Going to Limbo?!??!!!

After that, they all got a bit more comfortable around the two elders! They shared some stories about their time with Alicia and all had a good time!

Except Alicia herself!! She was red with embarrassment as they all talked about her like she wasn't in the room!

She honestly felt a little betrayed! I mean, everyone knows that there are just some things that you don't tell to a friend's parents!

However, Orpheus then looked at Marcellus and Aether and said, "So where do you wish to go?"

Aether and Marcellus looked puzzled and asked back, "What do you mean, Elder?"

"Well, Marcellus, you have no choice but to come to the vampire world for 10 years," Orpheus said. 

Marcellus was shocked! So shocked, in fact, that he yelled out, "WHY?"

Orpheus knew that this was a long time to a newly turned vampire, that was why he decided to let slip his lack of respect. 
