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Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer 185

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 185: Javelin Exchange

Sam and the deputy although far away, are looking at each other, both had serious expressions on their faces.

The soldiers from Peacock's side are full on defence mode, they knew what the attack would bring.

Sam shouted the first command since the beginning of the battle.

"Come back a little, disengage from the battle and make defensive formation"

The soldiers obeyed and came back, they started making a defensive formation with the earth element users as the main nodes and the rest as the secondary nodes.

One could vaguely see a large mountain shape being formed from the connected spiritual energy.

Sam knew that it would be difficult to handle the attack if the soldiers are dispersed, they will be a lot of targets and the deputy will have the choice to select.

But if all of them are gathered in one spot, there is only one target that. It might be easier to attack but it is also easier to defend.

Sam looked as the Deputy slowly and painfully lifted the javelin as he aimed at the group who currently in the formation.

The lightning currents are crackling with purple colour. This moment, Sam understood the type of attack, it is not only an area of effect skill but it is also quite damageable to the point of contact.

Deputy took a deep breath and threw the Javelin. Sam also moved in a flash on his harbinger.

He is so fast, that he could feel the javelin moving in slow motion.

He could see the sharp tip moving in the direction of the centre of the formation, even though with the formation, there would be less damage than the deputy expected, at the point of contact, the soldiers who are present there would definitely die.

The soldiers are circulated their spiritual energy. The attack's energy is very less compared to that energy, but they could feel that the people who are near the attack point will definitely suffer.

They couldn't do much.

This is jus like the lightning striking a mountain, even if the mountain remains stable at least on the point of strike there would be some decent damage.

But before the javelin could hit them, Sam arrived. He stood right in front of the Javelin when it was about to change the trajectory and move towards the soldiers. His right hand glowed with golden light. The light element fusion. He moved his arm sharply and caught the Javelin's pole right below the tip.


Even though, the lightning cannot affect the light, the impact was still large enough and the residual force started pushing Sam backwards.

He started using the thrust from the Harbinger to counter the force and to come to halt. The Javelin swept him in the air as he moved backwards and backwards.

The ground below him was destroyed, there is a large cloud of red coloured dust, that is floating all over and the loud sound of tail wind from their motion.

After moving more than five hundred meters, Sam finally came to halt. His Harbinger exhausted one half of the energy cells.

His vest inside was shredded into pieces. As held the Javelin down, his right arm started spurting blood. It was badly maligned and the outer layer of the skin was completely cleared.

His bone broke, and his muscle fibres were torn like threads.

Only his Black feather coat didn't suffer. The combined defence of the Golden sun crow feathers and the Black meteorite sand in the rank 3 are quite something.

He used his left hand and rolled up his right sleeve. His right hand cannot be used. It was almost crippled.

All the soldiers looked at Sam in awe. That is the attack from multiple Novice cultivators emptying their spiritual core at once. That too, the lightning, one of the most destructive elements. Even the Deputy was stunned. He didn't expect that Sam would take the attack with single hand.

Right now, the deputy himself was barely capable of standing and he was being healed while he was absorbing the spiritual energy his arm was completely scorched and torn. This is the situation of attacker, but the situation of the defender is much better than himself.

He felt like he never truly understood the attack at all. This is completely beyond his comprehension.

His soldiers are already moving into the town and someone came here and carried him and the remaining people who are exhausted.

This was his plan, Sam's soldiers have impeccable team work, their techniques are unique, they cannot battle them in direct confrontation, so the only thing they could do is, resort to other means.

So, he used this big attack as diversion so that they could have enough time to retreat to the town. He felt happy when he saw the extent of the damage on Sam's arm. This made him feel like the attack worth it.

But one person was quite indignant and that was the Peacock.

"Why are we retreating? Isn't the attack successful? Why are we going back? Just make another attack like that and kill that guy."

Deputy came out of his thoughts as soon as he heard the shouts.

"Young lord, we cannot win in a head on battle. And that guy is not completely vulnerable, only his arm was broken. And his army doesn't even need his commands. They are out of our league."

"Do you mean, we have to be afraid of that filthy commoner and his soldiers? I don't think so. You are the elite army trained by my father. The enemies are the soldiers only trained by a novice for a little over six months, what are you good for?"

Well, this little peacock clearly forgot how fearful and terrified he was when he saw the marching of Sam's soldiers.

Deputy lost his interest to argue and just said a few words.

"We have to leave."

Sam and his soldiers just looked at them without so much as of a movement. His arm is still bleeding.

The Deputy was the last one being escorted by a group of elites.

Everyone else already entered and they took posts on the town wall.

Sam looked at the Deputy who is staring right back at him, the healers temporarily stopped the healing.

As Sam looked at the Deputy, his calm look changed to the one that of an evil smile.

Then the Deputy saw the most astonishing scene, he ever saw in his life.

The right hand of Sam that was holding the Javelin was covered with the faint golden glow and right as he watched, Sam's bones got realigned, his muscle fibres got reattached, even the skin started forming, before he knew it, the arm was as good as new and he could say that just by how the grip on the Javelin has tightened.

Sam took a look at the runes on the Javelin after confirming that it was a neutral rune which is mostly for condensing and holding the spiritual energy for the attack, he took out an energy cell of fire element. This cell is as big as hand ball.

As held, both of them, the Javelin was covered in intense golden flames.

"Hurry, Hurry." Deputy shouted to his subordinates.

He was last in line along with some elites and some healers so that they could note down any movements from enemies.

But what he witnessed made him a bit afraid, he had a bad premonition that the attack would be quite a blow.

Sam didn't even flinch when they are speeding up. His targets are still there.

Within few seconds, the whole energy cell was emptied and the whole javelin was engulfed in golden flames within which one could even sense the heat from the red-hot metal which was on verge of melting.

Sam raised his hand and with all his might threw the Javelin at the Healers.

That's right, his target was the healers and the main target was the best healer who healed the Deputy.

"Quick, move. Defend." Deputy shouted on top of his lungs.

By this time, the rest of them also understood the danger. At first they ignored Sam, because they didn't expect for him to recover.

Yes, they were amazed but they didn't think he would be a threat at the immediate moment.

But the next thing they knew is the Javelin flew with a dazzling golden flame and pierced through the shabby defence they put together and pierced through the heart of the healer and the surrounding area was burned to crisp. Around twenty members were burned to ashes immediately. More than thirty others were injured. The Deputy was one of those thirty and he is severely injured.

The Peacock, who saw this scene from the town wall was shocked. He is already indignant about the fact that they are retreating but now they are still being attacked.

That too by a filthy commoner. He was raged with fury.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 186: Impact Cannon

Sam didn't attack further, he just let them in. He has to occupy the town to win or he has to kill the peacock. But if he really did kill him from the long shot, how can he achieve his remaining goals. A lot of things are at stake with this war and he has to make it play according to his wishes.

And letting them to go into the town is one of his wishes. This was he can showcase his newly made product and he can earn the big bucks from the southern star Dukedom. So, he is peaceful.

But his counter part the peacock is anything but peaceful.

He is beyond angry. He looked at the Deputy along with thirty others being sent to a temporary tent for them to heal.

It would take some time, Sam isn't any rush to attack, he just hovered with his arms crossed and his soldiers are also recuperating.

The situation would have been ideal and most beneficial for the Peacock's side, but peacock just has to spoil it.

He was now on the central watch post on the town wall, he looked at Sam and his soldiers with an incredibly hateful gaze.

He opened his mouth as he shouted on top of his lungs.

"How dare you, a filthy commoner, stand against me? How dare you even put up a fight? You should have obediently surrendered as soon as you have seen my noble self. You even dared to fight and even hurt my army.

I shall make you regret it, come in to the town if you dare."

Sam was amused by this rant. He was thinking on where this peacock got the guts to shout at him like that. After all, Sam's army just gave a great butt-kicking for them.

But his question was answered immediately.

"Don't be full of yourselves, just for this. You have yet to see my full might. Do you think, just defeating the army is enough, you might not know, in a war when defending a city, citizens can help the army in dire states."

Sam's smile vanished. He didn't expect this to happen. He has to thank himself for not rushing into the town blindly. The second thought that came to his mind is that this guy is pretty stupid.

Their plan might be mixing the disguised soldiers into the citizens and they will attack Sam and his army as citizens. This is something he didn't expect at all.

He thought, there might be some schemes but he never expected that there would this blatant and open scheme.

He observed his surroundings and noticed that no supervisor is objecting anything, so he this might not be against the rules or they might be even ignoring so that Sam could die.

Sam felt like thanking this peacock. This idiot is brainless enough to blurt out the plan directly. If he just stayed mum, Sam and his army would have entered the gate sooner or later and the surprise attack would be almost unavoidable.

But this peacock spoiled his own plans.

At this moment, the Deputy also heard the young lord's words and he clenched his teeth in anger and resentment.

Having this backup plan is not only underhanded and it is also the shame to their army. Here they are valiantly fighting with their lives on line and the opponents also respected that, now all those lost lives will lose the opponent's respect and if the word got out, rest of the army's too.

