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Saiyans in the Marvel Universe 33 to 43

Chapter 38 Main Mission 2 (Please vote for recommendation)Kamesen-ryu martial arts actually has specific moves. At the World Martial Arts Conference, after Qiqi and Wukong exchanged a few moves, Kamesenren immediately recognized that she was using Kamesen-ryu martial arts. The reason why he only took Wukong and Krillin to exercise may be because Wukong has the foundation laid by his grandfather, Sun Wuhan, and Krillin also practiced at Duolin Temple, so there is no need to teach them.This is the right choice. In the Dragon Ball universe, the most important things are energy and body. There is a slight difference in combat experience and skills, but you can catch up after a few battles.The fighting techniques in the Dragon Ball universe are also very simple and direct, taking the path of defeating all means with one force, without so many fancy moves. Goku Turtle Qigong is used from beginning to end, from Tao Baibai to Majin Buu, and it will not be eliminated as the strength increases.But it's different in the Marvel Universe. In this universe, it's as difficult for ordinary people to practice and release their Qi as it is to reach the sky. Warriors spend a lot of energy on creating martial arts, and each school inherits various exquisite martial arts. What determines victory or defeat is not relying solely on Qi. Various powerful martial arts make it possible to challenge levels.If he could combine the advantages of the two worlds, extremely powerful Qi and extremely sophisticated martial arts, Broly felt that he might be able to find a new path.When it came to teaching Kakarot, Broly decided to do the same as Kame Sennin first, mainly to hone her physique. Having stronger Qi never suffers."Now, put this stone on your back and let's jump around the farm ten times."Broly said, choosing a rock weighing about thirty kilograms for Kakarot to carry, while he himself chose a huge rock weighing more than two tons.Now, except for the group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the Eagles, there are almost no humans left in Laxitas Town. Wearing combat power detection glasses, Broly is not afraid of being witnessed by others in such a shocking training method."One, two! One, two!"Kakarot was like a little toad, following Broly's pace with difficulty. Because she is too young, her strength is only slightly stronger than that of an adult, so it is very difficult to carry a heavy stone of 30 kilograms. After only two leaps, he was already overwhelmed. His pink tongue was sticking out like a puppy, and he was covered in sweat."I can't take it anymore Broly"She didn't lose her Saiyan wildness just because she fell on her head. Now she had really reached her physical limit."Then let's take a rest first."Broly put down the boulder on his back and sat cross-legged on the ground. Kamesen-ryu pursues reasonable exercise and reasonable rest. When you reach the limit, you should rest to let your body recover.He took out the kettle and poured a cup for Kakarot. Kakarot picked up the glass of water and drank a lot, lying on the ground without even wanting to move his fingers."I'm going to find something to eat. You stay here and don't run around."He stood up, stepped out more than twenty meters, and disappeared in an instant. Not long after, he came back with a puma on his shoulders."Aww, Broly, you're so good!"Kakarot was moved to tears.Broly looked at the snot that was dripping from her mouth in disgust, skinned the puma, and strung it on a bonfire with branches. His barbecue skills were still terrible, and the fishy barbecue was comparable to dark cuisine, but the two of them still ate a puma cleanly, leaving only a pile of bones.Kakarot held a leg bone and chewed it loudly, trying to get the last bit of meat into his stomach. Broly wiped his greasy mouth, blasted a hole with his breath, and prepared to bury the bones in it."Bang!"Tessa stared at this scene dumbfounded, and the broth in her hand spilled all over the floor. As expected, they began to attack humans secretly, chewing away only the bones. Now that she had broken through the scene of the corpses and traces, what should I do? Will they be killed and silenced?"I didn't see anything!"She quickly covered her eyes."What the hell, are cougars protected animals?"Broly said confused.Tessa first quietly opened a crack to observe, then put down her hands in embarrassment. She had already seen the puma's skull. Mountain lions are one of the biggest enemies of ranchers, killing cattle and sheep on farms every year and even attacking humans. Although the law protects cougars, some ranchers often poison and shoot cougars privately."Well, dad has already negotiated a deal on a farm. He asked me to call you back to sign."Kakarot looked at the broth poured on the ground with pity, trying to scoop out the remaining portion of the iron bucket with a spoon and eat it. Broly picked her up expressionlessly and then transformed into Clark Kent."It seems that your father is quite efficient. Let's go.""Cade, you're going to hell!"A somewhat down-and-out farmer gritted his teeth and signed his name on the contract. He was at the end of his rope. Even if he insisted on not selling the farm, the farm would be taken away by the bank and auctioned at a low price because he could not repay the loan. That's when despair really comes.Now that the farm is sold, although it will be a loss, there will still be a lot left after paying off the loan, so that it will not go bankrupt and become a homeless person."I'm helping you, aren't I, Harold?"Cade raised his eyebrows, unable to suppress his excitement. He made four thousand dollars from this transaction alone. My daughter's tuition fees will soon be earned.In the next few days, farmers who had escaped returned to Laxitas Town, hurriedly sold their farms, and then left. They received news that the giant ape had not yet been found, and Clark Kent, who had spent cash to acquire the farm, was taken as the scapegoat.Soon, Broly had almost all the farms in the town of Laxitas to his name.After signing the last contract, the system in my mind immediately responded.