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Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 55: I'll beat you to pieces (please vote for recommendation)

The Golden Bell Cover was created by Bodhidharma, a generation of martial arts master. It is a set of supreme magical skills that can be practiced both internally and externally. There are twelve levels in total, and each level is more difficult than the previous level. If one can complete the twelve levels, not only will the diamond be indestructible, but it will not be afraid of water, fire, poison, or miasma. It will also be able to sleep without rest, and will have an endless supply of internal energy. It will also have the effect of counterattacking enemy attacks with its internal energy.

This martial art is extremely difficult to master. No more than ten people have mastered the tenth level. Only one monk, Ciyun, has mastered the eleventh level. The only person who has perfected the twelve levels is Bodhidharma, who created this magical skill.

Crocodile Tai Sui was able to be accepted as a disciple by the Fire Cloud Evil God, and his martial arts talent was outstanding. At this age, he could only reach the seventh level of the Golden Bell Shield.

His Jin Zhongzhao's external skills have been cultivated to the peak, and he has begun to cultivate both internal and external skills, and his internal energy is strong. Even a soft reed can kill someone in his hands.

Recently, during the process of annihilating the Ten Rings Gang, Broly's Kame Sen-ryu martial arts skills once again broke through.

[Kamesenryu Martial Arts lv10: Sense the breath. You can understand the location and strength of the target by sensing the qi. A truly strong person can even sense the qi from several galaxies away and even in the underworld. ]

Sensing breath seems simple, but Wukong only mastered this skill after training with the gods. Even when Raditz attacked the Earth, the Klings did not know the skill of judging the enemy's location and strength through Qi.

(See Dragon Ball Chapter 196)

Broly could feel that Crocodile Taisui's energy was not that strong, just like Daimon Goro, but his energy gave people a feeling of being as heavy as a mountain and as tough as steel, and it was much stronger in terms of quality.

Facing the rushing Crocodile Taisui, Broly burst out of anger in an instant, and then threw the batarang in his hand. The dart broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and the gas explosion and shock wave left traces visible to the naked eye in the air.

Crocodile Taisui just crossed his arms in front of him.


A bell rang, like a morning bell or a dusk drum, and a wave of uncertain golden bell energy enveloped Crocodile Tai Sui's body. The dart hit Qi Jin, and was instantly shattered into pieces by the force of Qi Jin's rebound.

The strong force on the dart stopped Crocodile Tai Sui's momentum, and Broly took action instantly, spanning a distance of more than twenty meters in one move. A knee hit Crocodile Tai Sui's chest.

The force of the Golden Bell's backlash made Broly hesitate, but he overcame it in an instant and punched Crocodile Tai Sui in the face.

This punch was so powerful that it knocked Crocodile Taisui to the ground and sunk deeply into the ground.

Broly loosened his fist, and the force from the counterattack made his right hand numb. The Qi from the fist did not penetrate into Crocodile Tai Sui's body, but was blocked by his Golden Bell Qi.

"You're looking for death!"

The furious Crocodile Tai Sui jumped up from the ground and distanced himself from Broly. Even though Jin Zhong's energy blocked most of the force, he was still heartbroken by Broly's blast. Although it was just a physical pain, only painful but not hurt, it was still a bit too much for him to bear.

He has never been so embarrassed since he completed the seventh level of the Golden Bell.

"Interesting, so interesting!"

Broly shouted excitedly. With Crocodile Tai Sui's energy, if he fell into this trap, his muscles and bones should have been broken, and he would not be able to resist at all. But looking at his vigorous appearance, it was obvious that his combat power had not been compromised at all.

Maybe you can let Kakarot practice the golden bell, so that you don't need to hold back during sparring.


Crocodile Tai Sui punched out his fist, and the golden energy blasted towards Broly through the air. He put almost all his energy on the Golden Bell Magic Kung Fu, and other martial arts were just ordinary. He only learned the Demon Subduing Iron Thread Fist. It is usually used against the enemy. With the defensive power of the golden bell, it can defeat the enemy with a few punches, but when used against Broly, it is stretched.

Broly directly held the Fist Jin in his bare hands, squeezed it hard, and the Fist Jin exploded, but his hand was unscathed.

Crocodile Tai Sui's eyes bulged. This was the first time he saw someone take his punch in this way. Fist Jin is extremely fast, and it is already difficult to catch it, let alone who would use Fist Jin to catch and play with it.

His heart skipped a beat, and he realized that he couldn't seem to defeat the strange man wearing strange armor in front of him.

The next moment, Broly was in front of him.


With a loud bang like a bell, Crocodile Taisui felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his rock-solid nervous energy was almost exploded. His body was pushed away by the fist and hit the body of the infantry fighting vehicle.


Amidst a heartbreaking sound of metal cracking, the relatively weak armor on the side of the infantry fighting vehicle twisted and deformed under the impact. The heavy body moved three meters laterally before stopping due to the force of the punch.

"What's going on? Where am I?"

Crocodile Taisui's body was stuck on the body of the infantry fighting vehicle. He was almost stunned. This was the first time that he was almost beaten by someone. Even if you are a martial arts master, if you want to break through the golden bell shield, your protective energy will only target the acupuncture points and the shield door. There is no such thing as a hard attack.

He activated the internal power of the golden bell at the seventh level to heal his wounds.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Although the air was blocked, the force of the punch just now shocked his internal organs.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. He's still not dead, or even just slightly injured."

Broly grabbed Crocodile Tai Sui's head and pulled him out of the body of the infantry fighting vehicle. He was a little tempted by the golden bell that Crocodile Tai Sui had learned.

You have to learn to be beaten before you can hit someone. If he has the magical power of the Golden Bell, then even if he is weaker than Frieza twenty years later, he will still have the possibility of fighting and will not be killed directly.

The legendary Super Saiyan's strength has almost no upper limit and can continue to rise due to anger and fighting. As long as Frieza cannot subdue, severely injure or kill Broly, he will eventually be defeated by him.

"Can you teach me how to put a clock on your body? I can let you go."

Broly said.

"I'll teach you Lao Mu!"

Crocodile Tai Sui punched Broly in the head, but Broly blocked it.

"I can't help it, so I'll use you to practice my moves."

With such a powerful defense, Crocodile Tai Sui can be called the most durable sandbag.

Broly's left hand suddenly burst out with arc-like energy and grabbed Crocodile Tai Sui's shoulder. The powerful Qi even invaded the Jinzhongqiao Qi, blocking part of Crocodile Taisui's internal energy.

Wolf fang wind fist!

He used his right hand to use the Langya Fengfeng Fist, and the fist hit Crocodile Taisu's body like a rainstorm, knocking him into the air.

Crocodile Taisui was horrified. This was the first time he encountered the situation where Jin Zhongzhao's energy was restrained, and he tried his best to block it with his remaining internal strength. The overwhelming fists clashed violently with the energy of the golden bell, and the bell sounded continuously.

Suddenly, a golden bell-like energy dissipated, and he was beaten to death.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 56 Cat Demon

Navy Captain Michael Murphy, Sergeant Matthew Axelson, Sergeant Danny Dietz and Sergeant Marcus Luttela were lying in ambush on the hill opposite the Ten Rings Gang base. The dense grass surrounded them. The figure is completely covered.

They were a reconnaissance team belonging to SEAL Team 10. Matthew Axelson and Marcus Luttela served as snipers and observers, Danny Dietz was in charge of radio communications, and Michael Murphy was in charge of command.

They used high-powered telescopes and telephoto lenses to record all the amazing battles that took place in the camp.

The four of them are still in silence due to Broly's terrifying destructive power.

"Should we call the air force to launch an attack?"

Danny Dietz said with some difficulty.

An AC-130 gunship is monitoring this area from high altitude, and can rain down fire on the Ten Commandments Gang camp at any time.

Their mission from above was to search for Tony Stark's location. If it is determined that there is no Tony Stark in the base, an air strike will be launched directly to destroy the base.

Murphy, the commander of the team, stuffed a few raisins into his mouth to replenish energy.

"First report to the intelligence department. This person wearing black cat armor may be one of ours."

There's something strange about Matthew Axelson.

"How do you know, Captain."

Murphy sipped the water from his saliva sac through a straw.

"Didn't you notice his strange armor? Only us Americans wear it like this."

After destroying the entire base of the Ten Rings Gang, Broly jumped directly off the cliff. The high mountains and rugged rocks in the Afghan mountains were as smooth as the ground beneath his feet. His speed reached the limit, like a black meteor, quickly falling into the valley, and then heading towards the top of the mountain where they were.