After all, this is an agreement battle, with 500 vs 500. If they really did take citizens help that is a whole different thing, but if they deliberately kept the soldiers dressed as citizens, it is using a loop hole in agreement and in a way not honouring the deal.

But he has no say in it.

Outside Sam didn't say anything and said his soldiers to standby. Right now, they are anxious and angry. Even they can see through the peacock's plan.

But since there is nothing much they can do even if they do get angry, they can only stay silent.

Sam just hovered for a minute from left to right as if he was looking for something.

After that, he ordered his soldiers to step back a little and then he took out something astounding.

A cannon.

This is new product. Actually, one of his new products. This cannon is same size of the old-time cannon. But it looked more like a turret.

The base is a cuboidal short column which were mounted on small wheels. There is a barrel was not as large as normal old days cannon, it is a bit slimmer and it was connected to the base. There was a lever in the base, so the barrel can be moved in vertical axis.

And another lever on the other side, to move in the horizontal axis.

the soldiers saw this for the first time.

The whole cannon is heavy and cannot be used for normal close quarters, but this can be used for city wall defence and for attacking some places like mansions or towers.

Right now, he is going to use this to tackle the town hall. The Greyish Black metallic lustre along with its robust structure amazed the spectators.

He didn't stop there, he moved towards one spot to another and similarly dropped another nine cannons.

After that, he asked all the fire users to come to the first cannon as he started demonstrating how to use them.

He took out a large bullet shaped green coloured crystal. This is the shell for the cannon and this is made of impact crystals.

He opened the back of the barrel and loaded the shell.

After that, he pulled a lever, the third one other than the first two rods impaled themselves into the ground acting like the support from the bottom of the column.

He placed his two arms on the either side of the barrel where there is a designated place for placing the palms.

He started channelling the spirtual energy which is obviously not his. This is from the energy cells that are placed inside the column.

At the same time, he placed his feet on the bottom of the column which seemed like a foot rest.

As soon as he placed his feet, the methane inside the column started entering some hollow pocket behind the shell in the barrel.

In two seconds…


With a loud noise and flash of Blue spark at the end of the barrel, the shell made its way outwards towards the town hall.

The explosive nature of this special methane played its role well.

Within a second the shell reached the wall and


Another explosion sounded, this time though, but this time, it is not of any fire type, this time it is a strong spiritual energy explosion and this is due to explosion of the shell made of the impact crystal.

There was a gaping hole left in the town wall and many cracks started expanding.

The impact crystal size and shape along with the distance of shooting as well as the methane explosion, these are the critical factors for this attack.

The impact crystal will absorb any kind of physical impact and force. Sam made some experiments and accurate calculations.

The position he kept the cannon is the ideal position for this. In this way, the shell sized impact crystal after taking the impact from the explosion as well as the kinetic energy of the travelling has absorbed enough spiritual energy and that caused the explosion to occur.

Right now, even if there is no wall at that point of impact it would have exploded.

This is the ideal distance and this demo is for a normal loading of the gas into the chamber.

This cannon even has various other modes so that they can vary the methane gas amount based in the distance of the target as well as the type of the target which influences the amount of impact the crystal would take up on crash.

This way there is a large attack range for this cannon, but for now, he is not keen on explaining this to his soldiers.

All they need to know was to shoot from this position to collapse the town wall.

The fire type users immediately made their way towards their cannons after taking the spatial rings that contained the shells from Sam.

Before the peacock and his soldiers could make sense of the explosion caused by the shell, they are already barraged with the impact shells continuously.

The wall of this town is quite sturdy as this was a critical war zone. But now that sturdy wall started showing the signs of collapse at this moment.

The soldiers positioned on the town wall are being affected by the attacks and the first full hole was made at this moment and that is the place where Sam made the first hole.

He came down from his cannon and removed the supports as he pushed the cannon a bit forward. Then he started his shooting again.

Now, the shells started making its way inside the wall. Towards the town…

{Please read Author's thought}

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 187: Chance

The whole town on the Peacock's side was in frenzy. Sam's shell which passed through the large hole in the wall, landed on the temporary military post doing quite some damage.

By this time, the Peacock and the soldiers are already trembling in fear. They didn't know what to do. They cannot directly attack them, as their strength is quite low and now with the addition of the impact cannons, they are even more hesitant to make a move.

They don't know these are impact crystals, all they know is that shell is doing quite some damage to wall which is made to defend against thousands of soldiers.

If they made a move and get hit by the shell directly… they didn't even want to imagine that.

Particularly, Peacock is terrified by the development. He just made a proud proclamation that there are more people inside the town and Sam cannot defeat him with his five hundred soldiers and now, Sam is not only destroying the town wall, he is also destroying the town without even entering.

This time he is both angry and afraid and he also realized his mistake, he should have kept his mouth shut, he just wanted Sam to give up and tried to intimidate him by telling him about the trap.

Now only, he realized how stupid he was. As he was thinking, the Deputy came out, his face is still pale and he seemed a little exhausted. He is already ashamed when he heard the plan of the Peacock, but after he heard the explosions, he felt that something was wrong and was about to come out.

The Healers stopped him and only let him go after he was healed. But as he came out, he saw a shell dropping and destroying a nearby military post.

He immediately climbed the watch station on the wall on which the peacock stood, and looked at the situation. The cannons from a far and their expressions of delight when firing on shell after another, Deputy didn't even know how to react.

He really wanted to smack the face of the young lord by provoking this madman.

As the situation was going south, a supervisor suddenly made his way out of the nearby cliff. Sam gestured his soldiers to halt. This supervisor is from the Peacock's side.

Seeing this, the supervisor, who greeted Sam earlier came out and also started walking towards him.

"I think you cannot use these weapons in this war. This war is test of the abilities between both you and the young lord and it is based on how well both of you will use the soldiers and citizens along with the surroundings.

In short, this is a test for your abilities, you cannot just bring some new weapons from the duke's military and use them here."

The supervisor from the Peacock's side said with a serious expression. Sam didn't answer just yet and looked at his supervisor. Seeing that he isn't speaking at all and even trying to avoid Sam's gaze, he understood one thing.

This supervisor is here only for namesake. Duke seems to have informed something to them.

Sam turned back to the Peacock's supervisor and said.

"Well, these weapons don't belong to the southern star military. They are created by me and that too with in the past six months." As he said that he took out all his professional badges.

This made the supervisor to swallow the words that he was about to say. He saw the rank 5 and pseudo rank 3 badges, he didn't even know how to react properly.

"Is there anything else?" Sam asked with a smirk. He knew why the supervisor came. It is to help the peacock and they wanted to find a loophole to remove the weapons.

But it will not work. Sam already decided to not bother fighting head on anymore and just use his weapons he newly created to do the work for him. He is tired to deal with this peacock.

The Peacock's supervisor was at a loss of word and left the place, Sam them looked at his supervisor who is gulping nervously. He knew what the other guy was thinking. The Duke sent them for namesake. But he must have hid the fact about Sam's profession and also asked them to turn a blind eye if there is any foul play from the enemy.

Sam didn't say anything; he will definitely deal with the Duke and get his payback later.

After the supervisors left, Sam didn't continue shooting. He floated over Harbinger and when he was about same height as the Peacock and the rest, he said in a loud voice.

"You better surrender, as you said the citizens can help the army in case someone invades the town, but at the same time, the invaders can make a move on the citizens too. I hope you guys don't want to go to that extreme. It will save both of us a lot of time and I might even let you guys alive."

As soon as Sam's word resounded, the soldiers on the Peacock's side are even hesitating. But before they could voice their opinions or discuss, the Peacock already made another big and even the biggest mistake of his life.



He let out a string of angry curse, but Sam didn't hear all of them, he is already looking at the peacock as if he was a dead man after the first sentence, the rest of the insults doesn't matter to him at all.

Sam didn't even reply and slowly descended. And went back to the line where cannons are placed.

There are only ten cannons and they are placed wide with a large gap between them.

Sam floated over his harbinger as he started taking one cannon after another. Now, there are a total of fifty cannons and the fifty fire element users from the Dragon Hawk tribe took one cannon each.

The Deputy on the other side was completely dumbfounded and he was overcome with fear.

But this is not over at all, because Sam passed some space jade rings to the fifty members and said.

"Use these after the town wall is collapsed."

After that he floated in the air again and stood with the Golden Crescent in his hands.

He snapped his finger and for some reason in that still silence all the soldiers on Peacock's side could feel the sound.

And then… *BOOM* BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM*

The cannons started firing immediately and the wall was bombarded with fifty shells at the same time.

This time, the speed of shooting is also quite high, why is that so? Because the soldiers could tell from one look that Sam is angry and not just normal angry. He is out for blood. So, they didn't even think twice before using their fastest speed.

Now most of the wall is in brink of collapse only one portion was intact and that was the post where Peacock and the Deputy are standing.

Sam didn't place the cannons in front of the main gate upon which the peacock stood.

