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Chapter 25: Lyon

“Since we know the deal, we’ll help him through, though none of our women can kick our ass. I think she can take him.” The conversation grew light for a second after Connor’s comment as we reminisced about the way she’d flung the doc across the room with one hand to the throat. Jason joined us not long after looking a bit sheepish at the way he’d gone wolfhound on our asses in the kitchen, and another round of teasing began.

“Where is she?”

“She’s tired. I took her back up to bed. So, what’s the plan?” I went with my gut since everyone was looking at me for the answer. “We’ll follow your lead on this one kid, so what will it be?” He seemed surprised at my offer, but as a man, I know how that sh*t feels when it involves your woman. It doesn’t matter how new that feeling of ownership is, that sh*t digs in deep from the get.