Their Eternal Love Was Like the Endless Starlight

Sang Qianqian woke up in a cold sweat. It was dark outside the window, and it was only two in the morning.

The scene in the dream replayed in her mind over and over again. It was impossible for her to fall asleep any more.

What happened in the dream? Why did Shen Hanyu change his attitude toward her? Why was he so sad about her death?

If it wasn't Shen Hanyu, then who was the one who caused the tragedy in the dream?

Sang Qianqian had many questions in her heart, but none of them could be answered. Perhaps she could only get a rough idea when he dreamed again.

Having not slept well for two consecutive nights, Sang Qianqian's eye bags were a little heavy.

Shen Hanyu came to pick her up at night. He could tell that something was wrong with her. "Why do you look so tired? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Sang Qianqian shook her head. "I just didn't sleep well these past two days."

"Are you still thinking about Ding Aojia?"