[Ding, congratulations to the host for over-fulfilling the main task one, winning a habitat for the Saiyans on the earth, obtaining 120 revival points, and obtaining a somersault cloud][Main Mission 2: Being a Saiyan brings only fear and war. Show the terror of Saiyans on the earth. The reward is determined by the number of people who fear Saiyans]Broly felt a little regretful that this mission came too late. If he had called out that he was a Saiyan when he was in Mexico City, it would have been completed instantly.He originally thought that he could not ride on the Somersault Cloud, but after getting the Somersault Cloud, he discovered that the first person to get the Somersault Cloud could set the conditions required to ride on the Somersault Cloud, and these conditions must be related to the soul.The Cat Immortal sets the condition for riding the Somersault Cloud to be pure of heart. Broly, after thinking for a moment, set the terms to be bellicose.The somersault cloud is still very practical and is not afraid of any physical attacks. Only the demon's energy can destroy it.When Sun Wukong was resurrected and rushed to fight Vegeta, he was riding a somersault cloud. At that time, his combat power had reached more than 8,000, which shows that the somersault cloud flies very fast. Even if Broly learns the air dance, he can still use it for a long time.Chapter 39 Training"Ouch!"This is a huge puma, its body length has reached the limit of the species, more than two hundred centimeters, and its shoulder height is eighty centimeters. Underneath the smooth gray fur are strong muscles that flow as smoothly as flowing water. At this time, its long tail was swinging, its muscles were sometimes tense and sometimes relaxed, and it kept making demonstration roars.It was bluffing, and even now, it still hasn't realized how it was caught.Broly rode a somersault cloud and flew around the desert several times before he found the king of pumas. It was placed into the large pit created by Broly's energy."Kakarot, jump in yourself. If you are really killed, it means that your potential is only this."He had been training Kakarot for fifteen days, and it was time for a stage test. High-intensity training has brought out Kakarot's potential. As long as she is not unable to exert her strength due to fear, the cougar will never be able to harm her.Although the Saiyans are called a fighting nation, it is more because of their characteristic that their strength will explode after dying, rather than the strength they possess. Without the protagonist's luck, it is very easy to die directly instead of being rescued from near death. Akira Toriyama only called them their fighting names, not the strongest fighting nation.In fact, the average strength of Saiyans is not high. Raditz looks very good, but he is already a talented fighter among Saiyans.The endless emergence of Super Saiyans in the later stages of the manga gives readers the illusion that all Saiyans are very powerful. In fact, King Frieza's Team Ginyu, Dodoria and Champo all looked down on the Saiyans. The status of the Saiyans under Frieza is quite low.Even the talented Saiyan warrior Vegeta was no match for them before his combat power improved in the Earth Chapter.The reason why King Frieza wants to destroy the Saiyans is not because of the strength of the Saiyans, but because of the seemingly illusory legend of Super Saiyans.In the interview with Akira Toriyama, he introduced the social structure of the Saiyans. After the baby is born, his combat ability will be measured immediately. If the value is higher than the benchmark, he will be raised as a candidate fighter. If the combat effectiveness does not improve after a period of time, they will either become technicians or be put into a spaceship and sent to a certain planet.If you can grow strong enough and conquer the planet, you can return to your hometown as a lower-level warrior. The lower-level warriors have unpleasant names, but they are already members of the ruling class among the Saiyans.Only those geniuses whose combat prowess continues to improve in early childhood will be regarded as advanced warriors.Raditz was one of the very few geniuses who was directly judged as a superior warrior. As a formal combatant, he was assigned to the team of the famous Queen Napa. He has participated in battles and plundered planets since he was a child. The Saiyan prince Vegeta was the last one to join the team. Because of his strong combat power and status as a prince, he directly replaced Napa as the captain.The average combat power of the Saiyans is actually not high. As interstellar pirates, they