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Marquis slowly pointed at the ape. Sam gave a questioning look and soon the answer came.

"Can you leave him here?" Sam didn't answer but just looked at him. Marquis cleared his throat and said.

"I got all three of them when they are infants and it took a lot of effort. They are being groomed as the guardian beasts of the city. So, can you leave him here please?"

Sam was a bit surprised when he heard this. Then his surprise turned into delight. He really felt sad when he found out that this beast is not a pet of anyone as he wanted to make them feel loss.

But now, he is even more happy. Because, if these beasts are really being groomed as the guardian beasts, then their status is same as the young masters of the Marquis house.

That is the reason they are not tamed as pets. Because, they will remain as the guardian beasts of the city as long as they are alive irrespective of how many marquises are retired.

So, if they became pets of a marquis and get attached to that person, the next marquis will have a hard time to get their acknowledgement.

But raising them as guardian beasts in a way is grooming them as equals. They will be given all the resources to grow strong and they will help them in battle and safety of the cities.

That is why marquis is not willing to let them go. But when he saw the evil smile on Sam's face, he clearly lost all hope.

"Oh? But now he is my pet. So, you have to trouble yourself to get a replacement for the guardian beast." Sam said with that evil smile and the he looked at the remaining two beasts in the zone where the remaining thirty or so students are battling and said.

"You might want to groom them properly. If not, someone might visit them at night and take them away. At least let them show some resistance, if they are too easy the thief might even laugh at you."

Marquis almost puked blood at his sarcasm. Now, he became really worried that Sam might steal them.

At this moment, marquis' personal attendant came running. All the people present were surprised at his flustered state.

When the attendant saw that there are so many people, he whispered something to Marquis and the Principal. Both of them exchanged looks only to see each other's surprised expression.

Both the big-shots turned to look at Sam and immediately walked forwards towards the academy entrance.

Sam also felt that something big is happening and followed them along with his teammates and the ape.

When they reached the entrance, the scene shocked everyone.

Sam saw many familiar faces; they are all the lackeys of Zeke which he didn't deal with yet. He gave the task to Watt to deal with them in six months and this day happened to be the last day of the dead line.

And what is in front of him is the result of the task.

Watt is standing on top of the arch of the entrance.

And the sixteen lackeys, are hung upside down to the arch.

Their legs are tied up to a rope and the other end of the rope is tied to the arch itself.

All the lackeys are in a very bad shape. Their skin has been flayed at many spots and the worst thing is that there are numbers carved on their backs.

They have broken bones, stabs and mostly deep and long cuts. These long cuts might have been the result of his cards throwing.

Watt is standing straight with a proud expression. He folded his hands across his chest. His clothes are torn completely. His upper body is bare. His pants are torn at many places.

He has many cuts on his body. Many injuries, burn marks, bruises. He doesn't look like he is in a good state. But his face quite contrary to his physical state.

With that blood, cuts and bruises on his face, he still has an emotionless face and those eyes are still sharp.

When Watt saw Sam, he immediately jumped down.

Marquis and the Principal wore gloomy and dark impression. The guards who are supposed to be at the entrance, are unconscious and the guards who followed both of them are waiting for his orders.

When marquis made a gesture, the guards are about to make a move. At this moment.


The ape suddenly stepped forward and blocked all the guards with an angry expression. All the guards stopped in their tracks.

Marquis looked at Sam with a confused expression. But the latter didn't care and walked towards Watt. He didn't say anything and started healing him without a single word.

He fixed his wounds and bones and after everything is done, he looked at Marquis and said.

"My subordinate." Then he pointed at the sixteen lackeys who are dripping blood to the ground and said.

"At least tell your son to pick better ones. My one and only subordinate is enough to take on these snobs. It is even embarrassing for me to fight with your son."

Then only Marquis carefully looked at Watt. He is only at Level 2 Novice, but he took down even the Level 4 Novices. He didn't know how the fights went, but he really was shocked at one thought. Even if Sam's subordinate is like this, then how fearsome would Sam be.

Even though, he saw Sam fighting in the special branch, he never saw him go all out. To be exact, no fight has forced him to exert his prowess like Watt until now. Suddenly, he felt pity for his son.

At this moment, the remaining candidates which are only around twenty came out and walked towards the entrance with exhausted faces. Among them, Zeke was also present and when he saw his lackeys hung to arch at the entrance in their pathetic states, he felt his blood run cold.

He looked at his father and when he knew what happened, Sam and his group are already walking away.

Zeke suddenly felt his knees go weak. He is even more exhausted than when he was in special branch zone.

Chapter 108: Watt's Prize

Sam went back to his mansion along with his group.

As soon as they entered, Sam told Watt to rest and immediately went to backyard and dove into the lake after removing his clothes.

He is fully tired and need to relax. Even though, there is stream in the special branch zone, he enjoyed to swim in his own lake.

After more than an hour-long relaxing bath in his backyard, he wore his pants and laid on the grass under the sun.

Even though, he suffered in the special branch zone completely isolated from the atmosphere devoid of spiritual energy, Sam found one positive thing out of it and that is, his body is thirsty of the spiritual energy and the energy absorption rate became quite high.

Although it is for a small time, it is still a bit beneficial and anyone who is on verge of breakthrough will have an extra advantage if that person in this condition.

Sam rested there in the same place got ready, before he went to the nearby woods on his hoverboard.

He found a patch where there are not so many trees and after checking that there is no one around, he let out both Yanwu and Sky. Both the beasts are brimming with energy.

Sam sat cross-legged and soon two beasts and one man, started sharing the energy.

By the time, they were done it is already afternoon. There are a lot of used up spirit stones around them.

This is because, after Sam took his share of his spiritual energy from the beasts, the thirsty feeling of his body still hasn't satiated yet and he immediately he took out the spirit stones and still went on cultivating along with them.

So, by afternoon his body reached a stable state when he reached Novice level 5. He thought that he might reach the next level but the barrier between Level 3 and 4 is stronger than he thought.

After that, he left the birds alone to roam around as they are struck inside the dimension for whole six months.He went back to the city.

First thing, is he need to give the prize he promised to Watt and he has to make it.

Sam went to the Artisan tower to meet Chaya, one of the reasons is that he needs to take his share of income from the Artisan shop and the Restaurant.

And when he looked at the income, he is quite satisfied.

For the total of six months he got a profit of 10 million and more than 8 million of it came from the Energy cells. He is very much satisfied that he couldn't remove a smirk on his face.

"Your business idea is quite successful. Even though, we didn't make as much as you do, we really did have a lot of revenue from this." Chaya said as she passed the spatial ring to Sam.

He took the ring and asked something.

"Do you have any spatial jade?" He asked with some hesitation. Because, it is a rare naturally formed spatial storage mineral. But this jade doesn't have many uses. The storage area is very small and the worst thing is the processing is a very hard job.

