I don't know where I was going when I left the ballroom ,I tried looking for the garden I went to a few places clearly almost. I asked a servant where the garden was located and he looked at me and was stunned he directed me to where the garden was he was stunned because he thinks I lived in this castle my whole life and I don't know the castle locations. I took my shoes off as soon as the servant left, I felt the grass beneath my feet I love nature so much.

I found a pond in the middle of the garden and I dipped my legs in the water, it was so cool,I sat on the grass and was thinking is any of this real, until I heard a deep voice behind me startling me from my thoughts"Isabel you shouldn't run off like that,people will think that you don't want this marriage "

I stared at his handsome face,he would indeed make a fine husband but No No No ,what was I thinking I didn't respond,he continued "I remember when we were younger we would play in the pond,laughing and tell each other stories do you remember,because I don't understand why you are staring at me like am a stranger" I said touching my legs in the water "am sorry a lot has happened, am too. young to get married, to young to have kids" .

He looked surprised "your 17 not too young and besides its a suitable age for most women in our kingdom to have children, what do you mean by kids? " he asked that question in an inquisitive manner . oh I forgot am not in the present I answered "They are babies , little me and you" he smiled and he raised his hand and touched my hair and ours meet we stared at each out for about three minutes he had beautiful black eyes. I shifted his at from my hair,took my shoes and bid him good night on the passage way I asked another servant to show me the way to my room and she did without looking surprised ,odd. I entered my room ,I took the gown ,tiara,corset off my body and looked for something comfortable in the hide wardrobe full of mostly ball dresses but I found the night gowns which are transparent, come on I can't sleep in this but its either this or those dresses.

I pick a light pink night gown and wore it, I got on my bed its large and fell asleep immediately. I don't know what the time was but I saw Michael entering my room and getting on the bed, on my bed!!!. Immediately I got up from the bed ,the rrespond in light the candle lights almost going out. I looked for something I could use as a weapon, I found a bread knife on a box of jewelries. And pointed it at him. He looked shocked he said " I mean you no harm " I told him"really you mean me no harm ,then what are you doing ON MY BED!" he responded "My father said its best we start making heirs, the earlier the better, he said he needs grandchildren" oh my gosh am blushing I said "But its not proper , can't your father wait till the wedding night , am not sure am ready yet" he didn't respond he only stared at my night gown I used my hands to block his view . I continued "And please do not enter my room without informing me on time , is that clear?". I noticed he wore a white tunic and black trousers as a night attire, " I understand, I won't force you when your not ready, but before I leave I want a kiss. I will not leave until I receive a kiss" he said ,you got to be kidding OK I will do it as long as he leaves my bed I nodded and came on the bed covering my body with the blanket placed on the bed and safely tucked in it and I faced him, I haven't kissed anyone in my life and hope my first kiss won't be bad . He touched my hair and said"Thank you for allowing me to do this its been a while" what! he has kissed before well of course his have his gorgeous and hot. His eyes met mine and he kissed me it took me two seconds to kiss him back, I felt a wonderful sensation, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

We kept on kissing until he removed the blanket and his hand touched my lap , we continued kissing ,tongue in tongue,He was now on top of me .His hand coming closer to my underwear beneath my nightgown,he kissed my neck ,it was wonderful and his hand was almost getting close to my vagina and I breathed in and told him "Stop its enough,I told you I was not ready . You can leave , NOW. He looked stunned, angry and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the bed . He headed towards the door,and when he reached the door and told me " good night " and he shut the door behind him.