Shen Hanyu’s Heartlessness

A moment later, an even more miserable cry sounded. Long Junzhe rolled on the ground in pain, blood flowing out of his tightly-shut eyes.

His screams were really frightening. Guo Muyang pushed open the door and got out of the car. He walked over to Long Junzhe and squatted down in front of him, sighing.

"Long Junzhe, five years ago, I advised you to stop your shameful hobby. I didn't expect that not only did you not listen, but you also went from bad to worse."

Long Junzhe's expression changed when he heard the voice. His soul was torn apart. Even the pain of losing his eyes wasn't as intense as the fear in his heart.

"No, it wasn't me..."

The extreme fear made Long Junzhe so scared that he couldn't speak. He endured the pain and said, "It was... It was Wen Hao who sent her to me..."

"He dared to send her to you, and you dared to take her?"