He would deal with this Peacock himself and pluck each feather. The shooter having fun as they enjoyed the impact cannon. But the soldiers on the other side are in a dangerous frenzy.

The soldiers stationed on the wall are running for their live and they all ran towards the top of the gate.

"STOP" The Deputy shouted on top of his lungs. Beside him the peacock is trembling in fear, he is soaked in sweat.

But his words have no effect.

"WE WILL SURRENDER." He shouted again.

Sam smirked and gestured to stop shooting.

"And you have authority to decide that? There is only one chance I am going to give you. Hand over that guy and I will accept your surrender, you will get a chance to live, I won't even bother to deal with you. "

"That is impossible."

"Then consider I never asked."

And the shooting began and soon the wall collapsed in several places and the town was laid bare.

The shooter at that area changed the shells and placed loaded the cannon with a new one, he didn't see any changes in this new shell, but he used them as he was told.

But after he shot, he saw what happened.

The shell didn't reach the target, rather it exploded in the middle of the air, but some smaller objects came out of the explosion they are like some cross-bow bolts.

That is all he can see, the people on the other side though can see, what is happening. The metallic bolts, hit the surrounding buildings with some serious damage.

The buildings collapse and as they landed, they exploded again.

These are another kind of shells used for some scattered damage in a much larger area.

The shell is made hollow and there are some bolts made of the crystal inside the hollow area. After the outer shell exploded, they inner bolts will absorb the impact, and then land on the ground absorbing the kinetic energy and the impact from the ground.

The damage is severe than before and more random which makes it difficult to dodge.

The Soldiers were completely terrified and by this time the citizens are also terrified.

They evacuated this area on the account of war and when they heard the collapse of the wall, they couldn't keep it to themselves and came towards the wall and the scene made them horrified. Their young lord was cowering in fear and the soldiers who hid in the disguise of citizens in particular and also stood in front of the crowd are having some serious expressions.

They didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"Kill Him, Kill Him." The Peacock kept on muttering these words. But nobody cared.

"I will say one more time on account of citizen's lives, hand him over and you guys can leave."

Sam said as he halted the shooting and pointed at the Peacock.

The citizens observed the effects of the cannon shells and particularly the second type and then they looked at the Peacock.

All of them are thinking rapidly…

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 188: Can you repeat that?

This time, the extra soldiers in disguise has to take a step forward. They cannot just wait there. And some of them wanted to barge them with numbers and even the supervisors are thinking on how to react.

They knew about the situation and this Duke's son although a jerk and a useless fool, he is still the favourite child of the Duke. If he was really killed here, then Duke might take their anger out on them.

In fact, the extra soldiers in disguise are also for this type of scenarios.

They even had some under the table deal with the southern star Duke….

The Deal, is the southern star supervisors will turn a blind eye as long as they don't make it obvious and the glory of the Peacock will be exaggerated and spread, in return the Red rock town will not be occupied.

After looking at Sam's performance Duke was even more worried about Sam taking action against them, so he made this deal…

Right now, Sam is looking at the town citizens who are a bit away from the collapsed town wall and then he diverted his attention towards the shivering peacock and the Deputy.

They are all thinking on how to deal with the situation, when a long spear was shot from the back of the crowd of citizens.

The spear was covered in the wind energy and it was directed towards one of the cannons. Just from the energy Sam could see that it was work of a Great realm warrior mage but he seems to be in Level 1 or 2.

Not much powerful.

But Sam didn't move at all, just as the spear was about to hit the cannon, there are several layers of defensive formations that appeared not only around the cannon but also the shooter. They are more than five low-level rank 3 defensive formations that he inscribed. They are more than enough to stop an attack from a middle stage Great mage.

The shooter at the cannon was frightened but he didn't move because there was no order from Sam, this was ingrained into his bones, in a battle, he has to follow all the orders.

At the same time, several other spears were also shot, some of them even shot towards him, but Sam didn't care, he swiftly dodged them and they landed behind him creating some decent craters.

After a volley of unfruitful attacks, Sam started took out an arrow, he nocked it on the bow, the arrow's tip is somewhat glowing.

As he stretched the bow string, he started drawing the energy from the energy cells of the Harbinger. As the arrow started glowing with the wind elemental energy, he aimed at a certain corner and released it at the same time as he shouted a command.


The arrow disappeared in an instant and it hit a person squarely in the chest at the back of the crowd as it made a long parabolic trajectory in the air.

As soon as it hit that person, the spiritual energy explosion took place. This is a special arrow whose tip is a small energy cell he made. He destabilized the energy cell before releasing it.

Sam didn't stop there, he shot arrows after arrow while the cannons fired the shells. The Deputy is still conflicting on how to salvage the situation and the supervisors are also thinking on what to do next.

The one who talked to Sam already passed the info that Sam is an expert in many professions and particularly the rank 5 badge is one that could deter them.

Professions are important. They are essential for the cultivators and one had to respect those professionals.

If Sam died in the battle normally, no one would say a thing but if he was killed unfairly, things would get complicated.

It was okay if the information was sealed, but some many town's residents are here and the news will get out sooner or later which would make the artisans and other professions displeased.

Many people pursue their professions and are proud of the status, respect and the protection it gives them. If these three things are invalid, what is the point of them being a professional and selling their services, they can simply use them for themselves and completely hide them from the outside world.

Which will make it hard for the normal cultivators.

After all, if the news of Sam being sent to the war as part of the competition and him being killed in not so fair means is already enough to shame the southern star dukedom and the empire, this will make the cultivators loose trust in the army and rulers.

And if the person died is also expert and a genius in this many fields and was still killed in conspiracy, those in that professions will also despise them which they don't want.

That is the reason, Duke only allowed slight and not so obvious traps and tricks. He didn't want to attract public outrage.

Now they had to consider all these factors when dealing with Sam, but the time is tight. The cannon shells are making the whole place chaotic. The citizens ran for their lives, and the cannons are slowly moving forward as they are closing into the city.

Many soldiers in disguise who attacked Sam through spears are dead due to arrows and many normal citizens are also dying.

Now the soldiers are close to abandoning their posts. Right now, they are not being targeted but the torment of the screams of agony and the chaos is making them loose their mind. They looked at the dead bodies, running citizens, destroyed house, everything is making them angry and despaired at the same time.

They looked at Sam in trepidation and then at the Peacock with determination, all of them are having the same thoughts. Even the deputy is having the same thought.

Peacock looked at the soldiers who has their eyes on him and immediately felt that something is going to happen to him.

"NO, NO. YOU cannot hand me over. You cannot. My father is a duke, he will kill you all…"

He started crying hysterically but the Deputy still caught him and another soldier near him also helped.

They dragged him towards the cannon line up. Sam slowly descended. They threw the peacock like a dog on the floor.

Sam slammed his foot on the other guys shoulder making him prostrate in front of him, then he placed his leg on the back of his head and pressing his forehead to the ground as he said in an icy cold voice.

"You called me something earlier, can you repeat that?" His voice was filled with killing intent and blood lust he released without any boundaries. He let himself loose. All the surrounding people felt suffocated.

They cannot help but divert their looks away from Sam and take deep breaths to calm down. Some even took some steps back so they could stay a bit far from him.

All this happened when the killing intent is still directed at the Peacock.

Peacock who is the prime target peed in his pants.

Sam smirked and said in a cold voice that shook his soul.

"You called filth didn't you, what makes you think you are noble than me, what makes you think you are superior than me?

Your Birth as a Noble?

Your father's strength?

Your army?

But none of them are stopping me from stepping on your head and none of them is making you stop peeing on yourselves.

Remember one thing.

A Peacock who only knows to feel proud of its feathers, should never dare to, do you hear me, DARE to comment on the majesty of a Roc."


As soon as his words were finished, Sam crushed the head like a water melon. The head exploded as brain matter splashed around with the blood.

The others looked at the scene as they shivered. They saw gruesome deaths, they saw clean deaths, they even saw someone beating to death, torturing to death, but death under the feet of the enemy while grovelling in weakness, is first time for them.

It felt awful just imagining it.

At this moment Deputy looked at Sam and said.

"You can take him, but we have a request, treat us as war criminals and arrest us with a lighter sentence. We don't have any life in our empire anymore." Sam just nodded.

The war criminals are very common, they are mostly forcefully caught or people that are surrendered in a war. There are now around three hundred people left in the initial battalion and all of them became war criminals now.

Since, they voluntarily surrounded and they might have some info that would be useful, they can get a lighter sentence and can live their life normally after that.

As Sam agreed, all of the soldiers quietly came out of the town without any resistance. Sam looked at the supervisors who are coming towards him and waited on the spot.

Since, the peacock is dead, then the challenge is over. The town of the enemy empire now officially belonged to the southern star dukedom.

Sam didn't bother to entertain the supervisors, so before they could speak, he said to the supervisors of the peacock side.

"The town will be under my control, I don't care if you have any negotiations or any other deals in the upper echelon, but from the agreement you guys gave me, the time is under my control until the authorities on my side arrived.