But it has one use which Sam need. The items in it can be partially taken out. For example, in a normal spatial ring made by an artisan, if you put a thread roll, you can either take out the whole thread or you can keep it all in.

But this jade has a special effect, Just like if you keep a roll of thread on one room and pull one end and drag it to other room through a door, the roll will stay in the first room but the thread that you unrolled by pulling can extend outside of that room while still being connected.

He doesn't know where to get those. But some of the jeweller artisans use these even though they are minority.

But when Chaya replied he is extremely surprised.

"I have a lot of it. Nobody is buying it."

"I will take all of it." When she heard Sam's reply, it was her turn to be surprised and rather it might as well be shock.

"Are you serious?" She asked with uncertainty.


"But it doesn't have much uses. The storage is also fixed and it cannot contain the spiritual energy stagnantly. Even though the space is stable it is connected to the outside world unlike the spatial ring which has an independent space."

When Sam heard her saying all these things, he didn't know what to think of it. When she saw his look, she restrained her lecture and said.

"It doesn't have any use."

"It has for me."

"Okay, then." She called an attendant and instructed something and after a while the attendant brought a spatial ring. Sam transferred the items to his ring and then transferred the spirit stones back and gave it back.

"Okay, I have work to do. See you later." Sam bid his farewell and went back to his mansion and immediately entered the divine dimension as soon as he reached his room.

After entering the second floor, he took out the remaining cubes of the silver meteorite sand and a roll of Level 4 Heaven spirit silk with metal attribute which he got from a recently advanced heaven spirit silk moth.

After making a fabric of the silver meteorite sand and tailoring something, he went to work with the spatial jade.

The spatial jade is in a transparent white colour.

Just like previously mentioned that the processing of the spatial jade is a horrendous task, the main reason is that there is actually a small intricate node to this material and this core is responsible for creating this space.

If one wants to work with this, they have to find the node and also process the material to the point until the parts which are under the influence of the node are remained.

Because any part that is away from the influence of the node are useless and just some pretty decoration and the processors use this part as decoration to the spatial object made by it.

There is a small boulder on the table in front of Sam and he placed his hand on it.

He started observing and soon found out the node. But he didn't mark it or remove his hand.

All he did is increase his concentration a little and soon the boulder turned into powder.

He started searching in that pile of powder and soon, he took out circular solid bracelet. He took out another boulder and soon another bracelet was made.

And there is final product he needs to make and the prize he promised will be ready. Other than that, Sam has another thing he needs to do and that is working on his claws.

Even though, he has two meteorite sands, he wants to find the best possible materials to make this weapon. Since, he didn't know what he has to face in the next tests, he decided to make his claws.

But they won't be fully completed leaving him room for improvement when he found suitable materials in the future.

And just like that, Sam stayed in the tower all the time he had and only came out the night before their meeting for the next phase of this special branch.

But before that, he has to give Watt his prize.

So, that night both of them met in the backyard.

"I gave you a task and you did it. So, now I am giving you your promised prize."

After that, Sam took out a silver coloured Over coat which is exactly of his size, but all they don't have is the feathers that Sam had. But when Watt saw the coat, he was fully excited.

He touched it and felt that the thread is hard and soft at the same time. There is a symbol of 'W' with sharp corners embroidered on it. When Watt touched it he was confused as he didn't understand what that it.

"Even though, you are my subordinate, you need to have your own identity that the whole world acknowledges and this is symbol of your identity. Just like this is mine."

At the last sentence he pointed at the Double S symbol on his coat.

Watt smiled and immediately wore the coat, then only he noticed that cuffs of the coat are hard. When he looked at it, the transparent circular solid white jade was attached inwardly on both cuffs.

They are precisely the spatial jade bracelets Sam made previously.

"I will explain that to you later. Take these." Sam said and passed over ten similar jade rings to Watt.

"When they don't fit you anymore, I will make you new ones." Sam said and took out a final present and those are the cards. But he didn't take a lot of them.

"I am giving you three types of cards. This is the first type." He paused and handed him a normal card he made with some normal metal which he gave him previously.

"This is second type." This also is made of normal metal but it has his 'W' symbol on one side.

"If you want to kill a person and that is the only thing you are expecting, then use the first one, the second one is if you have any other expectations, like setting an example or that it is necessary to make his name known, use the second one.

As for the final set. This is going to be your trump card and you couldn't throw them away, so I made a special arrangement for that. Look into the rings and cuffs."

Watt did as he was told and his spiritual sense went into these objects, he saw that there are tens of cards with the 'W' symbol on one side but other side the card was attached to a string and at the corner of the space there is a big roll of thread.

"Take out a card." Sam instructed from the side

Watt did as he was told and when he took out the card, the string also came with it, but it didn't completely come out.

"Throw it."

When he threw the card, Watt felt the same as before when he did it with his normal set of cards. But after the card went through the tree and hit the second one, he pulled the string back as he controlled the air flow to get the card safely even before Sam said anything.

"These cards are made of silver spirit sand. These will be your partners. Even though, it is easy to control when you use a single card. It will be difficult to use multiple cards at the same time. Even the strings are made of the same material and even your coat is made of that.. and then he mentioned the key points about the meteorite sand and finally finished his speech with these words.

"Don't ever lose it."

After that, he left the place leaving the boy alone.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 109: Next phase

Watt was still in a daze. When he understood how precious the silver meteorite sand is, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic. Never did he expect that Sam would give him something this valuable.

So, he couldn't help but feel that his decision was right when he made the decision to follow Sam back then.

At this time, Sam is walking towards the backdoor of the mansion to enter it and just as he was about to step in, he halted and said.

"You can go back now, the show's over."

When he said this, Philip came out from his hiding spot on a tree.

"Well, I never expected you to be this kind. Gifting away that much silver meteorite sand like that and that too when it is still grade 3. That really is quite a gift. I never thought you are that generous."

"I never thought you are this knowledgeable too." Philip was stunned for a second. Sam continued.

"Meteorite sands are one of the most difficult materials to grade and not even skilled artisans can get their hands on it and here a seventeen- year Novice has guessed it from a far away."

Philip really didn't know what to say. But before he could react, Sam asked one more time.

"You wanted to be an Artisan. Did you decide yet?"

After that, Sam went inside leaving two guys in their spots both pondering about different things.

After sometime, everyone gathered because, they already agreed to meet and go to Sam's restaurant to get a meal.

Sam notified this to Mackey earlier and reserved a Private room.

So, all of them went there and had a lavish meal. Came back to the mansion and had a comfortable sleep.

Next day at dawn, All the candidates gathered at the marquis mansion. Sam wore his regular Black coat and walked along. The ape and all his beasts were sent into his Divine dimensions. Watt is following him in his new Silver coloured coat.

His face was filled with newly found confidence and he have a new aura that is far superior than before. Everyone around him can notice this. Falck is flying near him.

