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Chapter 32: Mancini

“Are you sure that’s wise? These are children we’re talking about…wait, did my kid hear about what happened to her grandmother?”

“No, that’s not how it works, Catalina is too smart for that, to just sit and listen. That’s why you saw a readout of the meet. The device she used transfers audio to text. Since I know where and what it is, I can turn it off when I need to, and it wouldn’t show on her end.”

"Had she been listening in, that would’ve been a different story. I’ll demonstrate later so you’d see what I’m talking about. You didn’t touch anything in there did you? I don’t want them to know that I know what they’re doing. Since you already know what they and their friend in Asia have already uncovered, you should know what they’re capable of. I’m just giving them what they need to carry out whatever it is they have planned.”

“But, they’re eight.”