Don’t Come Over(1)

Sang Qianqian was slightly stunned. She was willing to be with Shen Hanyu, but getting married...

Dating was easy, but marriage was something undoubtedly more serious. They would be entrusting their entire lives and lending a hand to each other until they grew old together.

Sang Qianqian was willing to be Shen Hanyu's girlfriend, but she had no intention of getting married yet. To her, marriage seemed to be a little far away.

The words that she wanted to say were on the tip of her tongue.

Looking into Shen Hanyu's eyes, Sang Qianqian could not say a word.

"Shen Hanyu, why didn't you try to get a girlfriend in the past five years?"

Sang Qianqian glanced at him and changed the topic.

With a girlfriend, he might've been able to help himself walk out of his past obsessions. He wouldn't have been troubled by insomnia and headaches for so long.

"I didn't want to," Shen Hanyu said lightly.