Five Years Later, Face to Face

Since she did not know how long this journey would take, Sang Qianqian packed two full suitcases of clothes. 

Wen Xu helped her drag her luggage, and Sang Qianqian went to open the door. Yun Li called her at this time. 

"I'm in a hurry to go to the airport. No, I'm not on a business trip."

Sang Qianqian was truly anxious. "I don't have time to explain it to you now. I'll tell you in detail another day."

She hung up the phone and opened the door. 

Outside the door, Shen Hanyu's face was extremely dark as he looked at her coldly. 

Sang Qianqian trembled in fear and slammed the door shut. 

No, no, she must've opened the door the wrong way. How could Shen Hanyu be outside her door? 

"Sister, what's wrong?" Wen Xu was dragging his suitcase with his head down and didn't notice the door. 

"No, nothing." 

Sang Qianqian sighed silently and opened the door again.