Chapter 25: Prince Jai

“What happened, did you see her, did you give it to her, what did she say?” I pounced as soon as eunuch Van entered the palace. “And what took you so long?”

“Yes I saw her, yes I gave it to her, and she said nothing. I didn’t dare stick around after giving her the note less someone saw us. It wouldn’t take much guesswork to figure out that I was there on your behalf and we wouldn’t want that now would we?”

He mumbled something unintelligible under his breath which I ignored as I went back to pacing. “Fine, I’ll make my way there now if she comes she comes if not…”

“No she’d better come or I’ll go after her myself.”

“You…cannot…do that…Your Highness. Please come to your senses. You’re acting like a man possessed.”

I was already halfway out the door with him on my heels. I ran part of the way, only stopping when the palace came into view. I stopped to catch my breath and say a quick prayer that she had actually shown up.