I think, you better go to the town and ask the citizens who are unwilling to join our empire move out now and you better clean up those particular 'citizens' who are going to 'help' you in the war.

If I find any funny business going on, then there would be a mass genocide going to take place."

He then turned towards Marian and said.

"Inform the nearest military base from the red rock town. Ask them to come here as fast as they can. And the rest round up the prisoners and follow me into the town hall. We are having our dinner there."

As he said that Sam hovered on Harbinger towards the town hall and the remaining soldiers started working.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 189: Return

Sam really had his dinner at the town hall. Since it is a border town the in charge of the town are from military as well and this made things easier.

As Sam was eating, he looked at the town, it is just a little after sunset and a lot of people are packing their things to move.

Many of them didn't want to stay in this place as they felt a sense of belonging for their country. Generally, the cultivator wars are not so small and the citizens wouldn't have much choice. After all, humans are also an important resource in the eyes of the people at the top of the pyramid.

That is the reason the law is still in place and the people are given some rights.

Otherwise, this world would have already been in chaos.

But that is not the reason Sam let them go, he just felt that it is highly impossible for these people to be loyal for the new rule. From his experience, the emperor is not much of a great ruler and even the southern star Duke is not much.

It is almost impossible to get the loyalty of these people with their rule and they can only force them, Sam just wanted to leave these people a way out.

The person from the nearest military came faster than he thought. Apparently, he rode a level 3 beast and came. He is a battalion commander. After hearing that Sam has cleared the town in a day and he wants to go back to the dukedom, the nearest military post who didn't make the preparations for the new town occupation can only send this person as a representative.

Sam just let him handle the details with the help of the authorities of the Red rock town and he started his journey back to the southern star city along with his soldiers and the remaining war prisoners.

He didn't hand over them to the battalion commander who came to him, but rather brought them back.

He is going to exchange them from the points.

And after another twenty-seven days, he reached the southern star city. He is no the first one to arrive in the southern star.

Many people who cannot take the heat of the war or some candidates who thought their achievements are enough returned on level 4 beasts arranged for their transportation specifically.

But out of all of them his entrance was the most spectacular. As spectacular as his departure. The first thing he did was to enter the camp and settle his soldiers, he gave them a huge amount of bonus and even arranged a feast with Mackey and his staff cooking.

He didn't go out, rather he studied the situation in the camp.

He is estimating on when this phase would end.

Right now, nine months have been completed since this phase began. Sam was deployed to border in the seventh month by the end of eight month he was back. His war only took him one day.

But the candidates assigned to other regiments were deployed earlier for the people stationed in farther borders and some were deployed later for those who are stationed closer.

Sam is the only candidate who came back on his own without the help of Duke's arrangement of level 4 beasts.

The main reason is that he has time and he can also stay with the soldiers as respect to their effort for fighting the battle. As far as he knew being in a commander position, he shouldn't just discard the soldiers after he the battle and return alone.

As he was celebrating his return with his soldiers, he was called for a meeting from the Duke.

He leisurely visited the Duke's palace.

In the meeting room, there was the familiar scene. The Duke, the General and Sam. Only the rest of thunder wolf squad are not there.

Sam didn't wait for the Duke to speak and passed him two scrolls.

One of them is the agreement of the deal about the competition and the second one is the deed of the transfer of the new town and for Sam's surprise that town in called Red Canyon town. He didn't care much though.

As Duke looked at the scrolls, Sam said.

"According to our agreement, if I win this war, I will get 1000 points. Apart from that, I don't have any casualties, which I believe will qualify as a military merit, I killed an enemy commander, around two hundred soldiers and caught around three hundred war prisoners.

I hope the Duke will maintain his 'impartiality' which you have been showing all this while. "

Sam particularly emphasized the word impartiality clearly implying that he knew of Duke's little tricks which made the Duke gulp in nervousness.

He received the information on the war and he also received the news about the impact cannon. He doesn't know how to react. He berated himself for being stupid enough to save General Spark's ass so as to get that old man's loyalty and favour.

But that bit him in the back.

Now Sam seems to be holding a grudge.

Before he could sort these thoughts out and speak, Sam spoke again.

"My four hundred million spirit stones which the military owes me. I need them by today evening. The deadline was over a month ago."

Duke's words stopped and then only he remembered the agreement of the debt that Sam shown them.

This became even more of a headache.

���Sam, about the war. I heard that you have a new weapon…" Duke started speaking, but Sam interrupted again.

"I do have the weapon and I am the one who made it."

"About that…" But Sam interrupted again.

"If you want to buy it, I am sorry I am not selling it and can you please settle my account first?"

Sam is not giving any face at all. He lost all the respect he had for the duke.

Duke only shook his head helplessly and tallied the military points. The two hundred soldiers killed will be counted as two thousand points and the commander was three hundred points, the fact that there are no casualties gave him another two hundred points and three hundred war prisoners will be four thousand five hundred points. These points are solely for Sam as he was the commander.

Apart from them, his thousand points are also given according to the agreement. The total of eight thousand points which will be more than the whole sum of the remaining ninety-nine candidates.

And the soldiers will be receiving their merits separately but since all of them performed equally good, it is difficult to judge, but the Duke has other plans. This battalion is too good and even the thunder wolf squad was a piece of trash compared to them.

Duke also grudgingly gave the four hundred million stones.

After that, Duke explained. Within three days the time limit will be over and all the candidates will arrive here and from then on they can start the business phase and the current business phase candidates will start the military phase training.

Sam didn't wait after that and looked at General coldly and asked.

"How is Jim doing?"

His question made the two Nascent stage cultivators feel their eyes twitch in irritation. He is clearly gloating and he is doing it so openly.

"Sam, we can settle our grudges ourselves, can you just let Jim off?" General asked with a pleading tone.

He is indeed pleading. More than six months wasn't even enough to the pharmaceutical tower head wasn't convinced.

"Why should I? Do I have an obligation to let him off?" Sam said nonchalantly. He then looked at the general who closed his eyes and has a face full of regret.

Then he turned around to leave.

But Duke stopped him.

"Sam, I have something to discuss."

"Sure, please tell me."

"About the weapons…"

As I have mentioned, I have no interest in selling them, after all, I am not a businessman for now and don't wish to talk business now."

Duke immediately understood what Sam meant. Sam is planning use this sale as the part of his business deal. So, he didn't ask further. The Duke then looked at the general and hesitated before speaking.

"Can we work on a deal about Jim?"

Sam thought for a bit and said.

"I suppose."

"What do you need?" General was the one who asked this, he was anxious at the same time excited.

"Your most fabled and the mighty military seemed to held the Dragon Hawk tribe members as hostage and is blackmailing them to supply the soldiers to you to act as meat shields. I want the whole Dragon Hawk tribe including the people who are forced to join the military.

Send them to my estate and then Jim can get himself treated."

Sam said these words and without waiting further left the palace.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 190: End of Military Phase

General and the Duke were stunned, then they immediately called for a soldier and verified the information on Sam's battalion and after seeing the hundred soldiers from the Dragon Hawk tribe they understood the situation.

This is one of the dirty secrets of their military. Holding a tribe hostage in the name of giving them 'refugee' and then using their men in the form of meat shields and the cannon fodder.

Even though, they are not extremely proud of it, they don't want to lose this opportunity at all, when they found the tribe and the worst thing is that the tribe only has a population of around three thousand people excluding the five hundred people who are in the army.

Now they understood what happened. The Dragon Hawk tribe members might have requested Sam's assistance.

General immediately agreed without much thought and informed the regiment commander who kept the Dragon Hawk tribe members in a city near the border to send them here as fast as possible.

Luckily, they are not that far away from the southern star city, it will only take four days on the Level three beasts.

Even though, the southern star didn't have many beasts that can carry them all over, they used the beasts of the nearby area Marquis to send them over. All of them cannot be brought over at the same time, but they will be arrived within the two weeks.

After three days, every candidate has returned and there was an assembly conducted. There was no announcement of the points, only about them changing to the business phase.

But the individuals know the points themselves. Points although given to an individual they can be transferred from one another within a team.

Their team identity tokens which consisted of their team numbers on them were the storage units of the points. If they want to transfer the points, there is an exchange point inside the camp where the teammates can transfer the points within themselves.

But this is only open for this day and it will be closed until the second phase is over.

As every team was divided into two, the military points are calculated for the two teams separately. The first team will be sharing the points themselves and the second team will also be doing so and after the two phases ended the two teams can share the points if they want to.

But not many people are willing to share the points, after all at the end of the day it is every man for himself and every one wants to win. So, the more points the better chances.

Sam transferred two hundred points each to Drew and Hawk. This is compensation for the plight they suffered because of him.

He decided to share some points with Philip and the rest too as he was the reason general targeted them.

Hawk and Drew have around one hundred points they gained themselves which is not that great.

The top ten are all well above five hundred and the first place is for a member of Nicholas' team with nine hundred points.

