First Blood (pt.3)

As Everblood and the werewolf had a good ol' fashion stare down, Everblood was inwardly panicking.

'That bitch, she probably cut me knowing we were in wolf territory and this one was probably close enough to smell it' thought Everblood in regret.

'However, my life is still on the line, how do I get out of here with her without her dying?' thought Everblood, in mild contemplation.

'The only wolf here is a beta, so I could beat it but if it manages to signal its pack the girl might get bit as I try to kill them' planned Everblood.

'Ok then, I need to lure it away in case there are more nearby, but kill it quickly enough to make luring it away a mere precaution' thought Everblood while getting ready to fight.

"Hey, you mangy mutt, over here" Everblood taunted in contempt.

Everblood then tensed the muscles in his legs and made a dash strong enough to crack the ground beneath his feet and fast enough to completely disappear from the human eye. That paired with his ability to go invisible, it looked like he teleported to the werewolf as Everblood appeared less than a meter from it.

As Everblood was close enough, he clenched his fist and punched out like a rocket.


When the fist connected, the werewolf was sent flying through the broken walls of the house like a broken kite, however, it managed to land on its feet.


The wolf then growled in agitation and bloodlust as he started to run toward Everblood. Everblood who had already left the house started to face the wolf and try to lead him away at the same time.

The wolf, after chasing Everblood, pounced on him with a silver, twinkling light showing from its paws.


Both of the paws were met with a block from Everbloods arm. The wolf looked even more angered at having its attack blocked even though Everbloods arm was broken.

"Damn it, that hurt!!" howled Everblood in a tone so husky it made one wonder who the actual werewolf was.

Everbloods arm then started to heal at a speed visible to the human eye!! With his arm being healed, Everblood took his long, sharp nails and dragged them across his own skin, drawing crimson.

The blood that was expected to fall from the grizzly wound to the floor started to float and gather into a glowing, red ball. The werewolf seeing his enemy was preparing an attack decided to strike before Everblood could finish.

Yes, you heard it here folks, this werewolf decided not to let his enemy charge up an attack, that's a red flag from the anime community.

As the wolf was charging at Everblood with a speed no less than the vampires he finally finished preparing his attack.


Everblood then launched his attack as a thin red beam of energy left the ball, targeting the wolf's forehead.

The wolf seeing the attack shifted his body so it missed his head but hit him in the middle of the stomach. Although the beam hurt the wolf and was very powerful, the wolf used the last of his power to stop the momentum of the attack.

So the wolf, even though at the gates of doggy heaven, was still aiming at Everblood with his mouth wide open.


Everblood clocking what the werewolf wanted to do tried to get out of the way but the wolf was too close.


The wolf was successful in his last ditch attempt at Everbloods life. It managed to twist its head so that Everbloods ripped abdomen was bitten by his sharp canines. Then he bit down…HARD. Even before Everblood could react the werewolf breathed its last and landed with a thud on the ground, dead.

"ARRRGHHH" Everblood screamed in pain and delieria.

Werewolfs are the natural enemies of vampires. The fangs of a werewolf secrete venom that's deadly to the vampire species. It induces pain 10x the initial wound from the bite and it makes it difficult for said vampire to form any sane thoughts. So now, Everblood will slowly descend into madness, able to think about nothing but blood and his thirst for it. Finally, within 24 hours, he will breathe his last in excruciating agony!

As Everblood was running through the woods at his top speed in search of blood like a drug fiend, he happened to come to the edge of the forest and spot a squad car. The officers in the car weren't paying attention because they were engaged in a cheek cla—*cough* other activities. Everblood able to smell them because they were humans, approached them. He got to the car then he grabbed the male officer by smashing his arm through the glass and gripping him, digging his long nails into his neck. He then sank his teeth into the guy, sucking him dry in a diffe—*cough* sucking all of his blood.

The female officer then called for backup.

"Help, we are being attacked near the old sierra forest, requesting backup and an ambo" she ordered.

Then she pulled out her gun and shot at everblood. Everblood being almost as fast as the speed of sound, wasn't fast enough to completely dodge those shots because of his messed up mind. However, he was fast and sane enough to dodge to where the bullets hit him in non-vital spots and since he was drinking blood he had more energy to heal a little bit faster than a normal vampire would. By the time the male officer was dead Everblood was already healed completely.

He then moved onto the female officer who had emptied her clip. After he killed them both he left in search of more food for his final meal.

20 minutes later…


Two cops pulled up to the scene, responding to the 'call for help'.

They canvased the scene and put up the famous yellow tape.

Afterwards, they called two detectives who were assigned to the case.

"So who do you think killed them, Misty?" one detective inquired of their partner.

"Jack, do you remember those dead bodies from earlier today?" asked Misty back.

"The ones who had been drained of blood as C.O.D, right?" Jack said as he asked for confirmation.

"You think we are dealing with a serial killer?" Jack asked again.

"I do" responded Misty with a dead serious gaze.

"I'm going to tell the captain, hold on," said Misty again.

She then called her lutennient, Perry Rathaway, and informed him of the situation.

"Alright, cap, i'll tell him" responded Misty to her marching orders as she told jack.

"The lutennient is going to come out here himself and check out the situation, we are to leave the scene unbothered and wait until he arrives" relayed Misty.

"Also, when he gets here, cap is going to check out that old house in the middle of the forest, we are to leave that area with yellow tape but no to distured it in anyway" added Misty.

"Alright, you heard the lady, pack it up fellas" shouted Jack.

Meanwhile 2½ hours to midnight…

"Yo, dude, I stole my dad's police scanner and just heard something interesting is going on in the woods 6 miles from your house" said Arthur excitedly as he talked into his headphones on a game.

"Like a crime or something?" inquired Marcellus curiously.

"I don't know but will you check it out with me?" asked Arthur.

"I got school tomorrow, it's almost midnight, and it could be something dangerous!! I don't want to go" stated Marcellus firmly.

"If you go with me I'll give you my lamborghini" entices Arthur with a smile knowing his friend has been wanting one for years now.

!!!! "..."

Meanwhile, Marcellus was deep in contemplation. After thinking about it and weighing the pros and cons he decided.

*SIGH* "I'll go if you beat me in this game and pay for the customization of the car," said Marcellus after a deep sigh.

"Hehehe, Deal, i'm rich anyway" said Arthur who was all smiles.

"..." A vein popped out on Marcellus' face when he heard that.

Not all of us have a mother who owns a billion dollar fashion company, okay?!!!!

"Let's just play this damn game," said Marcellus in a sour mood.

"Hahaha, suckers bet, you suck at this game" replied Arthur as he laughed at Marcellus' reaction to his own antics.