
Slowly, a sliver of orange light flickers to life. As it shines brighter, it is made out to be an eye of some sort of humanoid android. Once the brightness of the eye has grown to full life, it begins to assess the situation it is currently in. Its memory is damaged, so it ejects a memory card from the back of its head and switches to a built-in storage system.

"Where is this? Where am I?"

After a bit of examining surroundings, the robot soon realizes it is inside a small spaceship- a quite broken down and old one too. Shredded metal and broken glass glitter the floor, overgrown plant life and the light of a sunset enters from windows, and flowering vines hang from jagged holes made in the roof of the ship.

"Perhaps a crash could have made this big of a mess." The android thinks to itself.

Upon learning where it is located, the android begins scouring its memory for who it is. It does not take long for the android to understand that it has completely forgotten who it is, and what it was made for. With no goals or objectives, the android begins to slowly drift into sleep again; after all, a robot with no purpose has no reason to stay awake. Then, just before falling into sleep something catches its eye. On the wall of the spaceship only a few yards away is an ocean blue lever. Above the lever is a dimly lit glass screen with text and some sort of graphic.

The android begins to get up from its sitting position with the goal of walking over to inspect the screen with closer detail. It immediately falls onto its chest.

"Did my movement procedures get damaged as well as my memory card?" the android wonders in surprise.

Without another thought, it gets right back up on both legs, and staggers around holding its left arm above its right trying to keep balance. After a few minutes of practicing with trial and error, the android almost perfectly masters the art of walking.

After becoming accustomed to walking, the android walks over to the screen and inspects it.

"Cryo-pod… Life support critical condition… 46816 day count… Due expiration in -96 days?"

The android does not take long to realize that the blue lever is probably used to open the cryo-pod, as shown on the screen's graphics. Without a second of hesitation the android pulls the lever, and a crack appears within the walls of the ship just beneath the lever. The crack grows and soon, a sleek metal casket begins to extend itself outwards.

Large amounts of vapor swiftly blasts out, and upon looking into the metal casket, the android sees a human figure.