That was truly a great achievement.

Now with three hundred points they are in the middle or else they are close to bottom thirty people.

But when they looked at points of Sam, they didn't even know how to react, the top ranker was with nine hundred points and this is the news that was circulating among all of them. But Sam's points are way head of nine hundred. They calmed down and decided that it would be better to keep mum.

Now their military time was over, they have to start their business phase.

As for the current business phase members, their points are not yet shared. Their profits are only evaluated but were still not converted to points because the evaluators took the situation of some businesses blooming a little late in comparison to others.

So, they only evaluated on the capital and profits for this phase so that they could judge the latter half better based on this point.

Sam has met with Philip and the rest briefly. But he didn't explain much, all he learnt was that their profits are only hundred percent of their investment and that includes the losses they suffered earlier.

Sam didn't really care. He has big plans for this time around and this might stir something in the whole Dukedom if succeeded.

He entered the estate and inspected the huge pit of land. The land is 1000 acres wide but the only thing is the whole land is a bit depressed when compared to the rest of the city. But with over that large area it is not much of a draw back and the main thing is now the impact crystal is completely cleared.

Watt and Sam hovered over the land as they examined it. Most of the land is even because the earth element users from his battalion came over here to practice on their moulding abilities here and at the same time, they took it up on themselves to make it levelled.

Now, it can be used for construction directly without much work.

After absorbing the land, Sam said to Watt.

"We have to go to the Artisan tower and hire all the architecture artisans, this time the project is going to be big and the investment is quite huge and I want everything to go without any hiccups.

And also, from tomorrow there will be some people from the Dragon Hawk tribesman coming to the estate. Talk to them and arrange their accommodation in the city book as many inns as possible there will be around three thousand people.

Apart from that, buy a house for us, a normal house would do, it is for temporary stay only."

He paused for a while and said.

"Beat up Zeke every time you see. Day or night doesn't matter every time you see him make him lose a bomb to recover but don't cripple him or hit critically. By the end of these eight months, he should pee on himself every time he sees you.

As for Blue fire, as long as he stays put don't do anything to him, but if he talks even a little bit beat him up too.

Let Mackey and the rest close the restaurant in a few days. At most they have a month time and tell them that whatever money they make in this month is their completely."

After giving some instructions, Sam and Watt floated over the city and visited the Artisan tower. The whole city is looking at the familiar and still fascinating floating duo as they moved.

Sam met with Artisan ford and asked him to visit the estate and said that there would be a big project.

And after ford visited, Sam explained everything he wanted in the land in detail. Artisan ford was completely dumbfounded and confirmed every thing Sam needed more than twice before calming down.

"Sam this project costs a lot, more than one hundred fifty million. Are you sure?" He asked for a final time and Sam confirmed again and said that it is what he wanted.

"It will take a month to finish this. I will use all the architecture artisans at my disposal to do this."

After making the deal, Watt went to secure the inn reservations and buy a house for them.

Sam visited the battalion once and talked to Marian about the arrival of their tribesman and also passed a book.

"This is a new and exclusive battle technique for your tribesman and it can be used by both elemental users. Do not pass it to anyone and even if you did, they will only be suffering some serious backlash. But make sure that you keep this a secret.

If anyone asks, all you have to say is that your tribe has this technique for generations but it has some problems which made it impossible to cultivate and then after you met me, I some how decoded them that and made it possible to cultivate."

As Sam said those words, Marian was looking at the title on the cover. "Dragon Hawk Claw" That is the name of the technique written on it.

He kneeled down in front of Sam and said. "Sir, I cannot thank you enough. You have already done more than enough by giving our tribesman a helping hand. And with this technique I don't even know how to express my gratitude. All I can say is if you want anything from me in future, I will do it even if you want my life I will surrender willingly."

Sam pulled him up and didn't say anything. He just patted his shoulder with a smile and left the place.

He has many things to do to make this project a success and he needs to find many people to cooperate.

But the first meeting is not with any of them, he has to meet the Duke. That guy already sent someone to send him an invite to visit him as soon as the military points are allocated.

Chapter 191: Deal with the Duke

In a smaller meeting room of the Duke's palace.

There people sat at a table with two men facing a young man.

They are none other than Sam, Duke and the General Spark.

There was a fresh fruit juice that was served after they exchanged pleasantries.

Sam drank a glass of juice without much reservation and he didn't even wait for the Duke or General to speak.

The Duke even served another glass with a smile.

"Duke Nicholas, I think it would be better if you get straight to the point, as you know I have to take care of many things so that I could take care of my business matters.

After all, my teammates didn't have a good start and I have to put some extra effort."

Situation turned awkward at Sam's sharp words.

*Cough* *Cough*.

He coughed to ease the tension and said.

"Sam, as you know, your recent weapons are greatly useful for the border defence and even offence in large scale wars. We would like to buy them for our army.���

Duke knew that there was no use acting hypocritical and just came to the point.

Sam calmly spoke.

"I can sell one hundred cannons and each cannon will come with hundred type-1 shells and fifty type-2 shells. This will be one ammo set. And I will throw in a manual on how to operate the cannon.

But the cannon operates on energy cells and the Special fuel. Of course, I will give a loaded set for every new cannon.

But there is a catch here, you know the shells are made of the impact crystal and if you try hard enough you might re create them, but the thing is the energy cell and the fuel needed are only available with me and if you don't buy ammo from me, you can find another way to get these things."

After hearing Sam's words, they started thinking but didn't reply, Sam has yet to say anything about the price.

Sam took a sip from his glass and said.

"Each cannon will be five million and an ammo set will cost hundred thousand and the energy cell and fuel will also be sold in packages which will cost hundred thousand each."

Duke and General took a deep breath.

They knew that the price would be high and they expected Sam would demand this much but they were still surprised. This is a huge sum.

They don't have immediate large scale war, but there will be soon after this whole competition thing is over as there were so many grudges will be formed.

Just like Sam's situation, the father of the Peacock will definitely want to find a way to deal with Sam after this thing is over.

This situation may happen in many places and they have to make preparations, if Duke can use these cannons properly and make some serious damage to the enemy by occupying a couple of cities, his prestige will increase and he will receive merits at the same time, his territory will also increase giving him more resources.

But spending this kind of money is still a bit painful, so they wanted to negotiate.

"You see, Sam. The Price is a bit too muc…"

Before he could finish his words, Sam already stood up and was about to walk away.

"Sam, what happened?" Duke didn't catch the point of Sam's actions. But the latter's reply gave the answer.

"I am too busy. If you cannot afford this, then there is nothing to talk. I would visit the south east or south west, I will see if any of the Dukes will be interested. The time is not on my side." He shrugged as if he was helpless.

"Deal." Duke immediately said a bit loudly. And then continued.

"I will buy hundred cannons and hundred extra ammo set along with fuel sets. But is there any other way than spiritual stones, maybe we can trade on something?"

Sam sat back and though. There is indeed something. I need hundred million worth of cattle type beasts and half of them must be female.

They were stunned again and they didn't know how to react. The cattle type beasts are one of the weakest types. They are not much suitable for combat and most of them eat them and some people make jerkies of their meat when they go on long trips. They cannot be sure that they can get enough food.

As for the milk, they don't care much. Even though, the milk has some spiritual energy properties, it is not that popular. At most the spiritual energy is stable and it can help some recovery and some cattle with elemental properties are compatible for their respective elemental users.

For 100 million, Sam will get more than ten thousand cattle. They are even wondering how can he manage.

But Sam didn't care for their thoughts and said.

"I don't care the elemental type they are of; I just need their worth. As for the rest, I don't need much things. The rest should be paid as fast as possible.

As soon as the money was in my hands, I will give the cannons, the ammo sets, fuel sets will be given after the beasts are given.

I need at least 10000."

The cannons cost 500 million, the extra ammo sets cost 10 million and the fuel sets another 10 million.

Sam traded for 100 million stones for cattle. So, the rest has to be paid. The four hundred million Sam has got from the Duke as debt from regiments was depleted by half for the construction of the estate and the remaining will be gone for the remaining additional arrangements for which he might need to hire the formation tower head and some other miscellaneous things.

All of this can be considered to be his investment and that includes the one hundred fifty million he bought the house with, the rest of the money he had also had a dent as he provided for the rewards of the training and for the investment for the Philip's batch's business.

Anyway, he got some returns but he didn't take it way from Philip and the rest, He just took the investment he made and let them have the profits. As he closed that business, he doesn't want to take a share from their points.

In short, he needed money and this five hundred million will cover most of the investments he made and he is now only a hundred million away from the break even.

After signing the deal and delivering the cannons to the military zone, Sam went to the estate where the construction plans began.

Sam took out a huge pile of scrolls and passed them to Ford who is guiding the rest of the artisans. Even though, the artisan tower is rich a single project worth of 150 million is worth a lot and that is after the heavy discount to Sam who is a rank 5 artisan. There is around sixty percent discount for him and this is one of the privileges the artisans could enjoy.