are better at bullying the weak and plundering ordinary planets, but they bow to the stronger King Frieza. In this environment, few Saiyans will fight to the point of death, using this method to increase their combat effectiveness.Raditz is already the ceiling that ordinary Saiyans can touch. If Kakarot is allowed to grow wildly, she might even become inferior to Raditz.When Kakarot saw the puma roaring in the pit, he roared angrily and jumped in.The puma was startled by the sudden human jump, quickly distanced itself, and then began to circle around to test. Kakarot assumed a Satan-style starting position, constantly adjusting his posture to face the puma directly, with a very serious face with some baby fat.After the two faced off for two or three minutes, the Cougar, a beast, finally decided to attack. In its experience, this kind of human larvae is very weak and can be killed in one bite.The puma's attack method mainly relies on its strong shoulder muscles, using its claws to pull the prey in front of it, and then using its teeth to tear the artery to kill the prey. Its light body, powerful strength and deadly bite make it the top hunter on the American continent.Kakarot acted very calmly, blocking the puma's front paws with his backhand, and then kicked it on the lower jaw.This kick kicked the puma away and hit the wall of the pit.The puma whined, stood up quickly, and stared at Kakarot warily. It discovered that the human being in front of it was not simple.However, the beasts are very cunning and have no intelligence, so the puma's attack method is quite simple. In addition to slapping with its claws, the only thing left is biting.After its three-blade ax was seen through by Kakarot, it wasn't long before it was pushed to the ground, unable to move.Kakarot grabbed the big cat by the neck and sat on top of it. It wasn't long before the cougar began to purr for mercy.The powerful force coming from his neck was almost suffocating him.Kakarot hesitated for a moment and let go. The puma, freed from its confinement, panted greedily, stuck out its tongue obsequiously, and shook its tail, just like a big cat."Hey, Broly, how about we stop eating it."Kakarot was still a child and was immediately attracted by the cuteness of the jaguar. She raised her head and asked Broly above.Broly was a little surprised by Kakarot's progress. He originally thought that Kakarot would have a harder time dealing with the lion, but he didn't expect to be able to deal with it easily. Now, she should be able to beat two Wades in hand-to-hand combat. If you understand the technique of Satan style to concentrate Qi on your fists, it will not be difficult to defeat five Wades.He had decided to fly a little further and catch some brown bears or lions to be Kakarot's opponents."Yes, as long as you are responsible for its food." Broly said, "Be careful, don't let this beast bite your throat secretly."This puma is wild and untamed, and is only temporarily subject to Kakarot's power. I believe it will bite back or escape soon."No, right, Gulu!"Kakarot already has a good name for the cougar.Gulu immediately stuck out his tongue in a flattering manner.Broly held Kakarot in one hand and the puma in the other, and jumped out of the pit. His powerful aura frightened Gulu to the point where he almost spat out shit.He discovered that because of Kakarot's gender, although he was still very warlike and rough, he did not have the cunning and bloodlust unique to male Saiyans. This should be considered an advantage, at least it saves a lot of trouble to raise.Saiyans in the Marvel UniverseChapter 40 Turtle Style QigongBroly left all the chores on the farm to Cade Eagle. Unfortunately, due to the giant ape attack, Colin Sharpe could not recruit cowboys to work on the farm. Because of the lack of manpower, the remaining crops in those farmlands could only rot in the ground.But Broly didn't care about this loss.He was sitting cross-legged on the somersault cloud, and the somersault cloud flew automatically, slowly following behind Kakarot.Kakarot is struggling to dismantle the fences left from the original farm. These fences were built by previous farmers to delineate farm boundaries and prevent wild animals from entering the farm and preying on livestock. They are very strong.Most of the solid wood stakes, which are more than two meters long, are driven deeply into the ground. It is very difficult to pull them out with bare hands.Broly plans to tear down all the fences dividing the farms and connect them together. This is a difficult job, and it is just given to Kakarot for training.In one morning, Kakarot had demolished about two hundred meters of fence. The puma Gulu followed her step by step. It seemed that it was overly frightened by Broly's wildness and became very well-behaved."Twenty minutes' rest."Broly said after looking up at the weather.Kakarot immediately threw away the wooden stake he had just pulled out, and lay on the ground with his tongue hanging out, breathing heavily."Don't lie down immediately, move your body, drink some water and then rest."Broly said, throwing a can of sports drink next to Kakarot. He stood up, white Qi quickly gathering in his hands, releasing a dazzling light.