When Zeke saw Sam and Watt, he felt his throat running dry and he broke out in cold sweat. His face was full of regret. Blue fire is also looking at Sam. But his face is expressionless. Nobody could guess what he was thinking.

After everyone was gathered, Marquis looked at all of them and started speaking.

"All thirty of you are the only ones remaining who are going to the next phase of the Special branch. Many of you wanted to quit, many of you didn't want to participate, but from now on this is not in your hands anymore. You guys have to continue with this whether you like it or not. Or you will face some serious consequences.

The next phase of this competition, you will be sent to various cities under my territory. You will have one year of maximum time and in this time, you have to clean the underground forces of all these places.

You will be given full authority in the operation and the local authorities will cooperate with you in however you want. Those who can clean their given region earlier can come to the marquis city and try their hand at clearing the underground forces here.

But clearing your assigned regions is a must. Whatever you get from those underground forces will be your reward.

And if you can't clear any type of faction, you have to provide a detailed report on why you aren't able to do this and clearly provide the details on what you will need to overcome and clear that faction along with the most feasible method, which will give you half the score.

Even if you clear all the factions, you have to provide a report on what factions there are in that city and what type of deals they make and all the other information related to it, including the costs you spent to clear the faction.

All these will be considered in giving you a score.

Remember my advice. If you guys are having any thoughts about performing badly on purpose to escape, I suggest you avoid those thoughts. Because, if you really did that, you won't be able to bear the consequences."

A lot of people had gloomy faces when they heard this.

"You are divided into three teams and your assigned regions and your special authority tokens will be given to you." After that he gestured to his attendant.

And the attendant immediately called out the names of the candidates in the order of their teams and surprisingly, Sam and his teammates including Jasmine are in the same team along with them were the two siblings Sam helped previously.

When he saw the team arrangements Sam felt a little doubtful. He felt like the marquis deliberately made the arrangements like this.

But he didn't care too much about it.

After the teams got divided another attendant passed a scroll to each team and inside that scroll, there are the list of the Count cities under the Marquis territory and which is in charge of it.

Even though, the three teams will be acting in the different areas, the scroll contained all three of their assignments.

"Why is Falcon Cliff city not in the list?" Hawk is the one who asked this question. There are ten counts under the marquis but there are only nine cities in the list.

"Recently, someone helped Count Falcon to clean up the Underground forces of the Falcon cliff city and that too, they eliminated the major organisation. So, the count already started tying up the loose ends and also clearing up the underground forces of the cities under his control.

So, if you guys interfere you might slow down the progress, so the Falcon Cliff city is taken off of the list."

When Marquis said this, Jack and Sam exchanged a look. They didn't know that the 'help' Sam did will impact them this much. The Marquis continued.

"From now on, all these regions are under you authority and that includes the cities under the authority of the count and the villages under the cities.

Do the cleaning to the best of your abilities. I already have reports on the underground forces investigated by a special team.

So, I will compare the results with these and don't even think of forging the reports by joining hands with the local authorities.

You can depart whenever you want and wherever you want. All I need is a report exactly after a year in the same place.

All the best."

After that the marquis left the spot.

Sam also got out of the Marquis mansion and went back to the city. After some thinking he said.

"Everyone, if you want to buy anything, that might not be available in the region we are going in, you can go and buy.

We will meet at the square of the Business zone at noon." Everyone nodded and went to do their own shopping and some went to have another hearty meal before leaving.

Now there are only three people there and they are Sam, Watt and Jack. Jasmine left with Kelly to buy something.

"So, what are we going to do about the reward from the Black water?" Jack asked directly even before Sam mentioned it.

Sam is also thinking about this. He clearly doesn't want to share the reward of the Black water with others. If it is only, the spirit stones and even the herbs and the common ores, he wouldn't feel that conflicted.

But the meteorite sand wouldn't be not an option at all.

After some thought, Sam said.

"We will leave the reward matter aside. We will divide the reward according to the contribution of the team at that moment. But I am not fine with sharing the meteorite sand no matter what."

"I have no problems with the arrangement and since most of the teammates aren't strangers they wouldn't mind if you took the most reward if you took the lead and achieve better scores." Jack replied.

"We will see about that after we leave the city."

After their discussion, Sam went to the Artisan tower to meet with Chaya.

"Do you know where I can get a beast pouch?" He asked Chaya who is enjoying the fruit juice across him.

She seemed to be thinking about something and gave an answer after a short silence.

"The beast pouch is a bit high-level item and it is only available in Capital cities of a Dukedom. If you really want one, you can try your luck in the Golden horse-trading company. They are on of the biggest trading companies in the dukedom and their branch leader here might have one on him."

Sam thanked her and went back to the Business zone. He ate something in his restaurant and went to the city square to wait for his teammates.

When everyone gathered, they went to the Golden-horse trading company on Sam's lead.

After they arrived at the reception of the company, Sam flashed his artisan badge to the receptionist and requested a meeting with the man in charge.

Fifteen minutes later, Sam was invited into a private meeting room where a middle-aged man was waiting for him.

After exchanging some hypocritical formal pleasantries, Sam came to the point.

"Manager, I need a beast pouch and a friend of mine said that I can find it here."

"Sir Sam is well informed. In a week there will be a carriage coming from the Dukedom Capital, I will communicate with them to buy you one. The cost is quite high. It is around 500,000. Do you want me to get it?" Manager replied with a smile.

"Is it possible to get one right now? I have something to do. I am willing to pay more and if you have any conditions you can say it."

"Well, since you put it that way, I do have one in my personal possession. But.."

"I will pay you double." Sam said before the other party even finished their words.

"I don't need you to pay me double. But can you pay me, in the form of a commodity." The manager asked probingly.

"Oh, what do you want in exchange?"

"Energy Cell." When Sam heard this he was surprised for a bit, but this is not completely out of his expectations, when he heard the manager wanted commodities. He put a hesitating expression and after a brief pause, he agreed.

"Sure." With wave of his hand, Sam placed ten fire type and ten wind type energy cells on the table. He still has quite a stock anyway, so he doesn't care much about this.

"Pleasure doing business with you Sir Sam." Both of them shook their hands.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 110: Divide the work

After noon, Sam and his teammates are now in a carriage of the Golden- horse trading company. They are going to their designated region.

With Sam closing a deal, the manager has given them a whole carriage without any other passengers to that area.

Sam is playing with a pouch, in his hands. This is the beast pouch, which is device created to hold the beasts. But this living space isn't large and the beasts will be put in a state of hibernation if kept in this pouch and cannot cultivate at all.

He spent that much only to cover up his Divine dimension carrying, Yanwu, Sky, Panthers and the ape. For, now the pouch only has Falck in it.

As for the energy cells, the manager bought, he could clearly guess the latter's intentions. The other party might want to reverse engineer the product and with the vast distribution channels of the Golden-horse trading union, they will make a fortune.

