This Is a Mental Illness

The girl got out of the car with her bag, closing the door with a loud 'Bang!'.

"He's quite handsome, but he's not gentlemanly at all." The girl's lively eyes sized Wen Xu up. "Haven't you heard of 'ladies first'?"

Wen Xu was shocked by the girl's unreasonable logic. He was stunned for two seconds before he sneered. 

"Gentleman? Who the hell would be a gentleman to a woman like you?!" 

"What about me? I'm just parking normally, what's wrong with me?" 

The girl was obviously angry too. "What kind of woman am I? You better make yourself clear!"

Wen Xu couldn't be bothered to talk nonsense with her. "Are you moving the car or not?" 

"I won't!" The girl put her hands on her waist and didn't show any weakness. "This parking space is public. You've been occupying it for a long time and you're blocking the way, and you still have the face to blame others?" 

Wen Xu was really angry today.