Ford has setup a temporary tent for plan explanation and other management purposes in which Sam explained the construction plan he himself made in detail.

The first phase of the plan is the farther end of the estate which is nearing the wilderness on the back of the southern star city. There the houses for the Dragon Hawk tribe and the farm for the cattle, spring fowls, pigs and the rabbits are going to be arranged. At last there would some small large individual buildings for production purposes. These can be called small scale factories and these are for making some products for the future use.

These are going to be the resources for his plan and as he needs manpower and the Dragon Hawk tribe who are new to city and completely unfamiliar with this place and also doesn't like fighting much could be hired for his project.

They will be his employees. So, the first thing he did is make their residences so they can move here, he doesn't want to lose more money on inns. So, if they can move here and help him look after farms.

Even though, he would bleed some money for a month, that would be okay. He could give them same type of food he gave to his battalion. Although, it is not very high quality. It is still okay for now. If they want to have luxurious foods, they can leave the place, earn money and eat.

Sam might have helped them, but that is certainly not out of kindness. Simply put, the main reason is his whim. He is in a good mood when Marian said his story and agreed to help them and the second reason is, he need to hire employees anyway, so he can get them easily by helping them and doesn't have to bother going through so much trouble.

As for the farms inside the dimension, for the past eight months the animals in the farms did grow more and did increase greatly. But they are still insufficient for his project, but he has other plans for that.

But before that, he has to meet his possible business partners.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 192: Discussing Collaborations

Sam visited all four tower heads for the deals he has proposed and his many badges came very handy. As for the Pharmaceutical tower head of which he was not part of, Sam didn't even have same resistance he had at the other three towers.

Their previous deal on the potion made the discussion easier.

For the artisan tower head and the formation tower head, he has extra things to discuss.

From artisan tower he needs the help of their special division which is mining department. He needs the supply of the impact crystal from the whole southern star territory and he asked the tower head directly.

But the discussion didn't go smoothly. Because, this tower head is being a bit greedy. The impact crystal is purely worthless for these people and Sam is the only one who has proper use for it.

He studied and researched on its molecular structure along with a lot of experiments to determine the most appropriate amount of crystal that should be use to make a proper shell based on the launching distance, desire damage and even the size of the shell itself.

It was all his hard work. Even if the time spent wasn't high, it was still his hard work. This tower head might have sniffed the news of Sam mining all the impact crystal and guessed he might have a use for them, so he was trying to use this chance to get some benefits out of Sam.

Although, Sam didn't know what he wants, he doesn't want to give in. So, their negotiation failed and they made an appointment for a day later to think it over.

Sam didn't have much to think, he didn't have anything to say and he is firm on his stand.

The next stop was Formation tower. After meeting the tower head, Sam was a little bit surprised. He saw a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties.

He was not surprised by the fact she is beautiful neither was he surprised for a lady being a tower head. What he was surprised was the tower head is a little too soft. She didn't seem authoritative or imposing at all.

She is slim and pretty with chestnut coloured hair tied in a bun. She does have a scholarly aura befitting a rank 5 formation master. But she lacked the powerful aura of tower head.

But he didn't care much about it, it was only an observation out of his habit.

This time the negotiation went smoothly.

First thing, is Sam need a Rank 5 formation in his estate all around his project. But the catch is, he will be giving the formation design and all he had to do is lay it according to the design.

Sam briefly explained the design to her, before she could even recover from the surprise of him asking to create the formation of his own design, which made her swallow the words she was about so say.

In short, the design is to protect the whole estate from trespassing. Sam is not ready for the cultivators from the noble families. It is also a form of protection for the people inside and the design mostly uses a large amount of spiritual energy to block an attack.

For the attack below Nascent, there wouldn't be any damage at all.

For the attacks of Nascent, the formation will be able to withstand three average strikes on the expense of excess spiritual energy drawing from the atmosphere. Even if it is damaged due to an attack, given enough time, it can recover bit by bit.

The tower head was completely dumbfounded and even asked Sam about where he got this design, Sam just shook his head not planning to answer.

He looked at her and said.

"If you have plans to steal the design, you can do so, but the very next day I will release the method to deactivate it." After receiving her confirmation about not copying it, Sam talked about other matter, which is a business collaboration and after a long discussion, both of them shook hands happily.

After that the next two towers are only discussions about business collaborations. Sam is planning a huge thing now and this would be one of his sources of income in this empire and even the Duke might thank him for this.

The next day, Sam went back to the artisan tower to discuss the deal. This time the tower head was bit pushier and more straightforward after seeing Sam's determined attitude.

"Artisan Sam, you see as we all are fellow artisans, you came for me to help so it is only natural for you to help your fellow artisans too. One cannot only keep on taking from a place.

You made a deal with architecture artisans and you got a great discount, now you are already asking to buy an ore from the artisan tower and you would get a discount too. It doesn't seem fair. How about this? If you can 'share' the knowledge on how to use the impact crystal properly so that we can collectively develop, it would be a contribution to the 'welfare' of the whole artisan tower.

Also, if you can share how an energy cell works, it would greatly help the growth of the artisan tower and the future generations will appreciate you."

Simply put, this old man wants the manufacturing methods of the energy cells and the impact crystal usages. Sam didn't answer and looked at the artisan tower head coldly.

He stood up and asked.

"Are you sure you want to do this the hard way?"

"What do you mean artisan Sam?" This guy just played dumb.

Sam shook his head and said before leaving. "Your loss."

After that, Sam walked downstairs and there was huge commotion. After an hour, Sam came up again and placed a new scholar artisan badge on the table before saying.

"I need all the ore of impact crystals in the southern star, it doesn't even have a proper market price and the estimated value is 100 spirit stone for a cubic meter.

As I was a rank 5 artisan, I would have already gotten a twenty five percent discount for ore buying and since it is a big deal, I can get additional two percent, so for I cubic meter I only needed to pay 73 spirit stones.

But with my new status, I get an initial discount of thirty percent and there is an additional discount of 3 percent now, so now I only need to pay 67 stones for one cubic meter.

Now the loss is around 6 percent and how much it is in the actual money; you can find it in the future."

Sam leisurely sat on his chair as he spoke.

In front of the shocked tower head there is a scholar artisan's badge but it is not a rank 5 one, it is rank 6 one.

Sam went downstairs to take the test as he understood the tower head wouldn't let go of his greed, so he used the most straightforward way he could possibly do this with his current strength.

That is crush that guy with seniority.

In any profession there is a strict hierarchal system and that is the people from the artisan tower of the lower rank, should respect and shouldn't play any tricks and try to make trouble for them as long as everything they were requested of was within their abilities and it was nothing underhanded.

This is to give more privileges and also encourage more people to learn and achieve higher ranks which will in turn increase the status of the artisan tower in the society.

Sam took a look at the shocked tower head and seeing he was not replying, he said.

"I suggest you don't play any tricks, or you could just wait for me to make visit to the imperial capital. From, what I heard you seem to have some relatives in the imperial capital's tower, but I highly doubt that they are high ranked than me. So, I suggest you prepare these."

Sam said these words and left the tower; he knew that this guy would get things done.

Generally, the scholar artisan badge is one of the most difficult things to gain and increasing the ranks is even more difficult.

Innovation is not easy after all, but for Sam that is one of the easiest things he can obtain. Ideas are what he had in his brain.

The news of his promotion didn't spread much as he took the exam in a private room.

He didn't keep it deliberately but he didn't publish it deliberately either, so he wasn't surprised.

The next day, a letter came to him from the artisan tower saying that his order was taken and all the impact crystal would be shipped within a month.

He smiled at the letter.

He didn't talk about the business collaboration anymore. This guy with his large appetite just lost one of the biggest opportunities in his life.

Chapter 193: Busy Month

For the next month, many things happened, Sam was really busy.

For starters, the cattle arrived. Just after the farm and the houses were built. The Dragon Hawk tribe also came.

The three thousand people and half of them are kids who are not even awakened yet. They only need normal food, even if they were fed with the spiritual energy filled food, their bodies cannot take it.

This also gave Sam one answer. These people might have beast characteristics but they also have equally human characteristics and mainly the awakening period of fourteen years.

After their houses were constructed, Sam let them stay there. He didn't talk to them directly not even to the tribal chief who is only a Great mage and an old man.

All their contact was through Marian and he only talked them at their work places and that is to explain their job scope, duty, rules and the salary.

Hundred of them are employed to take care of the cattle. Other than the children most of the people are married and the ladies of the houses are not working.

So, Sam had around 1200 employees who are willing to work for him. Out of 1200 hundred were assigned to the cattle farm and another hundred for the remaining farms.

All the farms have expanded, because, Sam opened a shop in the town and offered a buying point.

No matter how much the beast is damaged, he will buy and he offered another service and that is he would give them all the valuable items of the beast, like leather, fangs, teeth, blood, bones and also some inner organs

Many hunters are not expert at handling these things, but these things are most valuable of all. That is the reason they will not get a high price.

