I’ve Endured Kissing You Until Now

Sang Qianqian couldn't understand why her brother would suddenly act poor. However, she had never interfered in his matters. Even her father could not interfere.

"When will you come to Ming City?"

"Tomorrow night,"

Sang Minglang still had some work to settle. "Where do you stay in Ming City? Are you staying in the school's apartment building?"

Sang Qianqian stammered for a while before saying, "No, I just moved into a friend's house. There's no one living there for the time being..."

"That's great. Lend me your apartment."

"Brother, my place, well, it caught fire a few days ago. I can't live there anymore..."


Sang Minglang took in a deep breath, "Are you alright? Why was there a fire? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when you get there."