look at the description!!!!!!

False story!!! Don't read!!!!

away. They're getting nasty. You'll have to sign this so I can sort it out." And she brings out a document from a brown envelope.

Nurse Agnes looks over. "So you kept your maiden name, then, dear?" she says. "Yes," says Moira. "I had to. For my career."

* * *

I go home tomorrow. I'll need care. I can walk, but I still can't talk. Agnes is overjoyed. I'm anxious. It will mean rebuilding my life with Moira. My wife.

* * *

Moira isn't there to collect me. She must have got held up. I'm standing outside the hospital, with my stick and my bag of Turkish Delight. There's cash in my wallet, my address is written down, so I take a taxi.

When I get home, I don't have my keys. Moira took them to move the car, but it isn't in the drive. I ring the bell. A man answers. He's wearing overalls and holding a paintbrush.

"Moira?" I say.