Chapter 33: Narrator

“So that’s why he called Morgana back to the palace, why he reinstated his old position and gave him back his title. It was to make way for his daughter to enter the selection.” The livid Empress slammed her fist down on the arm of her throne in angry frustration.

“What are we going to do? They’ve already chosen the Morgana girl…”

“Do you think I will let a little thing like that stop me?” She turned furious eyes on her son.

“No! I’ve already made preparations. Ever since the Emperor decided to interfere I’ve taken the necessary steps just in case something like this should happen. We’ve come too far to give up now.”

The older woman got a faraway look on her face as she got lost in thought. It wasn’t long before a most sinister smile appeared. A smile that her son knew only too well. He’d seen it many times in the past, when they were in the middle of some plot.