[Kamesenryu Martial Arts Level 4: Kame Style Qigong. The power of this unique Qigong wave has no upper limit and depends on the user's Qi. It can also be used in conjunction with other abilities such as Kaio Fist. It can be launched instantly or for a long time. After the energy is accumulated, the user can control the Qigong wave to change its direction. ]This is considered a representative skill in Dragon Ball. It is not difficult to master, but it is not easy to exert a stronger upper limit of power.Piccolo fights Cell in his first form after merging with the gods. The Turtle Style Qigong used by Cellulite shocked Bick, but then Piccolo discovered that Cellulite's Turtle Style Qigong was nothing special.Because the cells of Son Goku in Cell were collected by Goku when he was fighting Vegeta on Earth. With continuous training and fighting, Wukong's Turtle Style Qigong can unleash stronger attacks than before with the same amount of Qi.The various moves in Dragon Ball are not just about roughly concentrating Qi and then releasing it."boom!"A dazzling Qigong wave ejected from Broly's palms, flew over a hundred meters away in an instant, and bombarded a fence.The ground trembled violently, and the violent shock wave instantly tore the pieces of wooden piles into pieces. A large amount of soil was either annihilated or thrown into the sky by the shock wave.The patter of soil fell from the air, and Gulu was so frightened that he peeed and huddled directly behind Kakarot.Broly made an assessment and found that the power of Turtle Style Qigong when it was fully charged was about five times that of Splitting the Air Fist. If it was used instantly, it would be about 1.5 times more powerful. Unfortunately, there are very few opportunities in battle to allow him to charge his energy to its limit."Broly! Broly! What kind of trick is this! I want to learn it too!"Kakarot's eyes sparkled."This is not something you can learn now. Keep practicing hard."Broly said that Kakarot's energy was far from enough to use turtle style qigong.Kakarot is very conscious about his cultivation, and there is nothing on the farm that requires him to stay here. He was going to go to the Continental Hotel to complete the killer registration. It wouldn't take long to go back and forth through the somersault cloud."You're going to high school in New York?"Broly grabbed a piece of beef the size of a washbasin with both hands and tore into it. Kakarot sat next to him, trying his best to deal with a piece of beef that was about the same size.There is no hope of repairing the house destroyed by Kakarot's transformation into a giant ape, and they all live in tents now."Yes, it is."Tessa Eagle gave her father a look that could kill. He must have leaked the news because of his talkative nature.Cade Eagle, on the other hand, looked proud, and he was still giggling from the moment he sat down to eat. Her daughter's grades are very good, but if she continues to stay in Laxitas Town to attend high school after entering high school, it will be almost impossible to get into a good university. Half a year ago, Tessa tried to apply to several high schools in New York, and was directly admitted to Midtown High School.Midtown High School is one of the best high schools in New York. Most of the students in this school come from middle-class families, and even the daughter of the New York City Police Commissioner is a student at Midtown High School. The principal has a very wide network of contacts and letters of recommendation carry a lot of weight.After Cade worked hard for Broly, he finally earned enough tuition and living expenses for his daughter to go to school in New York."School will start tomorrow. You won't be able to make it in time for the opening ceremony."Broly swallowed the whole piece of beef and picked up a whole roasted turkey.Tessa rolled her eyes. The reason why she didn't rush to school in time was to help Broly handle various documents when taking over the farm."I just want to go to New York. Let me take you there." He said, summoning a somersault cloud and stopped at the edge: "Try to see if you can sit on it."Tessa wanted to find a reason to refuse, but in her mind, Broly said he was sending him to New York, but in fact he must be preparing to eat him on the way. But once she saw the motionless somersault cloud hovering in the sky, she couldn't look away."Is this sorcery?"Her eyes were shining. When a mandrill wants to snatch away a woman, it usually blows up a demonic wind. It must be that the demonic wind is actually this cloud. Although it is an evil sorcery, I really want to climb up there and sit and see what it feels like!While eating turkey, Broly prepared to watch Kylena's jokes and wait for her to fall off the somersault cloud. But beyond his expectation, Kylena actually sat firmly on the somersault cloud.After asking for Broly's permission, Collint enthusiastically climbed onto the somersault cloud, but as soon as he sat on it, he fell off and almost broke his waist.Tessa looks cute, but does she turn out to be a bitch after being cut open? Broly thought as he touched his chin with a greasy hand."Don't try again. Only aggressive warriors can sit on this cloud. Weak people like you will only be thrown off."Broly looked at Cade who was still unwilling to give up and persuaded him that his farm still needed Cade to take care of it, but he didn't want to see Cade fall to the point of paralysis.Cade Eagle's face suddenly turned red, like a cooked lobster. He thought he was the strongest man in Laxitas Town, how could he admit that he was a coward.Saiyans in the Marvel