But is it really that easy? They better not try to forcefully break it or pull out the metallic extension. Otherwise…

The place they are going to now, is the south western area. This is completely different direction from where Sam came from. He came from the south. And in southern area, the empire doesn't occupy the lands fully and the Lava Rock city is the final point in south.

Beyond that there are endless woods and then the sea.

But in southwestern area, the that is coastal region near the sea.

The three Count regions under their group are near the coast line and one count city is even part of the coast line.

Sam looked over the scroll and clearly understood the situation.

The Falcon Cliff city and the territory under it are smaller compared to any of these three cities.

Each count has a territory of around seven cities like Starwood city under it and each of these cities have more than 8 villages each.

Now, they are going to one of the count cities and it takes more than fifteen days to go on this carriage.

If he was alone, Sam might have gone there faster on Sky, even his hover-board will be faster than this, if he just used a set of extra energy cells. But now, he has to waste half-a-month on travel itself.

These fifteen days the group didn't encounter anything special.

Sam is going to be the leader of the team and he is going to assign the tasks they are going to perform and reward them according to their tasks.

Anyway, most of them are not much interested in massive amount of spirit stones, as a large amount might not even be useful to them, so their prioritised payment method is in the form of the herbs and pills they find in the loot. And the rest of the payment can be done with spirit stones.

As for ores and stuff, except for the two siblings, none of them are interested in the ores.

And Sam isn't short of any of these things. Perhaps, even the loot from the Falcon Cliff city's Black Pond can easily satisfy as their rewards for clearing several villages and even some small tier cities.

So, he can rest at ease on getting his hands on the meteorite sand.

After fifteen days, they went to the first Count city. The Red Coral city. But they didn't meet the count instead, they walked around the city and after much effort he got a map. This map included the ways to all the small tier cities under the Red Coral city.

They got out of the city and Sam took out his carriage and the Blazing earth bulls. The bulls are now on verge of breaking through to Level 3. After all, they are eating the herbs planted by Sam in the divine dimension, so it would be weird if they don't show any signs of breaking through.

And soon they went to a named Silver carp city. This city is same level as the Starwood city, but it is on sea shore.

Just when the teammates thought that they would settle in the city for the time being, Sam once again enquired in the city and found a map which has all the routes to the Villages under the silver carp city.

So, after another two days, they finally landed in a small village which is slightly bigger than the Lava rock village. This village is the closest to the Silver Carp village and main thing is this village is also part of the coastline.

When Sam reached the village, he could feel the fresh sea breeze. When all of the candidates felt that the fatigue and mental exhaustion clearing away.

They got off the carriage and stored away the beasts. They entered the village in a low-key way, so they can understand the situation better way if they looked at it as bystanders rather than the officials.

So, when they entered the city, the first thing they did is find a restaurant to eat. Why? In most places, a run-down restaurant in a corner can get you more info than some investigation.

Because, a restaurant is a place where a lot of people will meet and a lot info will circulate and most of the info will be stored on some portable memory banks and they are the cleaners and Waiters of the restaurant.

After some enquiry, they soon found out, that there are three places which can be considered as restaurants. One is an inn where the people from the city stay, the other one is a normal restaurant and the third one is a sea food place near the beach.

They decided to visit three places. But first one is the Inn.

Actually, the teammates thought that they don't have to do this much, because they are all in Novice stage and they can be the overlords of this village. They can do whatever they want and nobody would say a thing about it.

But Sam didn't think so. Yes, they can do whatever they want. Those underground bosses might not be able to retaliate, but they sure as hell can hide until they leave.

After all, for Sam and his team, this is just a small mission but for those goons, their lives are at stake. One can guess, who will be more patient.

So, Sam decided to take a more subtle approach regarding this. At least until he got all the info he wants.

As for if there is no underground activity in the village, that is an impossible case.

Even if there are ten people struck in a place and two people are ones with superior strength. At least one of the would make others cater to his needs if not two of them.

After visiting the inn and having a casual meal, Sam discreetly passed a spirit stone to a waiter and whispered something in a low voice.

In a village a spirit stone is a very valuable asset and soon, they got all the info needed.

By evening they visited all three places and came to a conclusion, there is only one gang with more than 50 members.

And in one night, they wrapped the gang simply and went to visit the Village head.

Sam wrote something on a piece of paper and used the seal given by the Marquis to make stamp. He passed the document to the Village head and said.

"Seal all the info about us visiting here. You shouldn't even mention this to the City lord and if he finds fault with you, show him this document and if really try to take it out on you, you can visit the Count with this letter and complain." The Village head nodded meekly.

After that, the group left.

In the dining hall of the inn, Sam is sitting along with the group and there are no other people in dining hall.

"Guys, today I shown you how to get the info and how to deal with them.

And why did I show you this? Because, the mission given by marquis is an almost impossible one.

Even a small village like this, there is a gang of more than fifty members and you can imagine how many members there will be in a small tier city and in a count city.

The main thing is, we will take more time in travelling and collecting info. As you can see, we have used up around twenty days to come here and a day is needed to get all the info on a small gang.

So, think about how much time it will take to be done with all the villages and cities if we proceed like this." Sam spoke up to this point and paused. He is letting them contemplate.

After that brief pause, he continued.

"To overcome this, I have a solution. We will divide here and proceed to perform different operations.

Me, Jack and Jasmine will be one team and we will travel to the Count cities to deal with them and the remaining seven people will be travelling to the villages and clear the forces. Even though, we are only three people, we can manage on our own.

As you have seen today, it will only take a single day to clear a village and if you can distribute the work you can do it in half a day. In fact, you can even perform solo in village. After all, the most you can encounter is a Level 1 Novice.

I will leave my carriage and the Bulls with you to travel.

After you are done with villages, you will be dealing with small tier cities and as for the intel at that cities…" Sam paused and took out the small beast pouch he bought and passed it to Watt.

"Watt will be in charge of the intel on the small tier cities and you can deal with forces yourselves. And I want it to be done with in six months ten days. We will deal with the count cities together if we are not done with them by then. After that we will leave to the Blue fire city from there." He looked at Watt and said.

"You know how to use them right. I left five of them. Just like I did in Falcon Cliff city." Watt immediately understood what he meant and kept the beast pouch carefully.

Nobody understood what Sam meant, except for Jack. He is a bit surprised that Sam gave away five of them. Sam thought for a bit and said.

"I will be honest with you. I am starting to think that you guys are being too reliant on me. Even though, if you are offended a bit, prove it to me otherwise with your actions. You can meet me at the Cougar city after you finish the tasks."

Philip came to him and whispered.

"Do you want me to accompany you guys? You are short on man power."

"No need, I think it is better if you are with them. I don't want any unexpected things to happen and you are the only one with enough wit to handle it. As for the count cities, it is more complicated and I am not afraid to tell you the truth. It is not the first time for me to deal with one of them. The help Count Falcon got is none other than me."