"We've been discovered!"

Matthew Axelson tried in horror to put Broly into the scope, but found that he couldn't do it because the target was too fast.

"Don't shoot! Don't show hostility!"

Murphy clicked his sniper rifle. With the strength shown by the target in the Ten Rings Gang camp, the four of them had no power to resist.

He simply threw away the rifle in his hand, took out the dog tag, raised his hands and stood up.

"We are Americans, SEAL Team 10, and I am Michael Murphy."

Broly had already sensed their anger, reached out and grasped the Canon camera hanging around Michael Murphy's neck, crushed it to pieces, and then left like a phantom.

"Maja Fake, I was almost scared to death."

"I already peed."

Destroying three Ten Rings Gang bases brought Broly's level directly to level 13, and he gained another attribute point. This time he focused directly on intelligence. This allowed his intelligence attribute to finally reach eight points, giving him an average level.

His mind became clear for a while, and he felt that his thinking ability had become much stronger, and he even became more comfortable controlling his energy.

Jumping all the way through the mountains, he suddenly saw a poppy field in full bloom. Pink poppies bloom all over the mountains and plains, as if the clouds in the sky have fallen to the ground.

A group of women, old people and children were busy in the poppy fields. Only by handing over enough poppy fruits can they exchange for food from the Ten Rings Gang. If something went wrong with the poppies in the fields, they would starve to death.

Under the control of the Ten Rings Gang, the Pashtuns living here cultivated tens of thousands of acres of opium poppy. There are dozens more such poppy farms.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban grows poppies, the Ten Rings Gang also grows poppies, and even some large Pashtun tribes also grow poppies. The area of opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has reached 80,000 hectares. The annual opium production is expected to reach 90 million tons.

Since the U.S. military invaded Afghanistan, poppy production here has been rising year after year, and it is impossible for either party to refuse the temptation of poppy. If you don't grow poppies, you will lose your financial resources. If you don't have enough funds, you won't be able to buy more advanced weapons or support more armed personnel. Without enough force, it won't be long before they completely disappear from the land of Afghanistan.

Individual power cannot reverse this environment at all.

Broly was walking around the land, a group of children wearing dirty rags looking at him secretly. These children all have rotten teeth. Some parents feed opium directly to their children like chocolate in order to keep them quiet. No matter how noisy the child is, he will calm down after taking opium.

They are uneducated and have no idea that opium* is addictive.

Broly noticed that some women and old men had only one hand left. That is the punishment of the Ten Commandments Gang, punishing those who secretly hide poppy fruits.

This land is dying. What she needs is not Iron Man, Captain America, or God. But a leader who can pull people out of the quagmire.

Broly crossed the field of poppies without stepping on a single poppy. The cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and found that it was the one Matt gave him.

"Hey, is this Broly?"

Matt's voice rang from the phone.

"What's wrong?"

Broly asked.

"There is a big job. If you are willing to do it, the CIA is willing to pay five million US dollars."

Matt said.

Broly's face looked a little strange, why there were so many big jobs recently.

"What job? Who are you going to kill? It won't be Tony Stark, right?"

There was a violent cough on Matt's side.

"Ahem! This joke can't be made casually. The phone call is recorded, Broly! If it's not Tony Stark, how could our CIA take action against him? He is a weirdo wearing black cat armor. He is very powerful. Ordinary soldiers are not. His opponent. The US military gave him the codename Cat Demon."

Cat Demon, Broly was excited for a while, but Tony Stark's bounty didn't know when it would be completed, and he might not be able to make time.

"I'm a little busy these days. Does this cat demon have any time requirements?"

he said on the phone.

"That's such a shame. I was planning to take you to a bar in Kandahar."

Although Matt was very curious about what Broly was up to, he was very sensible and didn't ask.

"Are you also in Afghanistan? Then I can help you kill this cat demon. Please give me your address."

Broly said happily. He was a little tired of looking for Tony Stark in the deserts and mountains. It might be a good choice to kill the cat demon first to change his mood.

"Okay!" Matt reported the address with some excitement. If he can successfully complete the task this time, he will be able to take a further step in the CIA: "Do you want me to arrange a plane to pick you up?"

"No, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

Broly pulled out the map and found the location of Kandahar City.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 57 The evil cat demon

Broly hid his Batman armor in a hidden cave, and then flew to Kandahar City on a somersault cloud.

The CIA's funds are almost endless, and the address Matt gave is the best hotel in Kandahar. Broly didn't waste much time and found this landmark building in Kandahar, the Kandahar Hotel.

Matt ordered a cup of local yogurt tea and waited for Broly's arrival in the lobby.

"So you are in Kandahar."

Because Broly arrived so quickly, he thought Broly had been in Kandahar before. He took Broly into the elevator and went straight to the presidential suite on the twentieth floor.

Although it is already the best hotel in Kandahar, it is still a bit shabby.

In the presidential suite, there were already several armed soldiers waiting inside. Some of them were watching boring TV programs while others were sitting around playing cards.

After Matt entered the door, he clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then motioned Broly to find a place to sit down. Pull out a whiteboard and start explaining the requirements of the mission.

"We will go to the base of the Ten Rings Gang in a moment to check Tony Stark's physical condition. Scott, you will be responsible for this task. Bring all the medical equipment and make sure to check out this playboy in detail. For all the problems on his body, even if he has hemorrhoids, he still has to figure out the shape of the hemorrhoids for me."

There was a burst of laughter among the crowd. It was not impossible for Tony Stark's thin skin and tender flesh to fall into the hands of those hungry Pashtuns.

"Everyone, be careful not to conflict with the Ten Rings gang. Our mission is just to confirm that Tony Stark is really alive. Check the equipment now. The plane will arrive in twenty minutes, and we will set off then."

After Matt finished speaking, he took Broly to a room and explained the situation to him.

"We have to go see Fire Cloud Evil God first."

"How is this going?"

Broly asked.

"The CIA has been supporting the Ten Rings Gang, and their weapons are obtained through our channels. The CIA's plan was originally to use the Ten Rings Gang to contain the Taliban and the East, but they did not expect that they gave the United States a huge surprise. Now the director is very embarrassed , is desperately trying to cover up the cooperative relationship between the CIA and the Ten Rings Gang. As long as I help him solve this incident, I will be able to get a direct train to promotion."

Matt directly told what the CIA was doing. He is not afraid that Broly will leak the conversation between the two. Nowadays, various conspiracy theories are flying all over the United States. As long as there is no concrete evidence, it is not a problem for a behemoth like the CIA.

Obadiah alone cannot transport the weapons produced by Stark Industries to Afghanistan and deliver them to the hands of the Ten Rings Gang. Each link of this trade chain is very likely to encounter various complex problems, which require huge energy and power to complete its operation, and the CIA is an indispensable part of it.

"Fire Cloud Evil God cannot control everyone under his control."

After fleeing to Afghanistan, Huoyunxieshen chose to cooperate with the local Pashtun tribe in order to prevent the Ten Rings Gang from falling apart directly. These Pashtun tribes provide funds, manpower and fresh blood to the Ten Rings Gang, and the Ten Rings Gang provides high-end combat capabilities to the tribes to resist exploitation from the Taliban.

This method of cooperation was very successful. The Ten Rings Gang successfully took root in the unfamiliar land of Afghanistan and developed rapidly. Under the protection of the Ten Rings Gang, these tribes would not be squeezed and plundered by the Taliban.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. The organization of the Ten Commandments Gang is very loose. The only ones that Huoyun Evil God can really control are the more than ten directly affiliated bases. The other tribes follow the instructions but not the propaganda, and they are like princes.

"A leader of the Ten Rings Gang named Raza was bribed by Obadiah, but when he captured Tony Stark, he unexpectedly wanted to force Tony Stark to develop and produce weapons for him."

Raza obviously knows nothing about modern industrial assembly lines. Even the power supply in his cave requires diesel generators. His subordinates are all illiterate people who cannot read or write. Even if Tony Stark is strapped to the electric chair, there is no way to provide power. He conjured up a factory.

Without stable power supply, cutting-edge production equipment, well-trained production line workers, and high-quality management personnel, it is simply impossible to mass-produce modern weapons.

As an old monster who has lived from the late Qing Dynasty to the present, Fire Cloud Evil God naturally does not have such naive ideas. Instead, he attaches great importance to his relationship with the CIA.