But Sam's offer was quite good for them. Sam would not only pay them a price for the meat based on the weight, he would also give them the processed materials which they could sell for more price.

For example, a hide of an earthly bear is good for a leather armour, but when a carcass of the earthly bare was sold, it would fetch around 2000 spirit stones if it is a level 2 beast. But if the hide was processed and made into an armour, the armour would cost around 12,000 stones.

So, if the hide was already taken and cleanly processed just ready for the armour to make, the hide will be pricier and will get them at least 4000 stones.

As for meat, normal hunters cannot sell them to a restaurant. The restaurants will mostly rely on a constant supply from an organisation or a supplier who has a team of hunters who will hunt and some restaurants even has farms.

So, individual hunters will always get less. But Sam's shop increased their income.

Sam trained around fifty dragon hawk members to process the animals and how to take the meat and the rest properly. The meat will be shipped to the farm where there will be stored in the space jades to keep the freshness.

This business has been running for fifteen days.

For the rest of the members, three hundred members are trained for shooting purposes, this is one of the Sam's new weapons and it would useful for his project security.

For the remaining some, they have to wait till the project was completed.

And within twenty-five days, the construction was over and for another week, there would be duties of the formation tower, inscription tower and pharmaceutical tower. The collaboration with pharmaceutical tower is lesser compared to the remaining two, so their work was easier.

As for the inscription tower and formation tower, they worked for one week to settle everything and after that it was another one week for Sam to complete his things.

As for the rest there are very small finishing touches.

After this month there was a majestic construction in the southern star city.

It was a large hemispherical dome. Except there is a large circular opening on the roof allowing the sunlight.

There are two entrances and one of them is in the front and another one at the back which was only for the staff. The back entrance leads the way towards the residences of dragon hawk tribe and the farms.

There were a few words above the front entrance and that is SAM'S PARK.

From the last fifteen days, Sam and Watt are on a publicity campaign about this SAM'S PARK.

The entry of the park is 1000 spirit stones.

The experience would be worth it no matter what. They can stay in the park for twelve hours with this 1000 spirit stones.

Many people were sceptical for this, but after that there came another news. The first day of the opening was free for everyone to enter and all the experiences except for the food and products are free.

The hype was quite high. Even the people in the slums couldn't help but hear this.

After everything was set, a day before the opening, Sam met with Hawk and Drew. These two people didn't know what to do in the business type. All the other team's businesses were saturated and it is quite hard for them to join the market as they don't have same money and people like others.

But they are too ashamed to ask Sam for help. At the end they don't have any chance but seek him.

Sam couldn't say much and said.

"My project is huge and there would be millions of spirit stones that would come into play. Can I trust you guys?"

Sam asked directly

He didn't want to put blind trust in any person.

He wanted to make things clear, before getting them involved.

Both of the nodded their heads and assured him.

"Even if you do steal something from me, make sure that I don't find out. You know the consequences otherwise. My words may sound unpleasant and hurtful but let us face the reality. We are not that close; I am thankful that you guys stayed with me even after the threat of general but that is to return the favour you owed me and one cannot say what would happen if a large amount of wealth is involved."

"We understand."

They both replied.

"Okay, then one of you will supervise the entry and the another one would be in charge of artisan shop."

Finally, after forty days of the initiation of the project, the day of opening finally came.

The city's population was very huge with millions of people and more than forty percent of them are cultivators.

But the first day of the opening attracted only a little more than 10,000 people. After all, all of them are not that interested in this but this ten thousand people are quite large.

The advertisement is only given about the entry fee and the free one-day entry offer nothing more, so this attendance is quite acceptable.

The ten thousand people also didn't come at the same time, there are only around thousand people in the morning and the word got out from them as more and more people entered and finally by the end of the day the count reached ten thousand people.

The maximum capacity is near fifteen thousand so, it is not bad at all.

After they entered and until they left, they were in constant awe of the place.

The whole park is divided into three zones.

The first one is shopping zones.

The second one is challenges zone

The final one is food zone.

The shopping zone has four shops and they are all from the three towers and Sam's own weapon shop.

The three towers opened three shops which are like supermarkets.

These three towers have same problem as the artisan tower in the blue flame city. The normal customers would rather buy in small stores than enter the artisan tower.

Because, they feel like bypassing all the security and the formal shopping in the artisan tower is quite troublesome. The normal stores though don't have this problem stealing the market.

But, now Sam provided a chance to enter the market.

The three towers have exclusive shops with wide array of glass shelves, elegant and mesmerising display and Sam even provided them with the glass bottles, boxes which will make the packing look more elegant attracting the attention.

The inscription tower and formation tower doesn't have much market in this area, the consumables they can sell are quite small and the custom ones will be ordered in the towers by the customers.

The main advantage of these two towers is from the challenge zone.

The weapon shop of this place was supposed to be a collaboration with the artisan tower but Sam didn't proceed with that and just opened his own shop.

This shop doesn't sell many normal weapons. Rather they are selling, calming grenades, pin grenade, hunting traps, and some other methane explosives Sam made and the most important thing is the energy cells and this time there was a custom section open for making the energy cells in the same shape as the customer desired.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 194: SAM'S PARK

In the Sam's park, the shopping zone is the first thing and it was in a most unique shops they have seen, but that was not the most unique and surprising thing that was awaiting the customers.

The next zone is a circular zone which surrounded the food zone.

The circular zone is full of challenges hence named challenge zone.

This is where the inscription tower and the formation tower.

There are many challenges in this place which would test many of the qualities and abilities of the cultivator.

This is an amusement park for the cultivators, instead of rides and games, here Sam combined the fun and tests to make money off of it.

Some of these challenges are completely under the formation tower and inscription tower. It was test for the knowledge of a cultivator on the formations and inscriptions and their ability to decrypt the formations and inscriptions.

These two challenges are side by side and entry fee would depend on the level of inscription or formation they want decrypt.

For a rank 1 formation or inscription they have to pay 100 spirit stones and that is only for acolyte cultivators, there would a set of ten formations they have to crack and if they do so they would win 1000 spirit stones. Same goes for the inscriptions.

For the Novice stage cultivators, the entry fee is five hundred spirit stones and rank 2 formations or inscriptions would be there.

For the Great realm cultivators, the entry fee is one thousand spirit stones.

As for Grand realm cultivators, the entry fee is five thousand. The prize of completing the set is always ten times the entry fee, but the thing is many people are done in the third round itself.

These two stalls are completely under the towers and they will pay twenty percent of their income to Sam.

There are some challenges that are a collaboration for between Sam and the two towers.

One of them is a woods challenge.

This is a team battle against the beasts.

There would be a small forest created with the wood element users and in that a team of five to ten members will challenge a pack of beasts with an equal number.

They will be provided with a list of beasts available for challenge and these beasts are captured by Sam and have been tamed by him. This is an exclusive thing for Novices.

In fact, Sam had planned this park for Novices as the main target.

In this Woods challenge, the acolytes will be given a choice to select the beasts of Level 2 and the Novices for Level 3. And the Novices have more challenges and almost made this thing exclusive to them.

The challenge is that the candidates have to leave a mark on the bodies of the beasts or destroy the token which were hung on their bodies. They are prohibited to use critical attacks and kill the beasts.

In the same way, if the beasts make a mark on the men, they are out. This is more like a paint ball game but Sam made it animals vs humans.

The entry of this challenge is 100 per person for the Acolytes and thousand per person for Novices, if they can clear the challenge, they would receive double the amount and as usual not many people were able to clear the challenge.

After all, these are no ordinary beasts. Sam tamed them and even refined their bloodline and let Yanwu and Sky train them to understand how to go against the humans in the most efficient way.

A part from them, there are element exclusive challenges.

For example, there is a fire element challenge in which there would be a series of formations through which the challenger has to bypass. The formations are made in such a way that they would make fire element attacks, starting from fire balls, to infernos and many other attacks.

This challenge can help the fire element users to increase their elemental control and for the rest of the elemental users they can increase their endurance and capabilities to fight against the fire type attacks.

There are seven stages of formations for each cultivation stage. And entry fee is 200 stones for acolyte, 1000 for a Novice, 3000 for a Great mage and 8000 for a Grand realm expert.

This is a collaboration with the formation tower and the designs of the formation are done by Sam himself and the tower is responsible for maintenance and control.

They would get twenty percent revenue from this.

Just like fire element, there are several other elements. Wind, wood, earth, lightning, water and even metal, ice etc.

They are all of similar price range and then there are combination challenges.

There are five venues where the combination of elements can be selected. The challengers could select a combination of various elements and prices would be multiplied by the number of elements they chose.

There are other types of challenges like shooting ability. This is for ranged attackers to test their ability.

For testing the ranged attacks, Sam made use of two methods and one of them is similar to skeet shooting except the targets will be more random, faster and there would be many obstacles. There are more than hundred levels for each cultivation stage and more levels one could clear the more points they accumulate and the more prize they get.

This is also from acolyte to the Grand realm cultivators. In this challenge the target would also have another segment that is not present in a normal skeet shooting and that is the hardness of the target.

