
"What? It's me Sora! I'm not your enemy! Look!" Sora shouts with a panicked tone.

Tia puts her finger on the trigger. Sora flicks his head back, and a ray of scorching light flies right past his face just grazing his cheek.

"Tia! TIA! I'M NOT YOUR ENEMY!" Sora yells while scrambling to get his balance back.

Tia's eyes begin to flicker back to orange.

"24-4 23 24 2-23 confirmed targets, 0 remain." Tia says in a struggling voice.

"Sora? What have I done?!"

Tia rapidly maneuvers through the bodies of bandits and through the front door. Sora is on the ground holding his cheek.

"I will fix this, stay still Sora." Tia says with dread.

She kneels down and places her hand on Sora's injury. Her hand begins to freeze, and serves as ice for the burn on Sora's cheek.

"Thanks… Tia…" Sora says slowly as his eyes begin to close. His body becomes limp and he drifts into sleep.

Sora wakes up in an orange space with no gravity.

"Where is this?" He asks himself as his eyes dart around. What he is met with is just pure orange. Nothing more, nothing less.

After a bit of floating around with nothing in sight, Sora's right pocket begins to flash with white light.

"Huh? What's that?"

Sora looks down and reaches into his pocket. Something that feels familiar is held within his pocket and Sora pulls it out. It is the fried chip from the spaceship containing Ria's memory.

Then Sora hears something as he holds the chip in his hand.

"Av… E…"

"Ave… Me…"

"Save… Me…"

After hearing that, everything goes black and all the air leaves his lungs. Sora gags for air and squeezes his eyes in an attempt to stop the feeling of suffocation. The Sora begins to shake. Or is someone shaking him?

"Are you okay?" Tia asks while shaking him awake.

Sora then opens his eyelids. He is met with the two curious eyes of Tia staring down, right at his face.

"Oh, uh I just had an interesting dream."

"Dream? That does not explain while you were choking and shaking." Tia says confusedly.

Sora gets up and dusts himself off.

"Was I really doing that? I'm not sure anything like that happened in my dream."

Sora then puts his hand into his pocket. The memory chip is still inside of it. He sighs in relief. After taking a few stretches and walking around for a bit, Sora quickly realizes that he has no idea where he is.

"By the way, what is this place?" Sora asks.

Tia stands up.

"I saw that the bandits from last night had a spaceship, I thought that it would be a waste to let it just rust into scrap." Tia responds.

Sora looks around. The walls and ceiling of the room are made of metal and the floor is covered in petrified wood tiling. Not only this, but there is also lots of home decor and utilities drilled in.

Something in particular piques Sora's interest. He speed walks over to it, and examines with sparkling eyes. It is a refrigerator. After staring for a few more seconds, he grabs the handle and swings it open. A blast of cold air and enchanting beauty hits Sora instantly. Diverse food and drink fill the multiple layers contained within the refrigerator.

"Can I eat some?" Sora asks with uncontainable happiness in his voice.

"Yes, It is better for me to get energy from the sun instead of food so it is all yours." Tia replies.

With that, Sora snatches a bottle of 'Bluemelon juice' and guzzles it down. He then grabs a bag of 'Tarko chips' and pops it open. The chips have a scent of potato and steak combined with flavorful seasonings. While munching down on them, Sora begins talking.

"So, what do you want to do now? [Munch] I'm up for doing pretty much anything."

Tia thinks for a bit.

"I think that it would be beneficial for us to get some money to sustain this spaceship. We also need money for your dietary needs, as this refrigerator will not last forever."

Sora closes the refrigerator and looks back at Tia.

"Sounds like a pretty good plan to me!"

Tia then walks to the front cockpit and flips the spaceship's on switch. After the ship is fully up and running, she enters directions to a nearby space station. The spaceship's audio speakers begin to play.

"On route for… Central Space Station Mk3. Estimated hyperdrive destination time is 6 minutes."

The spaceship begins to rumble, and Sora walks to the cockpit to see what is going on.

"Oh wow this cockpit is really high quality, I would have never expected bandits to have something so nice!" Sora says with a bit of surprise.

The speakers of the spaceship begin to play again.

"Activating hyperdrive. Please hold onto your surroundings."

With that, the windows of the spaceship cockpit go white, and Sora is just barely able to grab the cockpit door frame to keep himself from flying into the back of the spaceship. Sora laughs as Tia grabs his arm to keep him from flying off.

After a few minutes the white disappears from the windows of the cockpit and Tia along with Sora are met with a view of the biggest Space station they could have ever imagined. Even bigger than whole planets.

"This is… Really something else." Sora remarks.

"I agree…" Tia says.

Just then, the spaceship speakers begin to play static.

"Bzzzzzzzt– Hello, this is the C.S.S Mk3 Police. Please do not resist our security forces or we will open fire on your ship, I repeat, we will open fire on your ship. You are wanted for 143 crimes against the C.S.S."