UniverseChapter 41 Arrival in New York (please recommend)The Leslie Highway Motel is located on Highway 44 in Missouri. Front desk Taylor Belinda rested her chin on one hand, drowsing.It's eleven o'clock in the evening, which is almost the busiest time in the hotel.The bell rang and the lobby door was suddenly pushed open, waking Taylor. A young man and woman walked into the hotel. The man was dressed luxuriously and elegantly. The woman looks young, she looks like a high school student, pure and lovely, with blond hair."Bichi."Taylor looked at the famous watch on the man's hand and the shabby clothes of the woman, and cursed in his heart. She has worked as a hotel receptionist for more than five years, and she has seen many such guests. If she doesn't find five condoms in the trash can when she cleans the room the next day, she loses."I would like to ask, which state is this?"Tessa Eagle asked sheepishly. (The names of the farm father and daughter have been changed)They were Broly and Tessa Eagle, who transformed into Bruce Wayne. They were tragically lost because they could not tell the direction in the sky."Huh?" Taylor Belinda looked at Tessa with a look that looked like a fool: "Are you drunk? This is Missouri. Drive another twenty kilometers and you can reach the Mark Twain National Forest Park.""I knew it! Our direction is north!" Tessa Eagle held her forehead with a headache: "Is there a compass and a map of the United States here?"After getting the compass and map, Broly finally found the right direction and arrived in New York before midnight on a somersault cloud.Even at midnight, the Big Apple City is still a bustling city that never sleeps. Even from more than ten kilometers away, you can still clearly see the lights that almost illuminate half of the sky.In bustling big cities, somersault clouds are too easy to be seen by witnesses, causing unnecessary trouble. Broly chose a dark neighborhood and clicked on the cloud.Most of the street lamps along the street were destroyed with stones and guns, leaving only a few that emitted a dim and dim light. There was almost no one on the street, and the shops on both sides had long been closed.There was a strong smell of urine coming from the corner.Tessa huddled behind Broly, and they apparently landed in a relatively chaotic neighborhood.Property taxes in the United States are directly proportional to housing prices, and property taxes are the source of funding for the American police. Wealthy communities have sufficient police presence. If homeless people enter the community, they will be driven away by the police who receive the call within a few minutes. The police in poor communities are simply not enough to maintain law and order in their communities due to insufficient funds.In the area they chose, public security has obviously collapsed to the point where it is no better than Mexico."Those gangsters and gangsters should be no match for monsters."Tessa followed Broly carefully, recalling the video of him in Mexico City, and felt a sense of security in her heart.In such a chaotic neighborhood, taxis would not dare to drive in. After walking about a few hundred meters, I came across a restaurant that was open. The restaurant's door was locked and a small window was opened. Even this small window is sealed with a strong iron fence, leaving a small opening for customers to get their food.A black man dressed in hip-hop and with dreadlocks was riding on a shiny Harley-Davidson motorcycle, waiting for his order of food.He noticed the figures of Broly and Tessa, and their eyes lit up. The black man is eyeing the hot figure Tessa, but Broly is eyeing the motorcycle."Hey, pretty boy, your horse is pretty good. I'll give you a face with my laser gun. Take her back to give your brothers some pleasure."The black man pulled out a pistol, smiled evilly and licked the barrel. He didn't know why the white pair were wandering Hell's Kitchen late at night, but he was prepared to give them a memory they would never forget.Broly picked up a stone from the ground:"Then I will give you some face and let you die more happily."He said, flicking the stone out of his hand."Bang!"The black man's head exploded and blood splattered all over the floor.[Experience +2]The proprietress of the restaurant let out a high-pitched scream that seemed to pierce her eardrums, pulled down an iron plate and locked it, blocking the small window. After a few seconds, the neon sign outside also dimmed.Judging from her skilled speed, it was obviously not the first time.Broly stepped forward and picked up the takeaway that fell on the floor. The takeout box contained a large box of fried chicken and five hot dogs. Picked up a hot dog and stuffed it into his mouth.Tessa turned her head. Broly's current appearance as a handsome man and his devil-like appearance were really inconsistent."It tastes pretty good, what do you want?"Broly gnawed clean another chicken leg.Tessa accidentally saw the skull fragments and white brains on the ground. She retched for a while and finally managed not to spit it out. She hurriedly waved her hands to refuse.Broly was eager to have all the food for himself. He spent a few minutes eating all the takeaways for five people. He also took off the clothes of the corpse on the ground and wiped off the brains splashed on the motorcycle. and blood."Let's go."He said getting on his motorcycle."Can you feel free to eat that