He knew that without the support of the CIA, it would be impossible to compete with the East. He immediately executed the stupid Raza, then took control of Tony Stark, and ordered his tribe to abandon the base transfer when attacked by the US military.

Anyway, as long as it reaches an agreement with the CIA, the US military will return these bases to them.

"Originally, the negotiations were going very smoothly, and Tony Stark was about to be handed over to us." Matt gritted his teeth. It was he who led the negotiations: "But this inexplicable cat demon suddenly appeared and attacked the Ten Rings Gang crazily. Subordinate Pashtun tribe."

These tribes were very dissatisfied with Fire Cloud Evil God's execution of Raza, and they became even more dissatisfied after the appearance of the Cat Demon. They plotted to break away from the Ten Rings Gang on the grounds that Fire Cloud Evil God could no longer protect the tribe.

Naturally, Fire Cloud Evil God would not show mercy and executed the two tribal leaders. He also sent several disciples to look for the Cat Demon Man and took other heads to appease the remaining tribal leaders.

"Not long ago, Crocodile Taisui, a disciple of the Fire Cloud Evil God, died in the hands of the Cat Demon."

Matt's face was very solemn.

As a collaborator of the Ten Commandments Gang, the CIA naturally knew the strength of several disciples of Huoyun Evil God. Naturally, some of his disciples are stronger than Crocodile Tai Sui, but no one can easily kill Crocodile Tai Sui in the seventh level of the Golden Bell.

"Because warriors from the East appeared in Afghanistan, Fire Cloud Evil God could not directly take action to kill the Cat Demon. He used it as a bargaining chip in exchange for Tony Stark and gave us the task of dealing with the Cat Demon."

Although the CIA has great power, ordinary agents and soldiers can only die when facing the cat demon. Matt immediately thought of Broly. With the fighting prowess Broly showed in Mexico City, it shouldn't be difficult to take down the Cat Demon.

Broly struggled to keep his face straight. The more he listened, the more wrong he became. The cat demon in Matt's mouth was not himself. But it was obviously a bat armor, so why was it mistaken for a cat? !

This is an insult to his aesthetics and Cade Eagle's craftsmanship!

"Uh, do you have any photos of the cat demon?"

Matt shook his head.

"Not long ago, a Navy SEAL reconnaissance team witnessed the entire process of him killing Crocodile Tai Sui, but unfortunately, the photos they took were destroyed by the Cat Demon. Now the US military is already using software to draw the Cat Demon With their appearance, we will get their finished film soon."

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 58 Ten Commandments Gang Headquarters

Two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters were parked on the roof of the hotel. The blades roared, and the air flow almost blew away everything on the top floor. Several people got into the helicopter against the air current.

The spacious cabin of the helicopter could easily seat eleven people. Matt took Broly on one of them, while the remaining soldiers crowded into the other.

The helicopter began to climb, banked and turned over the hotel, and entered the target route. They are all seconded by the CIA from the 160th Aviation Combat Regiment. Experienced helicopter pilots never stay in one place for too long.

Matt took off an earphone from above the cabin, handed it to Broly, and took one himself to wear. The two turboshaft engines on the helicopter were so noisy that I could only communicate normally with headphones.

"What happened to Raditz in Ciudad Juárez?"

He took out a case of beer from the cabin, opened one, and handed it to Broly.

With Broly's deliberate indulgence, the Juárez video quickly went viral. The Internet has been torn, with some believing that the Green Goblin and Raditz are the same person, while others firmly believe that Superman and the Green Goblin are not the same person.

"A small character, a poor guy with weak qualifications, but I didn't expect him to actually pursue him to the earth."

Broly starts to show off his acting skills.

Even Matt, although he had already suspected it, couldn't help but be a little shocked after Broly's generous admission.

The combat power detection glasses that Broly brought out were not technology that humans could possess at all. His tail is also very strange. It was just that he had subconsciously regarded it as a mutation of a mutant.

"Why is he hunting you?"

Matt immediately asked, this is related to the diplomatic relations between Earth and Planet Vegeta, and he must ask clearly. When faced with Planet Vegeta, which has the ability to travel between stars, the Earth is undoubtedly on the weaker side.

"It's simple. I have a better talent than Prince Vegeta. King Vegeta was afraid that I would threaten his status, so he tried to kill me."

There are kings and princes. It seems that Planet Vegeta is a monarchy. Dealing with this kind of country is the most troublesome. Matt has a headache.

"Don't worry, I escaped from the Earth and I don't pose much of a threat to Prince Vegeta anymore. The Earth is a remote planet with poor resources. They will not waste time and invade on a large scale. At most, there is no such thing as Paradiz." How many potential warriors can come here and try to see if they can kill me."

Broly said.

"How is this Raditz's strength?"

Matt is doubtful, but at this stage he can only contact Broly and cannot verify the authenticity from Planet Vegeta or Raditz.

"Right now, Raditz's strength is about the same as mine, but he is already over fifty years old, and I am only twelve years old. It won't be long before I can surpass him."

Broly picked up his beer and took a sip.


Matt spit out all the beer he just drank.

"You're only twelve?!"

"As a fighting race, Saiyans spend a long period of time in their youth in order to fight. As a mutant, I will be larger when I become an adult, probably around two meters three."

Broly explained.

Matt nodded expressionlessly. When this mission is over, he will have to write a report. Moreover, he was even more determined to establish a good relationship with Broly, and his strength could become stronger. This was simply a very thick thigh, and he had to hold it tightly.

As for the task of verifying whether the information Broly said is true, it should be assigned to other CIA agents.

The helicopter flew for more than three hours before reaching its destination. Someone had cleared the ground and lit up the luminous device that guided the helicopter to land. Two helicopters landed slowly, and a group of soldiers from the Ten Rings Gang were already waiting there. Most of them are Pashtuns, and only the two leaders are Orientals.

One of them is bald and has a long gray beard. He is about sixty or seventy years old, but he has strong muscles and a strong spirit. Standing next to him was a beautiful young woman, with a curvy figure and no trace of her age.

"The old man is the eldest disciple of Fire Cloud Evil God, his name is Wang Xiuhong, and the woman is the fourth disciple, her name is Xu Mei."

Matt explained for Broly.

Several people from the CIA got off the helicopter, and the two helicopters flew away directly. They would pick up everyone from the CIA after negotiating and explaining.

"Welcome, Mr. Matt, Master is already waiting for you."

Wang Xiuhong stretched out his hand and shook Matt's hand. Before Matt was responsible for cleaning up drug trafficking organizations in Mexico for the CIA, he was responsible for the CIA's intelligence work in Afghanistan, so he knew the main figures of the Ten Rings Gang.

After he let go of Matt's hand, he focused on Broly.

"Who is this friend? He's very impressive."

Although Broly suppressed the energy in his body, Wang Xiuhong still saw that something was wrong. Although Qi can be suppressed, Wang Xiuhong's eyes were sharp and he could tell at a glance that Broly's physical characteristics showed that he was physically strong and had amazing boxing skills.

"Broly is the strong man we found to defeat the Cat Demon. I believe you have seen it on TV. He is the Green Goblin."

Wang Xiuhong's pupils shrank. He had seen the video in Mexico City. The Green Goblin is much stronger than him in terms of pure destructive power. Unexpectedly, such a troublesome person turned out to be someone from the CIA.

Did the Green Goblin come here to demonstrate to Master?

Wang Xiuhong's mind turned. The Tony Stark incident caused a crack in the relationship between the Ten Rings Gang and the CIA. It was normal for the CIA to have this idea. It seems that I need to remind the master to give this person a decisive blow and dampen the CIA's spirit. In this way, you will not fall behind in the subsequent negotiations.

Everyone got into the military truck prepared by the Ten Rings Gang. Everyone in the CIA was put on soundproof headphones and hoods. They could not see or hear any outside information. The journey was bumpy for more than two hours. Military The truck just stopped.

Taking off his hood and headphones, Broly found himself in a valley. The Ten Commandments Gang drew water from nowhere and built a huge artificial lake in the valley. The water was clear and lotus roots were planted everywhere. Green lotuses stand on the surface of the lake, and precious koi carps of various colors fly back and forth in the lake, chasing each other.

There are lush vegetation on the shore of the lake, with five steps to the first floor and ten steps to the pavilion. The waist of the corridor is unobstructed, and the eaves and teeth are high. Each one embraces the terrain and engages in intrigues. The Fire Cloud Evil God actually lived in this barren land and built a paradise.