And then he walked away.

Chapter 111: Red Coral City

The next day the group left on the carriage. As soon as they left, Jack asked.

"If you really just want to teach them how to do, you could have demonstrated at a small tier city, we would have managed to save some time, why did we have to come this far."

Sam didn't say anything and just smiled. In a few moments the golden-fist ape came from the nearby woods, with a huge leather bag on his back and at the same time, there seemed to be some extreme moment from the woods.

Within no time, tens of beasts came from the woods, carrying some type of trees. All of these are fruit trees that can aid cultivation in initiation stages and later, they can at most supply some spiritual energy to Acolytes and early stage Novices.

Jack was dumbfounded as he saw all the beasts dragging and carrying these trees.

Sam casually stored them all and even the golden ape away in the divine dimension.

Since, this village is far and the cultivators in this area aren't too strong they don't venture into deeper zones and possibility of these trees which aren't much desirable existing here is high.

Sam's purpose of coming here is collecting these types of trees. Even though, they might not be highly useful, he can still use them to introduce the alcohol at his restaurant.

So, Sam planned one thing. He will collect as many resources he can as possible to make profit out in his businesses.

After storing away Sam took out his hover board and at the same time let Yanwu and Sky out.

Jasmine and Jack boarded them and Sam stood on his board. When he unleashed the thrust and floated Jack spotted some words carved on the side of the board.

"Harbinger." He read out loud and looked at Sam.

This is the name Sam gave to the board.

With the high thrust, even though his altitude isn't high, it is not low either.

Yanwu and Sky also flew at the same altitude as him which is around forty feet above the ground.

This way of travel is very fast as they reached the Red coral city in two days even when they rested at nights, but the price Sam has to pay is a set of Energy cells of his board, but he didn't feel the pinch.

Because, his cost price is high and he also gained a lot in this trip. He plucked every fruit tree he or his beasts spotted on his way and the ape planted them inside the divine dimension.

He even found some wild herbs which are beneficial for Novice levels. But since, he didn't have much benefit for them, he just let the beasts eat them.

After all, their cultivation is beneficial to himself.

After they reached the vicinities of the Red coral city, three of them started walking.

They entered the city and after some enquiries, they went to some low-key inn.

As soon as they entered their rooms, Sam let the remaining shadow mice out. He has five of them with him and he left the remaining five with Watt, to use them in the small tier cities.

Even though, the five mice sound like the investigation might take longer, but the main thing is that mice also improved and their ability is also enhanced.

With increase in the cultivation level, the shadow mice can perform a myriad of techniques, even though they don't have much use in battle, their control over shadows and their eavesdropping abilities are not to be trifled with.

If they had any way to attack, they will make the best assassins and Sam is even thinking of making it possible.

If their cultivation is high enough, the shadow mice can even access the shadow world. And about the shadow world, that is the story for another time.

Sam didn't leave the mice aimlessly, the three of them first went to the dining hall of the inn and in the same way, Sam caught some news on a small local gang.

He is slightly missing the Vickers guy, where he can buy the info as he liked.

So, after finding a guy from the small gang, he left the shadow mice, to do their work.

Last time, it took him more than a month to gather all the intel and there would definitely be a black water branch here also.

So, shadow mice had one thought in mind, they should get the monthly report of the branch as soon as they find out.

Sam also felt a little depressed when he found out, that there is no establishment known to public named Black pond in the city. But with the shadow mice abilities he didn't have a doubt that he can't find him.

And two days later, Sam, Jack and Jasmine. All of them are sitting in a dark room and in front of him is man in his thirties with some beard. He is injured considerably.

He is the leader of small gang that Sam let the shadow mice investigate.

"So, are you going to tell me the info I need or not?" Sam asked with a slight impatience. Just as the man was about to reject, Jack took out his black sword and immediately pierced into the other guys shoulder.

"One more rejection, you can lose a limb." The other party.

"I will tell you." The man finally gave in.

At first, they came normally and just asked for the info, but this guy had some loud mouth and Jack beat him to pulp.

After that, when Sam asked him again, he rejected two times and third time led to this situation.

After more than thirty minutes, the man laid lifeless on the floor and so were the other gang members in the area.

Anyway, their task is to eliminate all of them, since Sam got all the info, he doesn't have any use for them.

Now, he has an understanding on the forces of this city. Unlike, Falcon cliff city, the gangs in this city are quite scattered and there are ten small gangs. Along with that ten small gangs, there are two big gangs which have most control over the city.

He also learnt that there are some officials in ties with these two gangs and the two gangs are also said to be the rival gangs vying to get a chance to occupy each other's territory and business.

One of them is responsible for settlements, assassinations, missions and even hiring for teaching someone a lesson, they don't even care about the protection fee and the name of the organisation is snakehead.

The other gang is related to prostitution, slave trade and also something Sam never expected he would face in this world. Drug dealing. They are called the Tiger fish.

Sam found something off, when they heard the names. They are just like Piranha and Candiru. Both of them are fish names and are related to the black water's branch. In falcon cliff city, both of them didn't have any connection to the public eye, but they didn't have a conflict either.

But here, these two are fighting each other and there is even a place that they have chosen to fight it out.

They even sell tickets to that event. Sam was quite curious. He even thought of a possibility that the two gangs are making a façade to not let others find out about it and them being the part of the black water.

And there is one more organisation that transitions between black and white and that is the 'Arena'.

This is an entertainment zone where the people fight for the spectators and the fight between the snakehead and the tiger fish are also organised by them.

But they aren't open to the general public and timings are also closely constrained to the underground society only.

So, Sam decided one thing. He will investigate slowly. He felt that there is only piece of puzzle that is missing and if he can find this, everything will be sorted out.

But he is in no hurry. He has two months for each city and he can slowly collect the info and take them down.

By the time he can slowly wear down the forces here, or even better he can use the same technique he used in the Falcon Cliff city. He can target them and make use of poison.

But this time, Sam has other ideas. He wants to use the underground forces to wear each other out.

Previously, he only has to deal with Black pond, so as a single entity, he can target them, but this time he has to take down remaining gangs as well.

If he uses the previous method, the other gangs may go into hiding.

So, he has to think of a different approach and he has already got the rough locations of the remaining small gangs and some contact points of the Tiger fish and the Snake head.

If he uses his shadow mice from these points, he can trace back to the headquarters of the two big shots.

Before that, he has to check out this 'Arena' and determine whether it is illegal organisation or not.

That night, Sam went to the location of Arena alone. Tonight, there is going to be a battle between the two big gangs.

He came here alone that is because, he is using the special pass of the small gang boss, they killed earlier and that pass can only allow one person.

When Sam went there is no fee because of the pass. So, he sat in a corner as he observed the ring.

At the centre of the team, two men are looking at each other and the referee is announcing the conditions.

The thing is, these big shot organisations also have some legal businesses as a façade for their members and also their secondary source of income.