Nico? I will keep the secret for you. Just don't eat good people in the future, just eat these scum, okay?"After gathering courage for a long time, Tessa lowered her voice and said."Huh?" Broly asked with a question mark on his face, "Why should I eat?"The motorcycle roared, and after driving out of Hell's Kitchen, people finally appeared on the street. Broly stopped and asked for directions, and finally found the hotel he had booked by phone before departure.Because of Tessa, he did not choose the Continental Hotel directly, but chose the Four Seasons Hotel in New York. This is one of the most luxurious five-star hotels in New York. The glorious marble on the floor exudes the luster of jade, and the towering lobby is as magnificent as a palace.Matt brags that he lived here for two months on public funds. Broly wrote down the name of this hotel.After announcing my name, the lobby manager immediately came to greet me."Welcome, Mr. Wayne, we have prepared everything for you."Broly spent more than thirty thousand dollars to book a three-bedroom royal suite at the Continental Hotel. Three bedrooms, 250 square meters, more than 10,000 yuan per night, three days.Tessa felt a little ashamed in front of the impeccable service of the lobby manager. She felt that the T-shirt that cost more than ten dollars a piece was a little hot, and she wanted to escape from the hotel."Why did you book such an expensive hotel?"she asked quietly.Broly has a strong heart and is not fascinated by these luxurious appearances at all. He orders the lobby manager and the waiters in the lobby at will."Since my name is Bruce Wayne, I naturally want to stay in the best hotel, and it's not far from Midtown High School. It will be very convenient to take you to school tomorrow."It's only tens of thousands of dollars, but if you kill two people after registering at a mainland hotel, you can double the money back.Saiyans in the Marvel UniverseChapter 42 Continental Hotel (please vote for recommendation)Tessa woke up from the soft bed with some reluctance. The smooth silk quilt was so comfortable that she wanted to lie in bed for the rest of her life. She closed her eyes again and gathered strength for a while before resolutely getting up to wash herself.Rubbing her hair with a towel, she walked to the living room. The hotel's service staff has delivered breakfast, which is all exquisite bread and desserts. Broly was not interested in such food, so he added another bucket of baguettes, grabbed one with each hand and stuffed it into his mouth.Seeing a table of desserts that she had only seen on TV, Tessa couldn't wait to sit down, picked up a macaron, and took a bite with a happy face."What's so delicious about something this sweet like saccharin?"Broly couldn't understand. He would rather eat an undercooked lizard than this.Tessa didn't dare to refute Broly, but just gnawed at the macaron in her hand like a little hamster. In the end, most of the desserts on the table went into her stomach.Because he booked a royal suite, the Four Seasons Hotel provided travel services, and Broly chose a less high-profile Bentley Flying Spur. First, Tessa was sent to Midtown High School.Tessa was not dazzled by vanity, and asked the driver to put her down when she was still more than 300 meters away from Midtown High School. She knew that she was still the daughter of a poor Texas rancher and that a night in a five-star hotel would not change her.Taking a Bentley to school may allow her to be flattered by a group of girls who don't know the truth for a while, but after being exposed, it may be difficult for her to stay at Midtown High School.The only thing that can change her future is studying hard."Go to the Continental Hotel."Broly gave the address of the Continental Hotel. The Continental Hotel does not advertise to the outside world, and not many people know the address.The Bentley started smoothly. Because it was working time, there was some congestion on the road. It took two hours to reach the Continental Hotel.The Continental Hotel in New York City is located at a three-way intersection. From the outside, it looks like a very ordinary star-rated hotel. Tall Roman columns are covered with some old granite exterior bricks."Just stop here, you can go back."Broly put a ten dollar bill on the seat as a tip, then opened the door and walked out.Pushing open the door of the hotel, he found that the decoration of the Continental Hotel was not as ordinary as the outside. It was even worse than the five-star Four Seasons Hotel.Gorgeous crystal chandeliers, solid wood furniture that glows golden under the light, complex golden reliefs, tall marble statues, and well-dressed waiters.The people here were obviously familiar with each other, and Broly walked in as a newcomer, just like a deer walking ignorantly into the habitat of a pride of lions. Everyone in the hotel lobby looked at him without leaving a trace, blatantly, or murderously."Welcome to the Continental Hotel, sir. We are only open to members."The hotel lobby manager, a black man, said to Broly in a gentle manner."I'm here to become a member."Broly said as he took out a gold coin and placed it on the table at the front desk."Charon is honored to serve you, sir." Charon raised his eyebrows, put away the gold coins, and put them in the drawer: "We have not had new members for a long time."He said, picked up the landline and made a call."Please follow