Chapter four

The Lady

  I stayed in my room for four days and demanded for a new chambermaid. I called Helen before she was dismissed as my chamber maid and told her that I was really disappointed . And I informed the guards I didn't want the prince near my room for the time being and they nodded and resumed their position. I went to the library and borrowed a book to read. I brought it back to my room and then removed my shoes and laid on the bed, until the  new chambermaid I picked came. She was 2 years older. She informed me that I was invited to dine with the king and the prince, gorgeous isn't it. I was trying as much as possible to avoid the prince but no can't do. My maid's name is Anais but she said I could call her Ana. She came back in the evening and helped mW get ready and dressed. I am wearing a golden dress, its long and had little sparkling diamonds around the chest . its an off shoulder gown which mostly showed some part of my bosom. My hair was styled with flowers, roses to be precise. Oh before I forget am also wearing a corset. Omg it was so tight, I wonder how women manage those days. She powdered my face or should I say painted it, and applied a red lipstick on my lips. I was later led to the ball room by the guards. The prince was already seated beside his father. Handsome as always his wearing a golden tunic with golden trousers. You got to be kidding me who else noticed we are wearing the same colour of clothes?, guess what I did. I bowed to the king, who always wore his crown and his wearing a green tunic coupled with a pair of black trousers. He looked good for his age. Then I bowed to Michael or should I say Mike. They nodded, The king smiled while the prince grinned. I sat beside his father. So I waited for the meals to arrive. Then king cleared his throat in order to get my attention and asked"How are you my dear, I heard you were unwell for quite sometime, I hope your fine besides I need healthy heirs, isn't that right son"he chuckled . it seemed like he only cared about having grand kids not that I blame him. 

  He patted his son in the back and laughed . me resuming when just occurred I choked while I sipping my water from the tumbler. I just smiled while Mike just stared at me. The meals arrived and was served. We ate our food. Its delicious, Chicken and mashed potatoes with red wine. Yeah it was the right combination. Still eating then a presence was announced "duke of westviile and his daughter ,  lady Victoria." The servant announced, the duke looked like he was the same age like the king. While Mike, stared at Victoria like she was a ghost, and am astonished yeah , she's pretty nope not that word she's beautiful. The king cleared his throat to snap the son out of the trance unknowingly I was also snapped out of it. The prince focused on his food and so did I , I really enjoyed this delicacy. They bowed and the king acknowledged them. They sat at the other side of the table. I greeted the duke and his daughter. Their own meals were served and we all ate silently, while the duke and the king engaged in a discussion that looked rather private. While the Duke's daughter tried to have a conversation with me " hi my name is Victoria and what is your name ,your highness" I smiled while sipping the last wine and my meal almost done but am full "Isabel" I replied.

   And she stared at Mike "What a lovely fiancé you have can I ask what his name is?". Michael was still pretending that he didn't hear what we were saying and completely staring at his meal. I  waited some minutes so I could observe him and taken time to admire Victoria. She's a beauty she has a slim figure and black hair ,she's partially tanned but she glowed. Well still no word from the prince. I pinch his cheek and he snapped" what did you do that for?" The duke and the king stopped talking and stared at the prince and I. While Michael glared at me, I smiled"oh please you were not here, obviously speaking anyway" and I stood up and went to the other side of the table, where Victoria sat and I leaned closer to her ear and whispered "please Victoria don't try to fool me again, I know you knew him before now and am aware of the past relationship" Victoria looked surprised and I addressed everyone "good night, dinner was wonderful".

I bowed to the king and the duke and he smiled and nodded and he turned and frowned at his son for his outburst. I immediately left the ball room and headed back to my room. When I got back ,I quickly removed the gown,the corset and the flowers on my hair and put on my night gown. I laid on the bed and about to sleep until I headed a knock on the door,you have got to be kidding me. Am not answering it, I heard some people arguing  but I didn't answer the door until whoever was there was gone. Good grief . Thank goodness I didn't answer it had no strength to answer anyone. I slept off , I dreamt of my parents ,seeing them off before the accident. I immediately woke up,screaming and my whole body shaking and very hot and sweating. Ana stood beside my bed with my breakfast tray looking worried she went to the table and dropped my meal , and she sat on the bed and touch my head. She shook her head" my lady you have a fever ". Isn't that great , am sick in a dream that's not even real . she rushed  to the door saying " let me get the royal physician " I replied "No please don't worry , it will pass and keep it between us " . yeah am testing her let's see if she could actually keep a secret and  let's see if she could actually be trusted.