Today's match has a bet of some businesses from each side. They are using this strategy to not incur most losses in an all-out war.

And soon the match began, both the candidates are Novice Level 4 and both of them are warriors. They are fighting tooth and nail while people are cheering to the person they bet on.

At this moment from a special spectator stand a great mage looked at Sam who is sitting in a corner.

"Why is he here?" He muttered slightly.

Sam might not recognise him, but the other party has seen him in the Marquis city that is why he recognised him easily. Sam isn't exactly low profile in the city.

Sam didn't know that a great mage is curious on why he came to this city. He waited until the fight is over and left the place, but three small shadows entered deep into the arena. Two of them followed the two fighters and the third one went to follow the referee.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 112: Investigation

Sam sent the remaining two mice to the Count mansion, to keep a track on the officials. The info he got was that there are two officials supporting the two big organisations each in the dark and the gang leader he killed even mentioned that this is not a secret in the under-ground circle, it is just that they don't know who those two officials are.

So, Sam decided one thing, he must deal with the two officials before he could get his hands on the two big organisations.

The two shadow mice, which went to Count mansion are going to follow an official each for a whole week.

If the officials are clean, then they will change the targets, this is what Sam thought out.

Until then, he and Jack will slowly erode the small gangs.


In the Arena, the great mage who recognised Sam, is sitting with two people. Both of them are Peak Novices.

"Rank 5 Artisan Sam is here." The Great mage who is a middle-aged man said in a low voice. The expressions of the two people changed.

"He is one of the suspects behind the elimination of the Black pond in the Falcon Cliff city. Higher ups said that even though Sam might not be directly involved in the attack, there is a chance that he made the special poison that killed our people."

"Maybe, the culprit has asked Sam to make them this item and he didn't have any idea where the culprit is using them. After all, he is an artisan and many people can buy things from him.

And most importantly at that time he is still in Novice Level 1. It is impossible for him to attack all of them at the same time.

Even though, the poison is involved, I think there is a great possibility that at least a Novice peak Level is involved in this.

If possible, we can even ask him who that person is and investigate." A peak level Novice said.

"We will observe things for now and see why is he here and then we can decide on how to proceed." The great mage then dismissed the meeting.

After the meeting dismissed, the shadow mouse in the dark immediately left the room. Even though, he got some information, he is in no hurry to report to Sam.

Sam has clearly mentioned that they have to report weekly and also told them to gather as much info as possible.

Meanwhile, Sam is sleeping in the inn. Even though, he is wealthy enough to buy a house, he is not that interested this time, he has some plans to his wealth and he also needs to stay low profile.

The next day, Sam went into the woods and let the ape out. He still needs to activate the bloodline of the Ape, but it would be better if he is on same level or higher level than the ape. Then he doesn't have to put much effort and risk being weak for days.

He is here to practice some combat with the beasts here and catch some beasts exclusive to this region to have taste.

As for the ape, it is responsible for the search of the fruit trees and the herbs.

For the next week, Sam ventured into the woods every morning. Since, he was occupied with other things, he doesn't have enough time to practice his combat. Now, he has enough time.

Every morning he was in the woods and night he and Jack investigated the small gangs slowly.

The previous gang leader, he has killed is the weakest among them and his position was already taken over by someone else.

But he isn't in a hurry to take them down.

After dealing with the two officials, he can take these guys on as leisurely as he wants.

And now all the shadow mice came to report to him.

After hearing the repot he got some important news and that is the Arena is the Black water's branch in this city and they have suspicions on him.

Then only he realised the mistake of not cleaning the battle field. He thought that, the count will make sure to clean it up after he sent the letter as robin hood. But now only he realised that he didn't.

If not for the fact he was unconscious after the battle, he might have cleaned up himself.

But Sam didn't know that it was his fault. Just after he was taken away by Jack, the great mage from the nearest city already came and took a look at the battle field and reported it to the higher ups. That happened even before he wrote the letter to the Count Falcon.

But Shadow mice didn't have any evidence on whether the two big gangs are part of the Black water or not.

As for the two mice following the two officials, the officials turned out to be clean and didn't have any connections with the other underground forces.

So, Sam sent them back and he went on with his daily routine.

Today night, he has some plans and that is to get his hands on the drug that is being supplied by the tiger fish.

But since he is in suspect list of the Black water, he doesn't want to show his face yet. So, he sent Jack to buy some at a contact point of the Tiger fish.

That night, Sam took a look at the pills Jack brought back and gave it to the ape to take a sniff and the ape gave an utterly disgusted expression.

Why did Sam do this? The ape has another ability and that is distinguishing the herbs. But it doesn't know, the qualities of the herbs and their uses all it can sense is whether the herbs and fruits are tasty or not according to its preferences and the preference of the ape is never wrong.

So, Sam said some words.

"From tomorrow, collect the herbs you think that are used in this pill."

The ape nodded as it ate a fruit which looked like pear.

Sam left the divine dimension and went into a deep thought.

First, he needs to observe the effects of the drug to see what he can do with this.

Sam had an idea on how to deal with the two big shot organisations. That is even if they are the two organisations operating together discreetly under the black water, the info must have been only known to the people in charge and other important members.

The remaining members though, are all in the dark. Otherwise the façade will collapse easily.

So, Sam wants to use their disputes to take on each other and before that, he needs the effects of this drug on the people to see if he can use this to his benefit.

Next day, Sam went to the woods with the ape, but this time he didn't practice combat instead he followed the ape inside the woods.

And by the evening, the ape found six herbs which are supposedly part of the drug.

When they went back, Sam went to a drug contact point, but he didn't buy any, rather he waited for a customer.

He waited till midnight and finally a young man bought some and walked away hurriedly.

Sam stealthily followed him and after an hour of walking in circles, the young man led the way to his home. When Sam secretly looked inside the home, he saw the young man feeding the pill to a crazy looking man who seemed to be in his late twenties.

After taking the pills, the crazy look was gone and was replaced with euphoria and ecstasy. He seemed to be in some kind of illusion as he muttered something about his love and a woman.

Sam kept on observing and when the drug seemed to be wearing off, the young man fed another pill and the addict seemed to immediately fall asleep.

He went back to the inn and the next day, he similarly followed other customers and what he knew is that the addicts themselves didn't come to buy them at all.

All the people who came are the relatives of the addicts and effects of the drug are similar to the first person he saw.

For the first pill, they will feel euphoria and the second pill seemed to make them sleep.

But the herbs that the ape found weren't sufficient to cause all these effects and there must be some kind of special ingredient.

But Sam didn't find the last item in the next two weeks.

The third report from the shadow mice gave him some news and that is that the organisations are really linked together by the Arena and this news seemed to be only known by three people.

But there is no news on the officials and the list also narrowed down considerably. There are only few officials left who climbed their ranks up as commoners.

