Is This Exciting Enough?

When Sang Qianqian went downstairs, she found that Rong Yi was still there. The teenager reclined in the car, playing games in boredom.

When he saw Sang Qianqian, he put away his phone and smiled. "Are you done? I'll send you home."

Sang Qianqian was also in awe of children nowadays. "Rong Yi, did I tell you all those things earlier in vain?"

"It doesn't matter what you say. I also want to go for a ride."

Rong Yi opened the door for her. "Let's go, Miss Sang."

Just as Sang Qianqian was about to reject him, she heard footsteps behind her. The man's calm voice said, "Sang Qianqian."

Sang Qianqian didn't need to turn around to know that it was Shen Hanyu.

She was also puzzled. By right, after each acupuncture session, he should be deep asleep. So how did he wake up so quickly?

Shen Hanyu glanced at Rong Yi coldly. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just about to send Miss Sang back."