Round 1: Finale!!!!

Marcellus blasted off from his position as soon as the match started! He grinned and punched out at Yawn's face!


Yawn barely dodged it as he swung his body to the left of the punch! As he was turning, he threw out a kick towards Marcellus' balls!


Marcellus, still with the same grin on his face, caught the kick and exclaimed, "That's not very nice, now is it?" still holding the extended leg!

Yawn tried to pull back his foot but found that it wouldn't move! He smiled nervously and replied, "Teehee, my bad?"

*Whoosh* *Bang*!!!!

Marcellus then pulled the leg closer to him and kicked Yawn's other leg! As Yawn was falling down, Marcellus punched him in the chest, not giving him a second to think!


Marcellus went for an axe kick but Yawn put his arms in an X to block it! Yawn then flipped up and jumped back by three steps!

Yawn now had his head down so you couldn't see his face however, he suddenly started laughing wildly!