All the officials from the noble families are clean. Even though, they are corrupt but they don't have anything to do with these organisations.

In a week it would be one month since he came to this city and Sam wants to gather the info as soon as possible.

Then only he suddenly remembered the monthly report the mice stole in the Falcon Cliff city and Sam immediately gave an order.

"Steal the documents, from all three organisations this week. Don't hoard all of them, just steal some which are well placed or treated as important."

The mice went onto their duty and Sam is still thinking about the herb.

Since, he wasn't able to think of anything, he went on a stroll.

Chapter 113: Plotting against the gangs


Sam scolded himself as he stood at the beach. He looked at the vast sea and scolded himself again.

"I am really an idiot."

Why is he calling himself an idiot again and again? Because, he felt that he limited his thoughts completely for the past two weeks.

These past two weeks, he was filled with confusion on what type of herb that gave the drug those effects, he limited his thoughts completely to the herbs and searched the woods frantically.

So, he is a little bit angry at himself.

Because, the herbs aren't the only ones which can be used in the pills and the woods aren't the only source for the ingredients in the red coral city.

The red coral city is a coastal city and there are number of resources in the sea. That might include some of the fish or any water bound creature which produce certain toxins.

Now, he has to find out what kind of creatures are there in the nearby waters and he can find out what he can do with it.

So, he went to the most prosperous sea creature's business in the city. There, he took a look at the catalogue of the creatures they can catch in the nearby waters, when he saw the list, he couldn't help but smile.

Just from a glance he could see which are these can be used to produce the effects of the drugs. There are no more than three possibilities and it is not even that difficult to find out which of it is.

Sam ordered some fish that will be good to eat and some other creatures to act as decoy along with the creatures he suspected to be a part of it.

That is because, he has suspicions that this business is related to the Black water and he might leave some clues like before.

Next day, the creatures came and Sam took the parcel to the inn and immediately entered the divine dimension.

In the second floor, he and the ape sat side by side and he started keeping the herbs inside the cauldron and took out the first beast he is suspicious of, the Emerald jelly fish. The tentacles of this jelly fish have some kind of toxin that will give some illusions to the victim.

He heated them all together, even though he didn't have the recipe for the drug and don't know the right amount he has to use, he doesn't need the pill anyway, all he need is the confirmation on which ingredients they are using and the ape can smell if the composition is nearer to the drug.

And soon, Sam performed some experiments and finally got the answer he wanted.

Two creatures are responsible for the affects. One of them is the emerald jelly fish and Purple ink squid. Of the two, the first one is responsible for the illusions and the second one is for knocking them out.

They are controlling the dosage and the proportions of the two toxins in order to function like that.

Sam now went into a deep thought. He wants to create a large-scale conflict between the two gangs so that they will be more active and the lower rank members will be at each other's throats, before the upper-echelons could intervene.

By the time they intervene, Sam can easily find out the two officials and after they are in the bag, he will use his authority and use the Count to take the gangs down without raising the suspicions of the Black water that he is involved.

He can seal off the info that he is here with his authority, But the info will be leaked if the two officials are still in duty.

So, Sam is now thinking on how to use these drugs, so he went into the tower's library to search on the info on the toxins.

After more than a day, he found out something interesting.

That night, Sam stealthily moved towards the sea and took out his hover board and surfed over the waters. With the thrust capacity, floating over water is not a problem at all.

Sam went along the coast line and when he reached a more secluded area filled with reefs, he took out some type of special herbal powder and dropped it over the still water, soon a fish similar to koi, floated as it gobbled on the small amounts of herbal powder that it even ignored Sam.

So, an easy catch.

After catching some, he went to another spot and caught another batch of fish.

Sam caught a bunch of fish and went back to the inn.

He entered the second floor of the tower without delay and started making some preparations. Today, Sam caught two types of fish, first one is to make an antidote for the drug addiction and the second one is to change the effects to his liking.

After spending more than three days in tower, Sam was finally with a powder and a bottle of special liquid.

Now, he has to find a way to get the constant supply of the drugs and this problem is left to Jack.

Jack took the small packets of powder and went to the first contact point where the drug is sold. Just like Sam he also waited for a customer. Coincidentally, the customer is the same young man Sam followed and Jack followed the guy.

After reaching the home, when that guy is about to feed the pill, Jack suddenly spoke from behind.

"Do you really want to feed him that?" Jack said in a low voice.

The young man was startled and immediately grew vigilant, he released his aura and when he was about to attack, Jack caught him and held him down. The young man was only an acolyte after all, how can be match for Jack who is a Novice?

"Do you want to talk now?" Jack said as he subdued the man. After the other party realised that he is no match for Jack at all, he immediately stopped struggling.

"I am here to make a deal, I have a cure for the drug addiction, but I need you to do something for me." Jack directly came to the point.

"Why should I believe you?" The young man asked a bit resentfully.

Jack threw a packet of powder and said. "Mix it with some water and feed him." The young man hesitated a bit, but at the end he decided anyway as he looked at his weak and feeble brother who is under the attack of drug addiction.

But after feeding the glass of liquid, his brother calmed down and fell asleep, but this time, he isn't like before becoming unconscious.

Now, he fell asleep and his breathing and complexion turned somewhat normal, he started sweating and some kind of purplish green substance started getting out of his pores.

"One dose is not enough to completely clean his system and get him out of his addiction, you need nine more of it, but if you want it, you have to do something for me." Jack said from the side.

"What should I do?" The young man was excited. He never wanted to feed his brother these drugs, he tried many ways to make quit, but none of them worked at all. So, all he can do is continue on feeding him by spending all his hard- earned money.

"Simple, all you have to do is exchange a dosage of drugs with this antidote. You can just buy it regularly like you did before and exchange. After ten doses, you have to buy for two more days and give me those drugs."

"Is that it?" The young man asked.

"Yes, that's it. I will come and collect the drugs myself."

"But why are you doing this?" The young man agreed but asked Jack, even the Count was unable to do anything, even when some dealers were arrested, they always found a way to escape and get away. What can a Novice do about it?

Jack didn't reply and left with the drugs. He went back to the contact point and waited for the next customer.

In this way, Jack made deal with several customers who bought the drugs and he brought back the drugs to Sam.

For the next ten days or so, this is his only duty.

Meanwhile, the fourth report from the shadow mice, Sam got his hands on some documents from the arena and one of them is some rules on how Black water should operate and one of the rules made him amused.

'The reports, the rewards and the income which should be submitted annually to the higher ups, all of them shouldn't be in the hands of the branch in-charge and they should be stored in the secret locker of the establishment they made.'

When Sam read this, he wanted to thank the higher-ups of the Black water, they would have never guessed that there is a creature called shadow mouse and that could even ransack their whole vault.

Maybe they only thought of the scenario where the branch in charge might be killed and the other party will not be getting any of the above-mentioned things.

