Chapter 48: Narrator

In those three years, Bryony, the name given to Crown Princess Mia by the old seer had grown into even more of a beauty than at the first.

Her time away from the world had seen her blossom without the cares and worries that plagued those in the palace.

Her brother, as she had come to know Des was constantly at her side teaching her all he knew about the art of battle, the same as he’d always done in her other life.

In all these years she had yet to regain her memory, but the seer knew that the day was fast approaching. Though she had no reasons why the child’s memories had evaded her this long, she knew that the prophecy would be fulfilled.

That night after Bryony had gone to bed, the seer took Des aside and told him what she’d seen in the night. She’d kept her ears to the ground ever since word had reached her that the young Emperor had left the palace to travel the land.