Final Fight: (Battle God Vs. Shadow) pt.2!!!!

Marcellus, being faster arrived first as he jumped and shot a flying spinning back kick towards Alicia's face!

*Whoosh*!! *Bam*!!

It clocked Alicia straight in the temple as she blacked out for a second! THe attack was so strong that she was sent flying!!


Marcellus didn't give Alicia time to react as he charged at her still flying figure and punched out at her jaw!!


Alicia managed to regain consciousness just in time as she saw Marcellus' fist a mere foot away from her face!!

Seeing the incoming attack, Alicia hastily crossed all four of her arms in front of her as a guard and manged to block the attack!!


She was still flying away after receiving the second impact, leaving the same scene to repeat itself!!


Marcellus then caught up and threw another punch, but this time, Alicia was ready!!

She then forcefully stopped her momentum, which broke her leg, and used {Vanish Step} and shifted herself behind the unprepared Marcellus!!