All the Pashtun soldiers were left outside the valley. Wang Xiuhong used his internal power to drive a wooden boat and led everyone towards the wooden building where Huoyun Evil God was.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 59 The first battle

Jumping off the canoe, Broly stood on the grass and stared at the wooden building where the Fire Cloud Evil God was. This wooden building has carved beams and painted beams, and the details are extremely exquisite, but it does not become ordinary because of this. Instead, it is majestic and majestic, fully demonstrating the heroism of the owner who can swallow thousands of miles like a tiger.

Even across the wooden building, Broly could still feel that the owner of the wooden house was looking at him.

Personal character can affect Qi, and apart from a very few exercises and techniques, it is almost impossible to conceal it. Many martial arts have requirements for the cultivator's personality. If the personality is not compatible, the practice will only achieve half the result with half the effort, and in serious cases, it may even lead to obsession. Some weird martial arts can even change the personality of the warrior through Qi.

Broly is reading the Fire Cloud Evil God's energy. Fire Cloud Evil God is obviously a very domineering, self-centered, and even unscrupulous person. His energy showed this unbridled, like a black evil dragon, entangled on the wooden building, looking down at Broly.

Nearly a hundred years of practice have made Huoyun Evil God's Qi obscure and inexplicable, like an abyss. Broly was unable to judge how powerful the Fire Cloud Evil God was. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Broly began to tremble with excitement.

Do you feel your own weakness? Wang Xiuhong raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Broly sarcastically. On the way here, he informed his master in advance to give Broly a blow. These Americans are so naive that they really think that if they just find someone, they can compete with Master.

Even in Middle-earth, where strong men gather, there are only three people who can keep pace with the master.


Broly went straight into his rage form. Compared to when he was in Mexico City, he was a lot stronger. After entering the angry form, his improvement in strength was even more astonishing. His pupils turned directly to orange, and green energy burned like a flame on his body.

The ground beneath his feet was shaking violently. The water in the artificial lake was windless and the waves were shaking. The wooden boat on top of it was bouncing. The koi in the lake had sharper senses than humans. They gathered in a group and swam to the other side of the lake in fear. aside.

"How angry is this? What kind of martial arts is this?"

Wang Xiuhong, who was standing next to Broly, took a few steps back. This anger was much stronger than what he showed in Mexico City. If a fight broke out, he would not even be able to take ten moves, and he would be killed. Beat to death.

If the master's qi is extremely self-centered, then this guy's qi is extremely bellicose and extremely destructive.

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

Destructive energy quickly gathered between Broly's palms, as if there was a green sun held in his palms.

"not good!"

A cry of surprise came from the wooden building, and Wang Xiuhong jumped onto the wooden boat and fled with Matt and others.

"Is this what Alex calls going crazy? It's so terrifying, it's like a nightmare." Matt stared at Broly in stunned silence. The powerful and destructive energy directly oppressed his senses: "Hey! Hey! !Broly, please don't kill Fire Cloud Evil God."

Wang Xiuhong, an American who has never seen the world, shook his head:

"At this level, I'm not Master's opponent, but I'm already much stronger than the people from Middle-earth. I thought there wouldn't be anyone more talented than the two of them. Where did this person come from? of."

While they were talking, Broly had already blown the air out of his hand.

Kill the dragon and seek truth!

A figure instantly appeared in front of the green Qigong wave and kicked out a dragon-shaped force, directly kicking the Qigong wave into the air.


The Qigong wave exploded in the sky, almost dyeing the sky above the valley green, and the shock wave rolled up like a hurricane, rolling up all the lotus leaves on the artificial lake. If Wang Xiuhong and Xu Mei hadn't released their inner energy to resist, the wooden boat under their feet would have been capsized directly.

Fire Cloud Evil God appeared. He looked much younger than his disciple Wang Xiuhong. He looked like a strong man in his forties. He had a handsome face, black hair with a few white strands, thick eyebrows and hawk-like eyes, and a drooping beard. To the chest, he wears a black cloak, showing his majestic appearance.

He raised his head and glanced at the Qigong waves exploding in the air, his eyelids twitching. This was the first time he encountered such a random and simple and crude move. This move alone can not only destroy the wooden building, but even the mountain behind the wooden building.

If the Green Goblin is allowed to cause trouble here, all his jars and jars will be beaten to pieces.

When he thought of this, he raised his hand with one hand, and a majestic water column poured out from the artificial lake, pouring down towards Broly. Then the true energy circulated and turned into the extremely cold frost air.

Aoxue Lingshuang!

This move is a unique move among Tianshuang Fist, the top martial arts school in China, and it is also the most powerful move. There are four moves in one move: Standing proudly on the solitary peak, Searching for plum blossoms on the snowy ridge, Lingyun overwhelming the top, and Reflection on the frost river. The strange cold frost air used by the Fire Cloud Evil God can even freeze tsunamis instantly and freeze the surface of the river.

The strange frosty air instantly froze the lake and Broly into a giant piece of ice.

Fire Cloud Evil God introduces new things from the old, and when freezing his opponent, he can even use the frost energy to corrode his acupoints, making it impossible for the person to use his internal energy, and he can just sit back and watch himself being frozen to death.

"Is he dead? No!"

Fire Cloud Evil God discovered that Broly's Qi not only did not weaken, but was constantly getting stronger.


Broly directly cracked the ice, and the frost energy that invaded his body was directly forced out, leaving the ground in a mess. The green flames on his body surged and disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Fire Cloud Evil God, and slashed towards Fire Cloud Evil God's neck with a hand knife.

The Fire Cloud Evil God used a frost-cold stance to embrace the moon, holding the moon in defense, blocking the blow with his hand, and then used the cold energy to counterattack, trying to freeze the blood all over Broly's body with the frost energy.

The two of them exchanged dozens of moves in an instant.

Broly was hit by the Fire Cloud Evil God's heavy punches filled with frost energy, but he was only injured and the energy in his body became stronger and stronger.

"This person's Qi is directly transformed from the Qi and blood in his body. He does not follow the twelve regular meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians. No wonder sealing his acupoints with Tianshuang Qi has no effect. So how did he develop this body? He has almost endless Qi." The Fire Cloud Evil God had already used the Sky Frost Qi that blasted into Broly's body to find out his details, but he was even more confused: "And is he a giant beast from the wild? He hit me. With so many punches, there are no broken muscles or bones. Even if an ordinary person reaches the ninth level of the Golden Bell Shield, I will directly break the gong!"

Broly's figure suddenly flashed, and he took the initiative to distance himself from the Fire Cloud Evil God. He wanted to use his energy to get rid of the cold energy that was driven into his body by the Fire Cloud Evil God.

The clothes on his upper body had been beaten to pieces, revealing his strong body. After entering the angry state, although his IQ was directly cut in half, his martial arts talent occupied the high ground.

If this continues, the cold energy that penetrates into the body will invade the blood vessels. Even a Saiyan will lose part of his combat effectiveness if his blood is frozen and his blood vessels are blocked. If the ice condensed in the blood enters the heart, he may die directly.

His body is very powerful, but his internal organs are still vital, just like Goku will die of a heart attack. This penetrating cold was too much of a threat to him.

It would take time to come up with a method for this kind of martial arts, so he was going to delay it for a while.

The next moment, all the Qi in Broly's body gathered towards his palms, and soon, a ball of green Qi floated above his palms.

[Kamesenryu Martial Arts lv10: Manipulation Bomb, an energy bomb that can be operated and attacked repeatedly. As long as the user does not detonate it, it will not explode even if it hits an object, and the energy bomb can be controlled to change direction at will]

The battle with the Fire Cloud Evil God made the levels of all the martial arts he had mastered begin to soar.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 60 Immortality

Fire Cloud Evil God was very puzzled when he saw Broly condensing such a huge amount of energy. He has already practiced the Yijin Jing that he took from Shaolin to the Black Level Pagoda. After the success, he can communicate with the heaven and the earth. His true energy is inexhaustible and endless, but he will not rashly gather such a huge amount of energy.

It takes time to recuperate. Even if he has exhausted his true energy, it will take a stick of incense to replenish it. The three minutes after the inner energy is exhausted can be said to be the weakest moment.


Broly shouted, and fired the energy bombs towards the Fire Cloud Evil God. It flew extremely fast, and in an instant, it was close to the Fire Cloud Evil God.

