Masters of Breath!

When Marcellus got back to base he texted Arthur and asked if Dante was awake. Getting the go ahead, he opened the door as quietly as he could and walked in. 

Seeing as it was night time, there was nobody in the living room and everyone was probably doing their own things, he just decided to go to sleep. 

'Oh, how naive I was back then to wish for more days like it,' thought Marcellus with a sigh as he recalled the first time he slept after his transition. 

'I wonder what my last three abilities would be' he quietly thought before passing out. 


It was now the next day and everyone had convened in the living room. 

"So, I need you to write down the information you agreed to provide" said Dante as he suppressed a yawn. 

"All right, but if you are going to go there, I will be going with you," said Marcellus as he wrote down the info he got from that random middle-aged lady. It was quite easy thanks to his perfect memory.