Round 1: (The Dragon vs. The knight)!!!

After being called out to the stage, Arthur put on his mask, did a light stretch then walked out! Basking in the spotlight and walking to the ring, Arthur pulled out a button!

The raving cheers of the crowd were suddenly silenced as Arthur smirked and pressed that button!


The howling roar of a dragon suddenly reverberated throughout the building, shaking the very ground, causing dust to fall from the ceiling!

Arthur got on stage and roared, "I AM HIM"!!!! Before settling down and waiting for his opponent's entrance.

'Good thing that the commentator, Jack, helped me out with this!' thought Arthur as he giggled to himself!

*DRAGON* *DRAGON* *DRAGON* !!!!!!!!!!!!!



The audience, well the audience all felt their bodies rushing with adrenaline and faces heating up after seeing Arthurs entrance!