Round 1: (David Vs Goliath)!!!

After the fight started Zachary wasted no time in waiting as he thought, 'I need to get closer, he's got a longer reach'.

Knowing that he would be at a significant disadvantage if he stayed farther away, he decided to get closer.

As Zachary ran forward he swayed his upper body left to right, giving his opponent the illusion that he didn't have a spine!

However, Goliath also knew the advantage he had at the moment and only a fool would give it up!

So as soon as the closing in Zachary got into the right range, he threw out a left roundhouse kick to the place Zachary's head was about to be!


Zachary was low to the ground, meaning that he had little to no time to dodge the incoming kick! However, his style resembles that of a snake, and snakes are slippery creatures!

He saw the incoming kick and pushed out both of his arms. Holding his four fingers like a blade and thumb as the lower jaws of a snake, he used them both to bite down on the leg!