The shooters are from the Dragon Hawk tribe and the shooting devices are some small-scale impact cannons except the shells are replaced by the targets. The inscription tower is responsible for making the targets and they will get twenty percent of the revenue.

Another shooting ability is about mid ranged attacking practice.

The challenger will enter a large room and the targets will be shot around the room and one has to identify the direction and the speed of the target carefully and deal with it. Just like previous ones, there are many levels and also based on point system.

The entry fee is also based on the cultivation levels.

There are some challenges which takes place between two challengers themselves. One of them is earth element control contest.

Two earth element users will be standing on two sides of a large field which will be having a dividing line in the centre. This line will separate two zones, one for each player. The goal of the game is to manipulate the earthen cubic blocks which are placed on the either side of the field and fill the opponent's zone.

One who filled the other's zone will be the winner. In this thing, one has to control the cubes to place them in opponents place and also bypass the control of the opponent to hinder him to not place the cubes in their own field.

In the same way, there is a field for ice element users, a field for wood element users to occupy the opponent's field with trees.

There are some other tests like suppression test where the candidate has to go through the suppression caused by the formation and move forward.

Then there are tests for senses, where the challenger would be restricted the use of his spiritual sense and has to rely on their senses and instincts.

Some other tests for melee combat training, where candidate has to dodge the projectiles or hit the projectiles shot towards him.

In this way there are many tests that the candidates can experience.

Sam made sure that there shouldn't be more than 12000 people inside the park at the same time except for special people under his or Watt's recommendation. The three tower heads also have a quota to bring two people at a time.

The last zone in the park is food zone and this is first time the cultivators saw a food place like this.

There are no separate restaurants in the food zone.

All the food stalls are arranged in a circular fashion inside which there are a large number of seats to have food.

The people can also buy food there and can have it while walking in the park. There are some benches here are to sit.

The food is also one of the unique things the customers have tasted.

The food is not based on large meals, rather every portion is small so that the people can taste many dishes.

The food is served in a special kind of tree bark which is dense and clean and easy to carry. They can walk and eat.

The food mostly focussed on fried and grilled. The most attractive dish is the fired spring fowl, inspired from the fried chicken of the modern world. It has minimum servings and is limited in order to sustain the farm. There are only hundred portions a day.

The remaining are fried or grilled foods of various meats obtained from the hunters in the Sam's shop in the city.

The most unique thing is not the food though, it is beverages.

There is a fascinating wine, Sam created with the help of the ape. Apart from them, he introduced a new type of beverage which was the milkshake.

This is the reason he obtained cattle.

The fruit flavoured milkshakes which are served with a slight chill in a thing glass contained with a bamboo straw, are one of most refreshing things the visitors tasted.

In short, the experience of the visitors can be explained in one word.


Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 195: Returns

The name of Sam's park spread long and wide. The publicity through mouth of people is beyond any other kind of efforts Sam could have made.

The free experience for a day is one of the best decisions he made and that was spot on.

After the opening day, many people came and queued up at the dawn the limited entry for the people made them come and line up. There more than twenty thousand people and after sending twelve thousand people in, Hawk, who is in charge of the entrance closed the large gate.

Sam has invested a total of 650 million including the land, the construction, formations, the challenge arrangements, value of the cattle.

For the first day, the revenue from the entry fee alone is 12 million. And the total revenue is around 150 million for all the challenges, the food, and the products from Sam's weapon shop.

The people are obsessed with the challenges and one person cannot stop himself from trying it again and again and the fact that they are helping their control of energy is only prompting them to repeatedly do this.

Even though, the one hundred fifty million seemed like a lot but a person is spending an average of over 12500 stones if we consider that over 12000 members.

Out of this one hundred fifty million around 30 million is going away for running the whole park. That includes, the formation repairs, raw meat and other ingredients, the wages and also the prizes to the customers if they had won any.

And around another thirty million are going to the towers for the cooperation in some challenges. With this Sam is making a 90 million per day and it doesn't seem it would take long before he would reach his 650 million investment and gain profits.

When Duke and the remaining candidates learnt about Sam making a huge construction project in the estate, all of them thought that he might be doing real estate and sell houses in the central zone, but when they saw the results of this, they were dumbfounded.

The candidates and the other businessmen, noble families are green with envy that even included the Duke himself.

The people are taking out their savings to get into the park and spending them on the challenges for various reasons like tempering, improvement and even simply fame. After all, the challenges are awfully tough and clearing them will make them famous.

For the next week, the Park ran normally and the popularity spread rapidly and Sam's investment was returned.

Now, he is on his way towards earning profits and that is going to be huge. But, after one week the first problem came.

The other candidates particularly the noble kids were consumed by jealousy, but what can they do, as soon as they started making troubles, there are serious consequences waiting for them.

Sam had made some serious security measures in the park.

More than three hundred dragon hawk tribesman are given some smaller cannons, there are several watch towers inside the park from which they can cover a lot of area. The construction is made in such a way that there are not many blind spots.

So, as soon as they made trouble, they will be shot down. The shell this time is like a trap. This is just like a hunting trap, but a little different. As soon as it hit the person it a metallic coil wound itself over them and an inscribed formation was activate sealing their powers.

The troublemakers as long as they are not above Great realm, they are taken down by the shooters themselves.

Beyond the Grand realm, the towers are not cooperating with him for nothing.

After catching the criminals, every night, Sam had an interrogation session and the consequences are based on their actions.

If one was here to disrupt the order by kicking up a fuss, he beat them up and threw them at their master's door step, if they are here to make some serious moves by injuring someone, he broke their bones and sent them.

If they are here to kill someone to stain the park's reputation, then he was killed and the body was hung upon the arch of that master's house.

Anyway, the troubles are less since, the cooperation between the towers is not a secret. So, if someone wants to make some trouble, they will have to deal with the towers themselves.

As the Park's situation was going well, Watt is busy with helping Sam for the half of his time and the other half, he roamed the city like crazy on the silver wind.

Since, the start of the construction project, he beat up Zeke and Blue fire many times.

All these times, he left a mark on their bodies.

The number of times they got beat and left them unconscious on the roads.

If there was any chance that the city guards could find him, he just took them away and fled on the silver wind and beat them up in a secluded location.

All in all, in this more than forty-day duration, the two brothers underwent some serious trauma.

It was to the point; they are afraid of coming out. But they cannot let that happen. Because, they are part of the southern star team and that too in which the kids are all nobility. They only took them in because of the General and they didn't have any good feelings.

They even gave them more military points just to placate the general who will behave unreasonably. Now, in the business phase the general didn't hold much sway and the rest of the candidates started making them work more.

If they didn't do so, they can forget about making points but every time they come out, Watt could find out their place no matter what and they got a tough lesson.

After all, how could they, Watt is using shadow mice. After the three couples gave birth, the male mice came back to the duty and the seven mice are on lookout.

One mouse followed the two while the remaining scouted the areas to give Watt the news about their spot.

This way, the two brothers were beaten left and right.

After three consecutive beatings, they went running to their grandpa.

But there was no result, Jim was healed recently and was still recovering and he also knew why Zeke and his brother are targeted. They wanted to kill Watt and he knew this would happen. But he cannot do anything for now. At most he can just save them from being killed and he cannot guarantee if he can even take revenge if there was no evidence that Sam is the one who killed them.

So, the beating continued.

They went to complain to the city guard command, but Watt is like wind as he hovered in the city and the city guards cannot follow him, they wanted to go to park to catch him, but their captain rejected the idea.

The Park is the collaborative business of the bigshots, they don't have guts to go there.

So, the brothers suffered.

Sam is facing some serious problem.

He is having an irritating feeling as his spiritual core started bloating.

He is at the peak stage of the Novice and he is on verge of breaking through.

Yanwu and Sky are also at the peak of Level 3.

But they have more control over their bodies. Unlike them, Sam's body is having some trouble coping with it. He has been suppressing this for more than twenty days and he needs to make a contract with the next beast.

But Mia just entered the Level 3 and it takes at least another month or two before it reaches the Level 3 peak level.

But it is becoming unbearable for him to bear through it.

After some thought, he entered the library in the dimension.

He started searching through books so that he can find some ways to supress his cultivation without much discomfort.

But there are no results.

After all, any sane person will think of ways to breakthrough as fast as they can, no one will think of ways to supress.

So, there is little to no information on this aspect.

After days of unfruitful search, he found something else.

The Body cultivation section. There are only three divine wills on it. He wanted to look at it previously, but he didn't get an urgent need for that.

After all, his body itself is stronger than his peers and is even stronger than most of the beasts at the same level.

His flesh is as strong as beast's.

But he decided to take a look, he needs to find a way to channel this excess energy so that he can feel normal.

Of course, he can just use up the energy and also seal the energy with an inscription or something. But if he was attacked suddenly, he would be in trouble.

So, he decided to take a look at the body cultivation techniques. But he made an amusing discovery after he looked at the three divine wills.