Fire Cloud Evil God's Qigong was incredibly fast. He jumped up, avoided the flying Qi bombs, and attacked Broly. He changed to the door kick method again, using the fourth style of Fengshen Kick, which was vigorous and powerful. The strength was like thunder, and the legs were as fast as the wind. Before ordinary experts could see the shadow of the legs clearly, they would be filled with the strength of the legs and torn apart. body.

But when he saw that Broly was not dodging, and there was a strong wind coming from behind him, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He spun his body and caused the fifth style of Wind Sweeper in the Wind God's leg to change its shape.

The energy bomb passed through the position he was just in the next moment. If Huoyun Evil God hadn't been experienced in his body skills, he would have been hit by surprise.

"What a handsome kung fu, it seems to be a method similar to sword control. Unfortunately, although this martial art has excellent intentions, it is too crude. You can't use the magic weapon, activate the sword, and just control such a ball of energy. There is no threat to me."

Even though Fire Cloud Evil God said this, he still coveted the energy that Broly used. One of his greatest enemies is Mu Yingxiong, who is known as the Sword Master in Middle-earth. Back then, he was defeated by Mu Yingxiong's sword-wielding skills. After being injured, he was rounded up by the entire Middle-earth martial arts community. He had to flee to Afghanistan to recuperate, try to take revenge, and make a comeback.

Although the method used by Broly is crude, it seems that it can give a glimpse into the secrets of sword control, and it may not even be possible to create a sword control technique through it.

Thinking of this, Fire Cloud Evil God suddenly used his dragon claw hand to grab the incoming Qi bomb, and then used the Star Absorbing Technique to dissolve the highly condensed Qi.

Broly's Qi was extremely overbearing, and he didn't want to inhale it into his body and conflict with his Yi Jin Jing skill.

"My little friend, after fighting in this situation, I believe you have lost all your internal strength, so why not go to my world pavilion to talk about it."

In the view of Fire Cloud Evil God, since Broly didn't cultivate his acupoints and meridians, he must be exhausted after consuming so much energy. He already had the upper hand, so why not give Broly a step up and the two sides sit down and start negotiating.


He responded with a roar. Instead of weakening, Broly's energy became stronger, as if there was a nuclear-powered furnace inside his body that would never go out.

The Qi on his body no longer burned like a flame, but instead acted like a membrane, covering his body.

"Come again!"

Broly's face was filled with an expression of eagerness to try. In his angry state, he was extremely belligerent, but he couldn't bear to stop like this.

The martial arts of Kamesen-ryu are very different from the martial arts spread in China, and the theories of martial arts are completely different. Even with Broly's martial arts talent, he couldn't learn the Golden Bell in just one battle without any foundation. But he still used Qi to imitate the Qi inside the Golden Bell in such a short period of time.

Although it cannot protect the whole body like the Qi inside the Golden Bell Shield, only a few shields are left, and the Qi consumed is simply terrifying, it is enough to block the cold power of the Fire Cloud Evil God that invades the flesh and corrodes the bones.


The ground beneath his feet collapsed instantly, and the figure appeared in front of Fire Cloud Evil God. A punch hit the face of Fire Cloud Evil God, and the bursting air in his fist was like a volcano erupting and magma bursting out.

Even the Fire Cloud Evil God did not dare to ignore the opponent's punch. He once again used the frost-cold holding-the-moon stance in the Tianshuang Fist, trying to use the cold energy to restrain his opponent before trying to counterattack.

But Broly ignored the coldness that spread along his arm and raised his other hand into a knife, slashing it like a fire cloud evil god.

"not good!"

Fire Cloud Evil God felt that all the cold energy emitted by him was blocked by a layer of extremely tough air film. He quickly changed his moves and used a cloud-dispelling palm to tear away the sky and dispel clouds. It was so powerful that it hit the incoming attack. On the palm knife.


There was a thunderbolt, and Broly was knocked dozens of meters into the air by the repulsed palm force. The land under Huoyun Evil God's feet was like dozens of landmines exploding, with mud waves rolling in.

"What a strong force!"

Fire Cloud Evil God's palms trembled slightly. Once the Yi Jing Jin is practiced to the black level of Pagoda, it can be reborn, which is comparable to the undefeated golden body at the 12th level of the Golden Bell. Broly's qi technique is crude, but his ability to use qi to exert force and his own strength are very powerful. The strength of this palm was astonishing, weighing hundreds of tons.

If he hadn't practiced Yi Jing Jin, he would have been seriously injured if he was careless.

Previously, Broly needed to reserve his energy to resist the frost energy that invaded his body, and was unable to use his energy to increase his strength. Now that he has the energy membrane, he can finally use his energy unscrupulously.

"In that case, I'm going to compete with you to see whose palm power is stronger!"

Fire Cloud Evil God was also aroused by Broly. With a roar, he rose from the ground and attacked Broly in the air.

Kanglong has regrets!

A dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and the Fire Cloud Evil God sent out a dragon-shaped force that was more than ten feet long. Broly's pupils shrank, he stretched out his hands and took the palm forcefully.


All the power in this Gang Qi hit him, knocking him directly from the air to the ground.


The falling figure like a meteor bombarded the ground with a crater with a diameter of tens of meters. In the flying dust, there was a golden dragon shadow beating endlessly, with a long remaining energy.

"Oops, the master didn't hold back, this man will definitely die."

Wang Xiuhong used his claws to tear apart the surging waves, complaining secretly. The CIA's master died here, and it's hard to end it now. Matt and the others sitting on the boat were so suppressed by the power that they could not even speak.

Just as he was thinking crazily, two sounds of "Boom! Boom!" suddenly rang out from the smoke, and two green air bombs roared out and hit the Fire Cloud Evil God in the air.

Then Broly's figure came out of the fog, shooting straight into the air like a powerful arrow.

"Is this man immortal?"

Wang Xiuhong was stunned.

Two powerful figures collided fiercely in the air. Fire Cloud Evil God stabilized Broly's head, and from time to time blasted Broly away with strong palm force, but Broly kept standing up again as if he would not be hurt. Launch a counterattack.

Even the Fire Cloud Evil God did not dare to accept his attack easily.

"What kind of monster is this man? He has two broken ribs and a cracked arm bone, but his fighting power is getting stronger and stronger, as if he was not injured at all."

When the battle reached this point, Huoyun Evil God also felt that the situation was out of his control.

Chapter 61 Star Tribulation


The Fire Cloud Evil God used his powerful internal force to activate the fourth move in his Cloud Expelling Palm. His palm movement was like a mountain and river toppling over, and he collided with Broly's fist.


The fierce collision between the two almost shook the clouds in the air, and the sound was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, spreading in all directions.

"If we continue to fight like this, although we can defeat this person, the fighting will be too loud. This long-standing foundation will inevitably be known to those old enemies, and we may suffer some injuries. We can only use the sword, and quickly This beast is defeated."

Fire Cloud Evil God made up his mind, and suddenly cast Xieyun Wuding. The yin and yang changes in his palm movements caused Broly to reveal his flaw, and then hit his side with another palm, knocking him out of the deep pit. .

"Here comes the sword!"

He stretched out his hand and shouted.

Wang Xuanzhe, the second disciple of Fire Cloud Evil God, was originally in Tianxia Pavilion. When his master fought with Broly, he took several fellow disciples to use their skills to protect Tianxia Pavilion. He carried a huge sword box on his back, densely wrapped with talismans and ink threads. After hearing his master's order, he was stunned for a moment, but he still used his inner strength to break open the ink lines and open the sword box.

An extremely terrifying and extremely depressing evil wave centered on the sword box and spread in all directions.

Several disciples of the Fire Cloud Evil God were able to resist with difficulty using their internal strength, but Matt and the others were directly captured by the evil object in the box. They lost consciousness and wanted to jump off the canoe and swim towards the evil object.

Wang Xiuhong instantly knocked them out, but his expression was extremely ugly.

"I didn't expect that Master would reach the point of using the Star Tribulation."

He did not expect that just by asking Master to give the CIA people a blow, the situation would develop to such an unmanageable point.

In ancient times, there was a god and a demon. The god was Yuanshi Tianzun, and the demon was Yuanzu Tianmo. The two fought against each other. The Yuanzu Heavenly Demon was tied up outside the sky by Yuanshi Tianzun with a giant Xuantian net, but the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon would not be willing to be trapped, so he broke open a gap in the skynet and threw ten magic beads into the human world.

These ten magic beads each had their own destiny, and turned into ten magic weapons that were powerful enough to reach heaven and earth.

