His Name Is Xie Shi’an

In a rather quiet restaurant, Sang Qianqian and Ruan Xiaoshuang sat opposite each other.

Sang Qianqian apologized carefully, "Sister Xiaoshuang, I'm sorry. My brother isn't usually like this. Although he has a bad temper, he is still quite gentlemanly in front of girls. He has never said vulgarities. I don't know why he took the wrong medicine today..."

Ruan Xiaoshuang's eyes were still red, but she tried to smile. "I know, he wasn't like this before."

"Then you and my brother..."

"I'm the one who let your brother down first," Ruan Xiaoshuang said sadly. She was once Sang Minglang's schoolmate, two years younger than him.

Young men and women in foreign countries met by chance and fell in love with each other. At the peak of their love, the two even thought of getting married.