Walking in the Rain

"I saw him coming out of the backstage with bruises all over his face. He looked terrible, so I chased after him and asked him what happened. He ignored me and drove away." Director Xue couldn't properly explain what had happened.

A bloody nose and swollen face? Who did he fight with?

Sang Qianqian immediately dialed Wen Xu's number. The call went through, but no one picked up.

Her heart sank.

It was the first time in so many years that Wen Xu didn't answer her call.

Sang Qianqian didn't hesitate and dialed Yun Li's phone. "Yun Li, are you off work? Director Xue just said that Wen Xu is injured and can't be contacted by phone. Can you go to my apartment and check on him?"

Yun Li was a financial reporter for a magazine in Yuecheng. According to her usual working hours, she should've gotten off work at this time.