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Chapter 20: Jason

Outside the night air washed over me, and I was able to breathe easy again. Inside the building, her scent had wreaked havoc on my senses, and though it wasn’t much better now with me holding her this close, at least the cool air was giving me a break.

The SUV slid to a stop in front of me just as I made it to the sidewalk. Creed got out and opened the backdoor, and I slid in, still holding her safely in my arms. I was trying hard not to breathe her in and embarrass myself. “That is definitely a female, look at all that hair.”

Both men turned in their seats to look. Her hair had come undone during the fight and now covered her face and trailed down to the floor of the vehicle. It was a soft, shiny black that was straight as a pin until the last six or so inches, which had a kind of bouncy wave-like thing going on. “Turn around!” My order startled both of them, but they just laughed and did what I said.