In order to seize the secrets of martial arts, Fire Cloud Evil God once destroyed a family that had been passed down for thousands of years, and found a magic weapon in the family's forbidden area.

This demonic soldier is called Xingxu Jie.

The Demon Soldier has self-awareness, and if its power is not blocked, it will lure weak-willed people to hold it around and start killing. The sword is long and slender, with six orbs inlaid on the hilt. The front and back are marked with the words twelve hours. The sharp blade is also divided into twelve sections, just like the human spine, extremely sharp.

The Star Tribulation can not only increase the sword master's internal strength by a huge amount and create a sword that destroys the world, but it can also control the flow of time within three feet of the sword master.

After the Fire Cloud Evil God obtained this magic weapon, it was hard to find an opponent in the world, causing a bloody storm in the Middle Earth.

Wang Xuanzhe practiced Xuan Bing Jin and could bewitch the demon weapon, so Huoyun Evil God entrusted him with this demon weapon for safekeeping. At this time, he was closest to the demonic soldiers and bore the brunt of them. Although he used his inner strength to calm his mind, he still had distracting thoughts.

With a shock of inner energy, Xingxujie soared into the sky, and was held in the hand of Fire Cloud Evil God. Without any hesitation, he slashed out a sword, then threw Xingxujie down and sealed it in the sword box.

Cut through the air with one sword!

The sword was extremely fast, like a meteor, piercing through Broly's chest and abdomen.

The Fire Cloud Evil God's sword was to subdue Broly, and he had no intention of taking his life. He has already seen that Broly has a low IQ and will lose his mind very easily once he is caught in a battle. He is simply a natural weapon. As long as he finds a way to control it, Mu Yingxiong will definitely not be his opponent with the combined efforts.

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

The moment Fire Cloud Evil God held the sword, Broly's pupils shrunk to small points, and his combat instincts were warning frantically. He exploded with all his strength in the shortest possible time, blasting out Qigong waves.


Jian Gang directly cut through the qigong wave, and Broly's qigong wave with all his strength only delayed him for less than a second. He clasped his hands together and firmly held the sword in his hands.


The sword gang pressed against his body, directly dividing the entire artificial lake into two halves, and then blasted into the mountain, shattering layers of rocks, and was finally buried by the rubble.

"He didn't let Jian Gang penetrate his body, but directly withstood all the power of Jian Gang. With his eyesight, he should be able to see that what Jian Gang was pointing at was not a vital point at all."

Fire Cloud Evil God fell to the ground.

"Dig him out of the mountain. This sword shouldn't be able to kill him."

He ordered his disciples.

Nie Zheng was hiding in a cave in Afghanistan. During this period, he relied on his miraculous light skills to explore most of the possible hiding places of the Fire Cloud Evil God, but unfortunately he found nothing.

The fact that Fire Cloud Evil God has been able to survive for so long obviously has something unique about him.

"Senior sister, after all this time, we still haven't found Fire Cloud Evil God. We can only wait for the Americans to force him out."

His senior sister Bu Qingyun is a fair-skinned beauty with short hair. She carries a long black sword on her back and has an expressionless face as cold as ice. Only a tear mole in the corner of her eye added a touch of softness to her.

"If the Fire Cloud Evil God were at a critical moment, he would never stand up for the tribes he had gathered and would only abandon them decisively. When he was in Middle-earth, he only took away a few close disciples, and other foundations All left behind."

Bu Qingyun had already carefully checked all the information about Fire Cloud Evil God.

"If we haven't gained anything after seven days, we can only join up with others and try to find the location of Fire Cloud Evil God through that magic stick."

This time, the Divine Spear Bureau sent nine masters into Afghanistan, trying to take advantage of the conflict between the Ten Rings Gang and the US military to kill the Fire Cloud Evil God.

At this moment, both of their weapons began to tremble violently. The Xueyin Crazy Sword released a frightening cold energy, and the other peerless sword released a series of strong or soft, curved or straight sword energy, leaving complex sword marks on the rock wall.

The two looked at each other.

"This is a sign of the birth of a demon soldier, a star calamity!"

The reason why the Divine Spear Bureau is so persistent in arresting the Fire Cloud Evil God is that the bloody evil deeds he committed are only secondary. The most important thing is the Demon Soldier Xingxu Tribulation.

The ten magic weapons are the key to the Yuanzu Heavenly Demon's escape. Six of them are already under the custody of the Divine Spear Bureau, and four are wandering outside. Three of them are missing, and only the Star Tribulation is confirmed to be under the control of the Fire Cloud Evil God. in hand.

If this demonic soldier falls into the hands of someone with ulterior motives, the demonic soldier will always be aroused by evil thoughts, obsessed with breaking the Xuantian giant net and releasing the Yuanzu demon.

Even if only a small opening is opened in Xuantian's giant net, the ancestral demonic energy that escapes from it will cause catastrophe on the earth. The Divine Spear Bureau will never allow this to happen.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 62 Tony Stark

Matt finally meets Tony Stark, who has been kidnapped by the Ten Rings. He looked okay and had obviously not suffered much abuse.

"What is this?"

Matt asked, pointing to the electromagnet on Tony Stark's chest and the battery in his hand.

"This is a life-support device. There are many tiny shrapnel in his blood circulation system. If it weren't for this electromagnet, these shrapnel would have entered the heart and killed him instantly."

Ethan explained, standing next to Tony Stark.

The Pashtun tribe had earlier kidnapped another scientist named Ethan. It's a pity that they are illiterate and don't know that Ethan is just a medical scientist. Although he is famous, he doesn't know how to make weapons.

Tony Stark was very lucky. If it weren't for Ethan's existence, he would have died in obscurity in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Matt couldn't accept Tony Stark in this state at all.

"Is there any way to remove the remaining shrapnel? How can he appear in front of the public when he has to carry a battery all the time?"

Tony Stark is one of the totems in the eyes of all Americans, and they cannot accept that the totem turns into a freak who cannot do without batteries.

"Don't worry, friend of the CIA, I have a way to solve this embarrassing situation. I just need you to provide me with some materials." Tony Stark was very calm on the contrary. During the period when he was kidnapped by the Ten Rings Gang, he was deeply troubled. This arrogant playboy was profoundly changed.

"I need welding equipment, either acetylene or propane spray welding, a welding station, a helmet and goggles, a crucible, and two sets of confidential tools. In addition, various steel materials. The most important thing is palladium, at least ten grams ."

Matt raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips, and looked at Tony Stark seriously.

"What do you want these for, Mr. Stark?"

Tony Stark pointed to the huge car battery and said.

"This battery is just a reduced version of the battery. It's very small. If it's hidden under clothes, no one will know that Tony Stark is a person who needs electromagnets to survive. As for what's left, it's just a power-assisted machine for the disabled. Because of his injuries, I need machinery to move around freely."

Matt was silent for a moment.

"I can prepare these for you, but Mr. Stark, I still hope you can understand what kind of terrifying monsters the people who kidnapped you are. You just need to wait quietly for us to complete the transaction and bring you back to the United States. "

After witnessing the earth-shattering battle between Broly and the Fire Cloud Evil God, the world view he had formed in the past was almost shattered.

After checking Tony Stark's body and confirming that there was nothing serious except that he needed to hang an electromagnet, Matt breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were many twists and turns during the process, things were still on the right track.

That cat demon is definitely no match for Broly.

"It turns out that my little friend is not a native of Earth, but a visitor from outer space. No wonder the boxing techniques used are so completely different."

Fire Cloud Evil God let out bursts of hearty laughter, without any trace of the ruthlessness of his previous attack. For a hero like him, changing his face is just a piece of cake.

Broly opened his chest. There were extremely ferocious sword marks on his body. The flesh rolled up and his entire chest was sliced diagonally. But he looked like he didn't take the fatal injury seriously. He held a pig's head in his hand and gnawed it wildly.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for overfulfilling the second main mission. You have demonstrated the terror of the Saiyans in Mexico and Afghanistan, and made the top powerhouse on the earth, Fire Cloud Evil God, afraid. Your reputation is among the Matt Group, CIA and the Ten Rings Gang. It is widely circulated among them! Earn 120 revival points and get the Frieza Legion medical cabin]

[Main Mission 3: With a colony, the terrifying legend of Saiyans has begun to spread on this planet. Please officially establish the kingdom of Saiyans on Earth! ]

When he saw the third main mission, Broly's eyes just went dark and he could only put it aside for now. Now there are only two Saiyans on the entire earth, taking the lead to build a country. But Frieza's Legion medical bay was a huge surprise.