If not for the fact that the great mage will go berserk if the spatial rings containing the meteorite sands and the rewards and the income went missing, Sam would have got his hands on them and ran away.

There might even be a chance of him being linked to the incident due to the previous suspicions.

But since, his main aim is to eliminate them, he has to wait until he is dealt with and take the loot after that.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 114: Red coral city Cleared

One month passed since Sam came to the Red coral city and he did things carefully and stayed low-key.

Right now, he got some necessary info on the businesses of the Arena and particularly the income through the gambling on the fights, he was completely excited to get his hands on them and right now, he is thinking of a way to deal with the two officials who has connections with Black water.

Yes, he got the news on the two people, in Falcon cliff city, Sam got all the news in less than ten days due to the coordinated work of the ten mice, but now, the five of them are taking more time.

All the plans he is making to not to get suspected are only taking more time.

Now, Sam is inside the inn and in front of him is a small glass container with the weird liquid he made earlier and right now, he dropped some drugs in it and started shaking.

After that, a shadow mouse appeared on the table and stored away the bottle into the spatial ring. This spatial ring is not a normal one though, it is made of the space jade and is now acting as a collar around the mouse.

Even though, the shadow mice can use the spatial ring, they have to bear a high level of mental stress, but the space jade doesn't have that problem, so even when the space is little, it is still beneficial.

The shadow mice are rather clever and they got their orders.

That night, the whole upper echelons of the Count city were in uproar, two of their staff are dead, only the count himself was silent because, after he confirmed that the deaths of the two officials, a letter came to him out of nowhere.

He looked at the content of the letter and was startled, he doesn't have time care about this incident and went to his personal residence and refused audience with anyone.

He stealthily escaped from the mansion and went to a rundown inn and snuck into a room.

Sam is sitting on the bed as he watched the Count slowly coming inside. The latter dressed in a very normal set of clothes.

"Greetings Sir Sam."

The other party immediately greeted him.

Sam has sent a letter with the seal provided by the marquis himself, the seal has some spiritual energy signature which is identical to the marquis' seal, so the count never thought it was a duplicate.

Sam gestured the other party to take a seat and said.

"I am the one who dealt with the two officials. They are in connection with the Arena and that is the boss of the two big gangs. I don't know how much info you have on them, but take a look at this."

Sam passed the monthly report on them and the count skimmed through the details as his face paled with shock.

"I don't know what you will do, I can deal with them myself, but I don't want to expend my energy, so I want you to deal with them as soon as possible and most possibly tomorrow. Take this."

Sam passed a spatial ring which is full of liquid that he made after mixing it with the drugs.

"This is the toxin I created with their drugs as base, if you can make the great mage consume a large amount of this at the same time, you can deal with him easily." Sam explained.

"Thank you, sir Sam., I don't know how you got the information on this, but I will definitely deal with them as soon as possible." The Count replied.

"Don't be too quick to thank me yet. I have another which I didn't show you yet and I am not interested in showing you this.

The loot of all these people doesn't belong to you. But I will let you have all the loot except the Novice peak and the great mage experts.

And you don't have the permission to go through the lockers of the Arena and the other organisations. I have marquis' orders to take all of them back, that is the punishment for your negligence on this part.

If the accounts don't tally with the report I have, all the officials can forgo their titles and can prepare to serve their time in the prison."

The Count face turned red in embarrassment, he thought that he could hit it big from this loot and increase his contributions, but now, his plans are gone. He agreed with Sam and left the place.

After that a shadow mouse followed the count to keep an eye on him and another shadow mouse stood in front of Sam.

"Steal the spatial rings inside the locker as soon as the battle broke out and bring them here." The mouse nodded and followed the Count.

Now two mice followed the mice, and one of them is to keep watch and other one is to safely bring back the important loot from the locker. Even though, the count might not dare to go against the orders, Sam doesn't want to take the risk.

If the meteorite sand and the millions of the spirit stones slip by just like that, he might not be able to get them back.

Next day, something big will happen but Sam didn't plan to rest tonight.

"Jack, we are leaving."

Sam and Jack started walking, they went to one of the contact points of the Snake head, the other party is just a Novice Level 1. Both of them subdued and Sam fed them the liquid then he took out some powder of the drug pill and sprayed around.

Both of them quickly left the dead body and went to another contact point…

After dealing with several snakehead gang members, they changed their targets to the Tiger fish members, but this time they didn't use poison rather, they slit their throats.

By midnight, the news passed over all the gang members, some impulsive ones who lost their friends started fights with the opposite gang members.

Before the matter reached the upper echelons there are already casualties. By dawn the fights surfaced to the public and still going on, the orders from the higher ups aren't even effective anymore as the fights went to personal level.

The great mage in charge at Arena is frowning and just as he wanted to forcefully supress the war, a news brought him head ache.

The Count visited him and is requesting for audience, saying that there is a business deal.

He cannot decline him and can only pray that it would be over fast.

But when they sat down together, the count took out some rare wine jars. And the other party was even considerate to prepare a whole wine jar for each and the Arena in charge wasn't even given a chance to reject it.

But only after he emptied half of the wine, he felt that something is wrong.

Before he could realise what is wrong, the count attacked him on the spot. Soon a battle erupted there and the gang members flew in panic.

The upper echelons of the Count mansion all swarmed into the Arena head quarters and started attacking all of them, with so many peak stage and Late stage experts, soon the Arena was subdued.

But nobody dared to take the loot all of them only stood there as the subordinates collected the corpses.

The city guards swarmed the city and started dealing with the gangsters. By the evening the whole city undergone a crack down and was cleaned of gangs.

The remaining measly members who are lucky enough to survive, immediately escaped from the city.

Sam walked towards the pile of dead bodies along with Jasmine and Jack.

They started collecting the spatial rings, the main three rings that are hidden in the locker are already in his hands, so he just took all the remaining scrolls and took them.

After that all of the went to the Count mansion and Sam said.

"From marquis' orders I have to bring all the loot from the gangs but since all the officials and city guards worked together to catch them, I will let you guys have the loot from all the small gangs and the small fries of the Big two organisations.

But there is one important thing that you guys have to take note of and that is the information of us three involved in this matter and even our arrival in this city has to be sealed."

Speaking up to this point he handed s document with permission to maintain the confidentiality and also an order to seal of the information.

"With this, you don't have any obligation to reveal the information unless the marquis himself asks of it.

I have all the records of your corruption. If my appearance of here leaks out and I found any evidence no matter how minor it maybe pointing out to this city, I will handover them to the marquis."

All the officials immediately became tensed. They didn't dare think that Sam is just bluffing after all, all the info on the two gang members are given to them by him.

Even they who are living in the city for decades weren't able to get the info on the gangs but Sam got it in a month, so they don't dare think that he wouldn't have any info on their activities.

That day, Sam, Jack and Jasmine exited the Red coral city and set forth to the next count city.

The Indigo sea city.