WebNovelthe squad53.49%

Chapter 46: Lyon

“Dafuq!” I’ve never seen grown men so close to crying.

“Is this a joke?” Was heard from more than one corner while on the screen, some asshole had made a loop of the NFL theme song and put it up on YouTube.

“Did our wives do this?” Quinn asked, looking close to tears. “What infraction have we committed this time to warrant this?”

“That’s just pure evil.” Devon looked like he was in shock. “They’ve been acting up a lot lately, you notice?”

I kept my eyes on Mancini because he seemed to be the only one not surprised. I knew he was onto something when he started looking around the room as if searching for something. He walked to the TV and ran his fingers over a cord, which he then followed from behind the TV to a place behind the curtain.

“Oh sh*t , that’s just genius.” He did one of those fake shivers that teenage girls do, and I rolled my eyes.

“What is it?” He lifted a very familiar-looking laptop, and my guts started to hurt.