Prove His Worth!!! (pt.1)

Marcellus felt angry, disgusted, and afraid. For a warrior, admitting to being afraid of something is a great shame. However, lying to oneself is an even bigger one.

Marcellus just sat there, thinking in silence, hoping with all of his might to be able to protect his friends and family.

Dante interrupted him by saying, "Alright, now that we got the f*cked up stuff out of the way, time for need to know things" while standing up to stretch.

Dante then explained to him that he would be either in his room or training. Marcellus was just a low ranking recruit, he needed to get stronger to be of use.

Dante showed him the places in which he could find daily necessities, the gym, the weapons room and the sparring arenas.

Dante told Marcellus about how everyone went to the uniform counter in the morning to get theres. Then, they would wear it and exchange it for another one the next day.