One Had to Feel Sparks Before One Could Like a Person

The rainy night was slightly cold, and the two of them were standing together under an umbrella, so they were a little too close.

Sang Qianqian could clearly feel the man's body temperature and aura, and she moved to the side uncomfortably.

Shen Hanyu saw the girl's movements, slanting the umbrella to the side without a sound.

If one were to look from behind, the umbrella would be tilted toward Sang Qianqian. Shen Hanyu's shoulder was drenched by the rain, but he didn't seem to care.

The car wasn't parked too far away, so Shen Hanyu opened the passenger door for her.

Sang Qianqian pursed her lips. "I'll sit in the back."

It seemed that some people would care a lot about the passenger seat.