholas' name

"Nico!!, Are we going out to play today?" A girl asked while smiling.

" Yes we are P24, now listen up guys were gonna play a game called 'Protect The Castle'


"Yes Nico!" They all uttered in unison as their faces were beaming with smiles, which makes one wonder what type of game would children play that would make them so happy.

"Now chop, chop, all of you go get dressed" Nicholas said in an unyielding tone as if he didn't want them to go.

'These Seven are the main Man's prime tools so he won't let anything happen to them, it's not like he cares for them like a father would to a child but he just sees them as killing machines, I need to find a way to save them....' Nicholas thought. 

"Nico we're true...