The Qi in the Dragon Ball world has no healing effect, or the healing effect is very poor. Injuries can only be healed slowly through the body's recovery ability. In this battle with the Fire Cloud Evil God, Broly had three broken ribs, bone cracks all over his body, and his chest was almost cut open.

Although he has added some points to his physique, his recovery ability is much stronger than that of ordinary people. However, these injuries require complete recovery, which may take at least half a year, and may even leave sequelae.

Although Frieza's Legion medical cabin is not as magical as fairy beans and can instantly recover from injuries, it is still very advanced medical technology. Vegeta was beaten to the brink of death by Champo and lost consciousness, but recovered in less than thirty minutes.

His injuries will heal in a short time as long as he lies in the medical cabin.

"My little friend, I am very interested in your technique of controlling air bombs. I am willing to offer you a martial arts in exchange. I wonder if you are willing."

Fire Cloud Evil God picked up the tea cup and asked calmly.


Broly put down the pig's head and agreed without hesitation. He has been coveting the golden bell cover for a long time, and it would be a surprise if he could get it with a gas bomb.

Fire Cloud Evil God was convinced, and Broly agreed, which saved him a lot of effort. But even if he disagrees, Huoyun Evil God is still confident that he can win that skill. He was seriously injured and his strength was reduced to less than 30%, so he was not allowed to be manipulated by himself.

However, he still needed to rely on Broly's power to resist the warriors from Zhongzhou, so he was cowardly and did not reveal his true colors.

"Haha, I traveled across Zhongzhou back then and was invincible. I collected the martial arts from most of the sects and families in Middle-earth and hid them in the Tianxia Pavilion. If you are willing to exchange them, I will let you choose the martial arts in the Tianxia Pavilion."

Broly's eyes lit up.

"I wonder what kind of martial arts you practice, old man?"

Fire Cloud Evil God laughed, not showing any displeasure at Broly's address.

"I have practiced Yi Jin Jing, one of the four magical skills of Shaolin. Unfortunately, this magical skill has its own miraculous powers. It can be understood on the cliff at the back of the Shaolin Temple, so I cannot pass it on to you."

"But there are several magical arts in the Tianxia Pavilion that are not weaker than the Yi Jin Jing, namely the Jiuxiao Zhenjing, the Nine-turn True Martial God's Gang, the Nine-Yang Magical Art and the Three-Point Gui Yuan Qi. Most of these martial arts require careful study of Taoist and Buddhist principles. Being able to get started requires extremely high talent, and even a few of my disciples can't get in. I'm an outsider, so I'm afraid it's easy for me to waste my opportunity. I've got magical skills but can't get started."

Fire Cloud Evil God explained, but the corners of his mouth turned up.

"If you don't believe me, little friend, I can also get the Nine Heavens Manual and let you have a look at it. Then you will know that I am not tricking you."

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 63 Nine Transformations of True Martial Arts

Fire Cloud Evil God took Broly to the Scripture Depository Pavilion. In the middle of the empty attic was a huge copper cauldron, and wisps of incense floated out from the copper cauldron.

Even Broly felt a sense of peace after smelling the incense for the first time.

Surrounding the bronze tripod are rows of huge bookshelves, on which are neatly placed the martial arts secrets that Huoyun Evil God had stolen. Fire Cloud Evil God picked up the Nine Heavens Manual that he had taken out from the secret room and handed it to Broly generously.

"The Nine Heavens Sutra is divided into nine orifices and nine chapters. Each orifice is its own chapter. Once you practice eight orifices and eight chapters, you can be called a peerless master. It is difficult to find an opponent in the world. It is a pity that no one has created this skill in the world. Zhang Sanfeng, no one has yet practiced the Nine Heavens Sutra to the nine-chapter perfection state. Even the Wudang sect has very few people who practice this technique."

Broly took the Nine Heavens Manual and found that it was a manuscript, densely packed with fly-sized regular scripts and inscriptions written in cinnabar.

"The original name of Fu Qi is fetal breath. The fetal breath is like a baby in the womb. It does not eat for ten months, but it can grow up and achieve success. It receives righteous energy for the new life. It has no thought and no thought. It is still and quiet. It receives the changes of vitality and joints. , internal organs are all formed naturally, how can there be preparation for hunger and thirst like Chuanbao! As soon as it comes out of the mother's womb, it absorbs external air and makes a crying sound, that is, dryness, wetness, hunger, and fullness, which seems to have thoughts, and then loses vitality. . A person can rely on the baby, in the mother's womb, to subdue the inner Qi and hold it firmly. This is called fetal breath."

Broly was dizzy after reading the first article, and he even didn't recognize some words at all. After flipping through the pages, he found complex Taoist terms such as lead yellow flower, five essences Yin flower, white green, etc., which made him even more confused.

Putting down the Nine Heavens Manual, Broly was already sure that this was a martial art he couldn't practice. He also looked at the Nine Sun Magic Technique and the Three-Point Return to Yuan Qi, and found that they were both similar, requiring practitioners to have a profound accumulation of martial arts.

"Hahaha, little friend, don't be depressed, there are still two magical skills, you will definitely be able to practice them."

As he spoke, he felt angry and took down two wooden boxes from the bookshelf. Opening the wooden box, I saw twelve golden scrolls neatly placed in one of the boxes, while in the other wooden box was a roll of animal skin.

"What is in this wooden box is the Golden Bell Magic Kung Fu. After practicing it, you will become a vajra indestructible body. My sixth disciple, Crocodile Tai Sui, practiced this Kung Fu. His mind is not very bright, but he still reached the seventh level. It's a pity that he died in the hands of the cat demon."

"This roll of animal skin was taken from Wudang. After Master Sanfeng created the Nine Heavens Manual, he lamented that this martial arts was too difficult and tried to create another martial arts that even people with dull qualifications could practice. He thought hard for ten years. But he found nothing. Until one day, he discovered ancient relics in a hidden cave in Wudang Mountain. The relics were suspected to be the fragments of the rumored Eighty-nine Mysterious Gong, but unfortunately only Jiguang Pianyu and Sanfeng remained. The real person is a scholar of heaven and earth, and created this magical skill - the Nine-turn True Martial God Gang with only the fragments."

Broly first opened the scroll of the golden bell and found that it was also densely written with words, but it was much shallower than the Nine Heavens Manual. The Nine-turn True Martial God's Gang on the animal skin is much simpler. There are only eighty-one human body movement diagrams drawn on it. The movement diagrams are marked with breath-guided routes, and are supplemented by a small amount of text description, which is similar to a comic strip.

"It seems that my friend has made a decision." Fire Cloud Evil God put away the box containing the golden bell: "I have kept a copy, and I have given the original version of the Nine Revolutions of True Martial God Gang to my friend."

"Master uses the soul-moving technique to induce people outside the sky to choose the Nine Transformations True Martial Arts. Is there some mystery behind this martial art?"

Wang Xiuhong asked with some confusion.

Fire Cloud Evil God did not fully trust the disciples under him and was very defensive. Even Wang Xiuhong, the eldest disciple, did not know how many martial arts the master had collected and the details of these martial arts.

"No one has ever mastered this Nine-level True Martial Arts. Master Sanfeng only reached the sixth level and was unable to continue."

Huo Yun Evil God did not believe in evil when he was young and strong. He once practiced this martial art, but he only practiced it to the fourth level, then abandoned his Gang Qi and stopped practicing it.

The Nine-turn True Martial God Gang is a martial art that can sanctify the body. Each level has its own magical effect. Changing tendons and marrow is just ordinary. After practicing it, even if you are unlucky, you can still resist the magic weapon with your bare hands, and you can still practice it. The divine power, which is indestructible and indestructible, is not like the magical power of the golden bell. It is indestructible but lacks the means to defeat the enemy.

But its biggest flaw is that the amount of Qi required to practice Zhenwu Shengang is simply vast.

When practicing the Nine-turn True Martial God Gang, Fire Cloud Evil God had already practiced the Yijin Meridian to the sixth week. Each meridian point can independently store Qi and generate energy. It can penetrate the body for three feet on its own, and control Qi to hurt people invisible. But he had reached the fourth level of the Nine-turn True Martial God's Gang, and the energy he generated every day was put into the Nine-turn True Martial God's Gang, but it was still only a drop in the bucket.