me, sir."Charon said as he led Broly through the lobby and into an elevator.The elevator fell rapidly downwards. The Continental Hotel was obviously larger than it appeared. Its underground was completely hollowed out, occupying more space than the ground.There is a bar on the seventh floor underground. There are many people sitting inside. They are all well-dressed. They don't look like killers, but more like upper-class gentlemen."Mr. Winston, does this gentleman wish to join us?"Charon led Broly to stand in front of a wine table.Sitting at the wine table was a wrinkled old man, holding a glass of whiskey and sipping while listening to the pianist's performance on the stage."Sit down, young man, sit right here."Broly sat down carelessly."Since you came here with gold coins, I can actually assign a task to you as a test without saying anything. But as an old man, I would rather chat more with young people. What's your name, friend."Winston snapped his fingers and asked the waiter to bring a glass of brandy to Broly."Bruce Wayne."Broly picked up the brandy and drank it in one gulp. Knocking on the table, he asked the waiter to bring over three more steaks. He was originally going to pretend to be a gentleman, but he didn't eat much for breakfast and he couldn't bear it now.Winston's mouth twitched. This was the first time he had seen a newcomer who didn't take the Continental Hotel seriously. As an old man with rich life experience, he has seen many killers. No matter how unruly, no matter how high his self-esteem, no matter how prolific a killer is, after entering the Continental Hotel, his hands and feet will be tied up, and his back will be thorny.Because when entering the Continental Hotel, a newcomer will meet many similar people, some are weaker than him, some are stronger than him, but everything tells him that he is not a special person. Just like a lion hunting a flock of sheep, it suddenly discovered that it had its own kind, and a group of lions also lived on this grassland.This is also the reason why Continental Hotels can continue to operate. There are no rules between lions and sheep, only between lions.But Bruce Wayne sitting opposite gave him a different feeling. He was like a dragon sitting in the sky, overlooking the grassland. In his eyes, hunting between lions is like a game between ants."I hope you're more than a simple fool, Mr. Wayne."Winston picked up the wine glass and took a sip. If he wasn't a fool, the future high-top table would definitely have a huge headache.Broly first tried a knife and fork, but found that it was too troublesome, so he simply used a fork to fork the entire steak and stuffed it into his mouth. He has given up on himself. As Batman, filling his stomach is more important.The steak tasted very good. Even Broly, who had no need for delicious food, stopped chewing and enjoyed the deliciousness at the moment when the extremely delicious gravy exploded in his mouth."Ten more!" Broly finished the steak and said to Winston while waiting for the food to be served: "Am I successfully registered now?"Winston raised his finger, and Charon, who was standing next to him, took out a candy bar phone from his arms and put it on the table."Welcome to the Continental, Wayne, I hope you live to retire."As he said this, he stood up and prepared to change the table for himself. He was old and couldn't bear to see anything greasy."Don't leave yet. I want to take over the mission. Can I just wait for you to send a text message? And what is the test mission? Whoever you say you want to kill, I will twist off his head right now."Winston pointed at Charon, signaling for him to deal with Broly. Then he seemed to suddenly remember something and asked Broly:"Mr. Wayne, do you like dogs?"Broly nodded solemnly."I like dog meat very much."Saiyans in the Marvel UniverseChapter 43 The first prey"Ahem, every time the Continental Hotel receives a reward from the employer, it will be sent to each killer's mobile phone through a mass text message. Of course, Mr. Wayne, as a newcomer, previous rewards can be sent to the hotel lobby. Check it out."Charon explained helplessly for Broly."As for the test mission, it's just a well-established convention. Mr. Wayne, you just need to pick a reward and complete it."In fact, the test task is not difficult. The Continental Hotel will receive nearly twenty bounties a day. Most of the targets are not difficult to hunt.Broly ate all the dozen or so steaks and ordered a glass of sherry to relieve his tiredness."Can these things I just ordered be recorded on Winston's account?"Charon's face fell. He didn't dare to charge the account of more than ten steaks to Winston, so he could only grit his teeth and go to the counter to pay.With some stuff in his stomach, Broly was finally able to pretend to be a rich boy again. With his Saiyan eyesight, ears and martial arts talent, he just glanced at and caught the movements of everyone present. , and learned this so-called aristocratic etiquette instantly.Swirling the sherry elegantly, he took a sip."A very good Manzanilla dry sherry, probably produced in San Luca. Because of the salt and moisture brought by the sea breeze, the wine is tighter and more delicate than other sherrys, with this rich sweetness. , perfect for drinking after a meal."He repeated the wine tasting words of the lady three rows of seats away. With her handsome and bohemian appearance, Charon was