Wait a Minute!

Sang Qianqian couldn't understand why Shen Hanyu stared at her like that. She felt uneasy. However, she was too embarrassed to ask Shen Hanyu.

After all, he had already promised to give her what she wanted the most, hadn't he?

In the future, they would be two parallel lines that would never cross each other, with no connection between them.

Watching the car drive away, Guo Muyang sighed. "Hanyu, are you just going to let Miss Sang go? Why didn't you tell her that for the past five years, you've..."

Shen Hanyu looked away and said in a calm tone, "She's doing very well now."

In a world without him, she had a good life. Therefore, there was no need to say a lot of things.

During the Qingming Festival, in front of Sang Qianqian's grave, he had asked this question in his heart. Now, he had the answer.

In fact, he might've misunderstood Sang Qianqian. She might not even have liked him for a short period of time.