After his judgment, it would take twenty years of hard work to cultivate the fifth level of Taoism.

"This martial art requires about thirty-six masters whose skills are comparable to mine to break through to the seventh level. Broly will definitely make rapid progress after starting to practice. The Nine-turn True Martial God's Gang is so mysterious that he can't bear it. Stay. With his skill, he can only reach the fourth level at most. By then it will be too late to regret, and his strength will only stagnate, and he will never be my opponent."

The Yijin Jing has miraculous healing effects and can also protect the meridians. Huoyun Xieshen reluctantly succeeded in destroying the Gangqi, but he also suffered a lot.

"This Saiyan from outside the world is simply a natural martial arts seed. Even if he does not cultivate his internal strength and relies solely on flesh and blood, he can still have such powerful energy. As long as he learns a little basic internal strength, he will definitely be able to overwhelm me. Even if he uses it, It's hard to resist the star calamity, how could I let this happen?"

Fire Cloud Evil God said in a gloomy voice.

"This Broly looks careless, but in fact he is extremely cautious. He even refused to use our wound medicine, so I didn't give him the chance to give him the Leopard Ti Yijin Pill. This time I directly used the Nine Revolutions Zhenwu Shengang I gave him the original. This animal skin is the skin of an ancient python. He must have thought that I couldn't do anything on it and could practice in peace. But he didn't expect that he just fell into my trap."

Broly was in a hurry to go back and use Frieza's Legion medical cabin to heal his injuries, but the Fire Cloud Evil God recognized that he was treacherous and didn't believe him, so he didn't let Broly choose. He secretly changed the golden bell cover in the healing chapter and replaced it with nine. Turn into the true martial arts god.

After the healing chapter has been changed, although this golden bell can still be practiced, it will only leave hidden wounds and damage the body. On the surface, there is no difference, but the more you practice, the more serious your body's deficiencies will be. When you reach the eighth level of practice, your Qi pulse will surge, your flesh and blood will collapse, and you will die.

Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 64 Medical Cabin

On the Black Hawk helicopter, medics were cleaning and disinfecting Broly's wounds. He stopped the medic from bandaging his wounds.

"No need, there is a medical cabin. It only takes me about twenty days to recover from this kind of injury."

Matt, who was standing beside him, thought that the spaceship Broly was on was parked on the earth.

"During this period, we will work with the US military to search for traces of the Cat Demon. As long as he appears again, it will be impossible to escape our sight. Twenty days is enough for us to dig three feet into the ground to find him."

Broly nodded with a dull expression. He didn't dare to make other expressions for fear that Matt would notice something strange.

"Don't worry, as long as you can find him, I can break his neck with one hand."

After arriving at the Kandahar Hotel, Broly left quietly, rode a somersault cloud in a remote alley, crossed the Mediterranean, Africa and the Atlantic Ocean, and returned to his farm in Texas.

Frieza's Legion medical module is huge and requires power supply. Once it is taken out of the system, it cannot be taken back, so Broly plans to return to the farm and install it at home.

At this time, the farm had a completely new look. All the corn and soybeans originally planted on the land had been cleared away, and even the land had been leveled. The orchard that had been neglected became lush and green again, and the vegetable garden was neatly planted with rows of various vegetables.

Cade Eagle purchased more than a hundred strong Angus cattle from farmers he knew, and the killers were massaging the cattle in the pasture.

He was driving a rented agricultural plane and was flying back and forth on the flat land, sowing alfalfa seeds. These are the new alfalfa first developed by Monsanto. Their protein content exceeds 28% and they are one of the best feeds.

The seeds had almost been sown on the plane. Cade was preparing to return and land when the fuselage suddenly sank, and then there was a knocking sound on the top of the cabin. He turned his head and looked, and the first thing he saw was a The hideous wounds, the skin and flesh rolled up.


His hand shook violently, and the plane was suddenly pulled up, then stalled and entered a tail spin, choosing to fall to the ground. Broly hurriedly grabbed the plane, controlled it, and then used air dancing to slowly fall down and place it on the ground.

"Cade, you are so cowardly."

Broly laughed as he watched Cade climb out of the plane shivering.

"Anyone, anyone who encounters the situation I was in just now, would have the same reaction. And Boss, what's the matter with the wounds on your body?"

Cade looked at the ferocious sword marks on Broly's chest with a worried look on his face. He didn't know anyone could hurt Broly to this extent.

The violent exercise just now caused the wounds on Broly's body to bleed again.

"It doesn't matter, I just met a troublesome guy. Where is Kakarot?"

Broly asked.

"Miss Kakarot is massaging the cows. She has killed three cows in the past few days."

Cade couldn't help complaining. He believed that Kakarot wanted to eat beef and deliberately pushed the cow to death.

"Her strength has improved a lot." Broly said with a smile: "Then let's install the medical cabin first, so that she won't worry when she sees my wounds."

"Medical bay?"

Cade and Kakarot now live in the villa left by the original rancher. Here you can monitor the killers nearby, and the house is the best in the entire farm.

The original owner of the ranch was a business owner in Austin. He regarded the ranch as a place to relax in his spare time, so he spent a lot of effort on it. The villa is not a quick-detachable and quick-assembly wooden structure like other farms, but is made of reinforced concrete. It covers an area of more than 300 bungalows and has three floors.

Labor is extremely expensive in the United States. Whether it is mixing concrete or precast steel bars, it requires a lot of manpower. The construction cost of this villa made of reinforced concrete is astonishing.

Moreover, when property taxes are levied, the tax is not only related to the cost of building the house, but also includes the cost of demolishing the house. Reinforced concrete houses that are difficult and expensive to demolish will only be built by the truly rich.

"Do you really have to choose to put it in the toilet?"

Broly scratched his head.

"The most suitable places are the toilet and the balcony. The deconstruction of this medical cabin is somewhat similar to that of a washing machine. After the treatment is completed, the culture fluid needs to be drained. If it is not installed in a place with drainage holes, the viscous culture fluid will be It will bleed everywhere and be difficult to clean."

Cade picked up the instructions for the medical cabin and explained. Although he couldn't understand the text on the instruction manual, he could barely guess the installation method based on the structural diagram.

"Think about it from another perspective. After the treatment is completed, you can take a shower right away. Isn't it very convenient?"

Broly rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

"It's not unreasonable"

The medical cabin was finally installed in the toilet on the third floor. Fortunately, the rooms in the villa are very large. After the huge medical cabin was installed, the toilet did not become particularly crowded.

Unfortunately, although the medical cabin was obtained, the culture fluid was not free. One treatment required three barrels of culture fluid, each with fifteen revival points.

After exchanging three barrels of culture fluid, Broly lay down in the medical cabin, put on a breathing mask, and allowed the viscous culture fluid to slowly engulf his body.

The burning pain that originally came from the wound was immediately relieved by a cool breath. Under the stimulation of the culture fluid and the electromagnetic waves of the medical cabin, not only the wounds, but also the broken ribs and bone fractures all over the body were healing quickly.

Soon, the hideous wound on the chest healed without leaving any scars, and the broken ribs also grew back.

It felt like his body had healed, but Broly was worried about the forty-five points and stayed in the medical cabin for an hour before coming out. Opening the medical hatch, he took off his tattered clothes and washed himself under the shower.

[The host recovers after being severely injured and is rewarded with two attribute points]

A notification popped up in the field of vision. In the Dragon Ball universe, after the Saiyans are resurrected from the near-death, their energy is greatly improved. Because of the rules of the universe, the improvement was changed from Qi to attribute points. As a legendary Super Saiyan, his energy will automatically become stronger with age, and attribute points are more practical.

Forty-five points are exchanged for two attribute points. The price is not cheap. Broly completed two main quests and only received 240 revival points.

Having already added physical fitness and intelligence last time, he added these two attribute points to agility and perception.

Because attribute points increase exponentially, every attribute point can bring about qualitative changes.

As soon as he clicked on it, Broly felt a weak current passing through his body, and the passage of time seemed to slow down. He could clearly see every drop of water sprayed from the shower head, and their trajectory. Violent deformation occurs under the action of air resistance and gravity, and it breaks into the shape of water mist after dripping onto the skin.

This is because Broly's neurotransmission has become faster, and the effect is so immediate.

The improvement in perception made his skin seem to be thinner. Even if he closed his eyes, he could judge the position of the water droplet through the disturbance of air flow and accurately hold it in his hand.

If he fights against the Fire Cloud Evil God again, it will not be that easy for him to hit him again.