really shocked.But Charon reacted quickly, bastard, can you wait until the stack of plates on the table is removed before putting them back? You feel so out of place right now."Mr. Wayne, let's go get your test mission first. Those so-called simpler missions are always snatched away as soon as they are released. You may choose to stay at the Continental Hotel for a few nights. If it's suitable If a task appears, I will notify you as soon as possible."He said to Broly.As the lobby manager of the Continental Hotel, Charon is very good at dancing. Even the most difficult killer to deal with can still have a few words with him. What's more, newcomers who have just joined are the easiest to invest in. Charon never hesitates to pay money and service areas to build a good relationship with them.This is the reason why he has been able to work stably in the Continental Hotel for more than ten years."No need, let's go see what missions are available now. I prefer to choose the prey myself."Broly wiped his mouth with a napkin and said.Charon shrugged. Unable to stop a man who was determined to die, he could only lead Broly back to the lobby.On a slightly hidden wall in the lobby, there is a blackboard hanging with names of people densely written in chalk. Behind the names are a series of numbers, symbolizing the bounty that can be obtained after hunting."In fact, when a killer has enough reputation, the employer will choose to hire him privately. The name appearing on this blackboard can easily make the prey alert in advance and increase the difficulty of hunting."Broly glanced at the blackboard, pointed at Dave Boyle, who was number one on the blackboard, and said."Who is this person? He's actually worth three and a half million dollars."He only got 800,000 by killing Chap in Mexico. Although the price of a human life in New York is definitely a little more expensive than in Mexico, this man named Dave Boyle is certainly not simple.Charon thought Broly just wanted to know more, so he explained dutifully:"Dave Boyle is the boss of the Irish gang Greyhound. He was offered a reward for secretly annexing Kingpin's goods. Kingpin's right-hand man seemed to have had an accident, and he himself rushed to Mexico to maintain underground order there. So just pay to put a bounty on Dave's head at the Continental Hotel."Broly crossed his arms. He didn't expect that this bounty seemed to be related to him."Little brother, you don't seem to know which mission to choose. At this time, all the simple missions above are already being hunted by people. If you choose, you will only run in vain, and maybe you will offend others. Killer. Do you want to come with your sister? I have accepted a very lucrative mission privately. Seeing how cute you are, why not complete it together?"An attractive young woman came with her slender waist swaying. The green, close-fitting evening gown refracted light like scales under the light, making her look like a seductively beautiful snake.The few killers who were standing here picking tasks suddenly left without leaving a trace. Charon also had a look of fear on his face, but said nothing. This woman's name is Eva Lorde, and she is still notorious even among killers. Ordinary killers like to hunt sheep, but this beautiful snake likes to hunt sheep and lions together.The Continental Hotel only prohibits killers from killing each other within the hotel and adopts an indifferent attitude towards the fighting outside the hotel.Eva Lord often inquires about the missions of other killers, and then the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind, capturing the prey and the killer together. Many killers have no fixed residence and like to carry their wealth with them or hide it in a secret location. She imprisoned these killers and tortured them to find out where their property was.As a newcomer, Broly's clothes were valuable, so he was immediately targeted by her."I'm sorry, auntie, I'm used to completing tasks alone."Broly thought he politely declined.After hearing the word aunt, Eva Lord's alluring body froze suddenly and became more like a snake, a poisonous snake after being enraged."Then I'll take over Dave Boyle's mission. Is there any more information about him?"Broly said."When Kingpin issued the reward, he did provide detailed information about Dave Boyle. It only cost one gold coin, but Mr. Wayne, don't you think about it anymore? The Greyhound Gang can have eight A big gang with more than a dozen gunmen."More than eighty gunmen are nothing in Mexico, but they are already a giant in New York. In fact, there are several killers who have chosen this task, but they know that they can never complete it alone, so they are recruiting familiar killers to complete it together."Don't think about it. Give me his information."Broly was even more satisfied when he heard that there were so many gunmen. This was like buying one and getting eighty free. He took out a gold coin from his arms and flicked it towards Charon.Charon caught the gold coin and stopped persuading him. In his opinion, this Bruce Wayne might be a fool who doesn't know the heights of the world, and might have some unknown means. But it has nothing to do with him, he has done his duty.He thought in his mind and glanced at Eva Lorde without leaving any trace. Perhaps dying in the hands of Dave Boyle would be a good ending, at least better than falling into the hands of Eva Lorde.